
  • Both Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 feature protagonists with voices inside their heads, creating unique and intriguing connections.
  • In Cyberpunk 2077, the protagonist has Johnny Silverhand in their head, while in Baldur's Gate 3, it's the mindflayer known as The Emperor.
  • Players can roleplay the voice inside their heads in both games, with Cyberpunk 2077 allowing players to find and wear Johnny Silverhand's items, and Baldur's Gate 3 featuring items belonging to The Emperor/Balduran.

SPOILERS for Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 Ahead

Despite being completely opposite games in terms of aesthetics and style, there are quite a few similarities between Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077. The most obvious of which is that both protagonists have a voice inside their head, but it actually goes much deeper than that and in surprising, seemingly unique, but albeit similar ways. In Cyberpunk 2077 after a heist gone wrong, V inserts a relic inside their head. It can't be removed and contains Johnny Silverhand, with the two working together (swimmingly or begrudgingly) as they are dying. Only one of them can come out of the situation alive.

In Baldur's Gate 3, the protagonist has an Illithid tadpole in their head and is bound to turn into a Mindflayer at any time, should the Absolute call for it. Protecting them is the voice inside their head, a mindflayer known as The Emperor. Whereas the Relic directly puts Silverhand into V's head, the tadpole is circumstantial and the Emperor isn't exactly in the protagonist's head, but it's very similar. Yet, the strangest thing about the connection between the BG3 protagonist and the Emperor, as well as Johnny and V, is that players can essentially roleplay the voice inside their heads.

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BG3 and Cyberpunk 2077: Roleplaying the Voice Inside Your Head

bg3 emperor-1

There's a questline in Cyberpunk 2077 where players retrieve the various items of Johnny Silverhand, wearing everything he used to wear in life and even getting his car. Strewn across Night City, players can find Johnny's Tank Top, Johnny's Aviators, Johnny's Samurai Jacket, Johnny's personal gun, Johnny's pants, and Johnny's shoes. Ignoring how all of these articles of clothing have even lasted this long, players can dawn it all and look just like Johnny Silverhand, while playing as V who has Johnny in their head. It's a pretty unique thing, but one that BG3 largely emulates too.

Beyond the possibility of becoming a Mindflayer at the end of Baldur's Gate 3, players can find many items that belonged to The Emperor in the titular city. Under the Elfsong Tavern, players can find The Emperor's Sword, as well as his Cerebral Citadel Armor and his Ceberal Citadel Gloves. Moving on, players will eventually come face to face with Ansur, an ancient Wyrm, who reveals The Emperor was actually Balduran (founder of the city) prior to his transformation. Before or after fighting Ansur in Baldur's Gate 3, players can claim Balduran's Helm. It's a bit odd all put together, but just like Johnny Silverhand, it's even possible to sort of "roleplay" Balduran/The Emperor.

  • Balduran's Helm
    • Balduran's Vitality: The helmet heals you 2 hit points every turn.
    • Balduran's Favour: You have a + 1 bonus to AC and Saving Throws.
    • Stun Immunity.
    • Wearer is immune to Crits.
  • The Emperor's Sword
    • +2 Longsword 1D10 (1D8) + STR + 2
    • Shapeshifter Slayer: deals 1D4 additional damage to shapeshifters/polymorphed creatures
    • Magical Durability: +2 to Saving Throws vs. Spells
  • Cerebral Citadel Armor
    • 18 AC (No Dex Bonus)
    • Disadvantage on Stealth Checks
    • Wearer is immune to Frightened
    • Illithid Protection: If infested with a mindflayer tadpole, gain +1 to INT, WIS, and CHA Saving Throws.
  • Cerebral Citadel Gloves
    • +1 to STR Saving Throws
    • Illithid Euphoria: Charming or Frightening a creature gives the wearer +1D4 bonus to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws

The incredibly well-reviewed Baldur's Gate 3 and Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty have been some of the biggest releases of the past few months, with the first title launching to a standing ovation and the latter receiving high praise as its redemption arc comes full circle. The similarities were likely not intentional and by no means an issue, but it's still an interesting facet of two completely different games. Cyberpunk and medieval fantasy are not exactly kindred spirits, but it's interesting to see how similar plot points can be explained through technology and magic.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available now on PC and PS5, with an Xbox version in development.

MORE: Baldur's Gate 3: Svartlebee's Wounderseek is a Great Alternative to the Everburn Blade, But There's a Catch