
  • Baldur's Gate 3 features a variety of rare and legendary weapons, such as the versatile shortsword Crimson Mischief.
  • Crimson Mischief is a legendary shortsword with flexible abilities, making it perfect for rogues and various dual-wielding combinations.
  • The game's potential future DLC could benefit from including more weapons with the multifaceted properties of Crimson Mischief to encourage diverse dual-wielding styles.

True to its Dungeons and Dragons origins, Baldur's Gate 3 features a variety of rare and legendary weapons for players to wield. These range from sun-god-blessed maces to hell-cursed halberds to the fabled sword of Balduran himself. Among these weapons, the shortsword Crimson Mischief stands apart for its flexible abilities that change depending on how it is wielded. Hypothetical future DLC for Baldur's Gate 3 would benefit from including more weapons with Crimson Mischief's versatile properties.

Crimson Mischief Stats & Abilities


Crimson Mischief is a Legendary Shortsword which players can obtain after defeating Orin the Red, the Chosen of Bhaal. It is dropped alongside Bloodthirst, a Legendary Dagger also owned by Orin. Both Crimson Mischief and Bloodthirst are Light weapons, meaning that they can be dual-wielded and can serve as either Main hand or Offhand weapons.

Crimson Mischief Stats

  • Enchantment: +2
  • Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing +1d4 Necrotic
  • Ability: Prey Upon The Weak - Deals 1d4 additional Piercing damage to targets with less than 50% HP
  • Main Hand Ability: Redvein Savagery - Deals 7 additional Piercing damage when attacks are made with Advantage
  • Offhand Ability:Crimson Weapon - Adds Ability modifier to attacks made with offhand weapon
  • Properties: Light, Finesse

Crimson Mischief Is Perfect For Many Builds

Baldurs Gate 3 Best Builds Thief Rogue Character Creation

Crimson Mischief's amazing Main Hand ability makes it the perfect choice for BG3 Rogues (such as the party's initial Rogue, Astarion) as they often intend make Attacks with Advantage due to their Sneak Attack Ability. It also makes it a natural duo with Orin's other weapon, Bloodthirst, which adds the Advantage-granting cantrip True Strike to its wielder's arsenal. However, players are also encouraged to experiment with other weapon combinations aside from the classic Crimson Mischief and Bloodthirst pair.

Crimson Mischief Main Hand Pairings

When Crimson Mischief is wielded in the main hand, it can work with several other daggers and short swords. For example, the dagger Promise and shortsword Shadow Blade give Advantage against Lightly or Heavily Obscured targets, making it easier to activate Redvein Savagery. Rhapsody, dropped by the boss Cazador Szarr, grants bonuses to Attack Rolls and damage after killing foes, something that characters wielding a weapon as powerful as Crimson Mischief are likely to do. Finally, the Shortsword Render of Mind and Body deals 1-8 Psychic Damage to foes whenever attacks are made with Advantage.

Crimson Mischief Offhand Pairings

Because Crimson Mischief's offhand ability is so powerful, it pairs well with almost any main hand Light weapon. Of course, its natural pairing is Bloodthirst, which, when wielded in the main hand, gives enemies vulnerability to Piercing damage. The scimitar Thorn Blade is another great option, as it allows the wielder to cast Ensnaring Strike and hold their opponents in place to deliver more punishing dual attacks. Alternately, Murderous Cut is a dagger that will let players double up on the Prey Upon the Weak ability for lots of extra damage.

DLC Should Add More Dual Effect Weapons


Currently, although there are dozens of Light melee weapons in Baldur's Gate 3, very few have different abilities when wielded in the main or the offhand. Crimson Mischief and Bloodthirst are the only examples in the game at this time, although there are a small handful of weapons, such as the dagger Cold Snap, that have offhand-only abilities. Potential DLC for this game could add new weapons with varied effects to encourage players to try out a variety of dual-wielding styles. Alternately, certain non-Light weapons could be granted new abilities when dual wielded, making the Dual Wielding feat even more interesting.

So far, no DLC for Baldur's Gate 3 has been announced, although developer Larian Studios is still working to release new patches and fix existing bugs. It is definitely possible that DLC for this game could feature new weapons that are as unique and powerful as the Crimson Mischief and Bloodthirst pair.