
  • Feats critical in Baldur's Gate 3 for Sorcerers, choose wisely or face hindrance
  • Sorcerers excel with Actor, Spell Sniper, Ritual Caster feats for versatility & power
  • Alert, Dungeon Delver, Lucky feats offer game-changing advantages for Sorcerers

Baldur's Gate 3 has a total of 41 feats brought over from Dungeons and Dragons' fifth edition, and picking which one to provide the maximum benefits is a daunting choice. Each feat will grant powerful abilities and boons, but the wrong feat can be a serious hindrance. Feats are extremely significant in Baldur's Gate 3 compared to Dungeons and Dragons, with some players opting to forego feats entirely, but that is not a mistake players should make in Baldur's Gate 3.

Baldur's Gate 3: Most Important Characters, Ranked

Some characters in Baldur's Gate 3 hold greater importance over others, whether that's their vast knowledge or destructive power.

Across the course of the game, there will be opportunities to gain a new feat at levels four, eight, and twelve, and picking the right feat is no easy task. With such a large collection of feats to pick from, it's easy to become paralyzed by indecision. Playing as a Sorcerer, there are some fantastic feats available that will turn players into a powerhouse. Here are some of the best feats in Baldur's Gate 3 for Sorcerers.

Updated May 15, 2024, by Hamza Haq: Every time players are offered the choice of a feat or an ability score improvement at level up, the temptation to go ASI is always strong. Sorcerers scale from Charisma, and choosing a feat over Charisma is only ever on the cards if the player has a definite build in mind. Of course, players are also free to experiment, considering how cheap and accessible respecs are in BG3. 200 Gold is a small price to pay to get to know the ins and outs of every available choice.

11 Actor

Improve A Sorcerer's Soft Skills

Baldur's Gate 3 Dragonborn Sorcerer
  • +1 Charisma; Expertise in Deception and Performance

Sorcerers are known for their charisma, which just so happens to be their spellcasting ability. With a high charisma comes an easier time persuading, deceiving, intimidating, and even performing, so it's not uncommon for players to try to persuade or con themselves in or out of a situation.

The Actor feat grants a small bonus to the Charisma skill, increasing the ability score by one, and granting proficiency in both Deception and Performance checks. If this wasn't enough, the proficiency bonus is doubled for Deception and Performance checks, turning a Sorcerer into one crafty actor who can talk themselves out of a pinch.

10 Spell Sniper

Hit Harder And More Often

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  • Hit Criticals on Attack Roll Cantrips by rolling 19 (instead of 20).

Managing spell slots as a caster in Baldur's Gate 3 can be a difficult task, so players often find themselves relying on Cantrips in lower-stake fights. The Spell Sniper feat allows players to learn 1 additional Cantrip, and reduces the 20 that is usually needed to roll to get a critical hit by one.

Whilst this may seem small at first, it effectively doubles the chances of landing a critical hit on foes. When firing off Cantrips, particularly as a twinned spell using a Sorcerer's metamagic, this boon comes in useful pretty frequently. This also stacks with any other effects that lower the critical hit threshold, making this an excellent feat to learn to hit harder.

9 Ritual Caster

Expand Spell Knowledge And Save Spell Slots

Baldur's Gate 3 Wizard
  • Learn 2 out of 6 Ritual Spells

One of the biggest drawbacks of a Sorcerer is the limited number of spells known. Across the course of the game, a Sorcerer can learn up to 13 spells, not including the 5 Cantrips characters will eventually learn by level 12.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Level 1 Spells, Ranked

First-level spells in Baldur's Gate 3 may not be as powerful as higher-level spells, but that doesn't mean that they aren't useful.

The Ritual Caster feat allows players to learn two ritual spells from a list that includes Disguise Self, Enhance Leap, Find Familiar, Longstrider, Speak with Animals, and Speak with Dead. What's more, if the spells learned from this feat are cast outside of combat, they won't use up a precious spell slot, making this a great feat to expand an already limited resource pool.

8 Tough

A Tidy Boost Of HP For Weaker Characters

  • +2 HP per level (applies retroactively)

Tough is a feat often found on martial characters, but it is not to be underestimated when it comes to Sorcerers. Unfortunately, Sorcerers are some of the squishiest characters in the game, and they can't suit up in armor to soften the blow.

Whilst it may seem an unorthodox feat, Tough will increase a Sorcerer's maximum hit points by 2 for every level gained, adding another 24 hit points by level 12. This can represent a significant increase to a Sorcerer's hit points and will help keep them fighting in even the most brutal of battles. Though, at earlier levels, it might feel a little underwhelming, Tough is a great feat to take in the later stages of gameplay.

7 Alert

A Boost To Initiative

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  • +5 to Initiative; Immunity to Surprised

Every time players enter a combat scenario in Baldur’s Gate 3, a background roll is triggered by the game using the formula ‘1d4 + DEX Modifier’ for every combatant that’s part of the combat. So if a character has a perfect roll on the four-sided die and has a DEX of 20, their final score for initiative will be 9, making it extremely likely to go first. Characters with the Alert feat will get a +5 bonus on top of the roll, giving them a gigantic boost to initiative.

With this much of a leg up, it makes it extremely likely that a character with Alert will go before anyone else. For Sorcerers, this is an incredible advantage because of the way Metamagic works. Unlike Wizards, Sorcerers can frontload a lot of their damage in a single turn, allowing them to cast two Fireballs (three, if they’re Hasted) in a single turn. And if the Sorcerer gets to go before the enemies, they can fully take advantage of their ability to destroy clumped-up enemies using AoE damage.

6 Dungeon Delver

Detect Hidden Objects Better

shadowheart baldurs gate 3
  • Advantage on Perception Checks against hidden items; Advantage on Saving Throws against traps; Resistance against traps.

One of the worst feelings in BG3 is when the whole party simultaneously fails a perception check while exploring a new area, prompting a good many players to reload from an earlier save just to see what it was that they missed. Dungeon Delver solves that problem by doubling the chance that a character with this feat will succeed in their Perception checks.

Dungeon Delver achieves this by giving characters Advantage on all Perception checks to detect hidden objects - even the ones outside of a Dungeon - allowing them to roll two dice and take the higher roll any time they come across something hidden in a dungeon. Not only that but Dungeon Delver also heavily counters traps by offering an advantage on saving throws when a trap gets triggered and reducing the damage taken through resistance if even that saving throw fails.

5 Magic Initiate

Expand A Sorcerer's Limited Spell Pool

Baldur's Gate 3 Bard and Paladin Multiclass
  • Learn two Cantrips and one Level 1 Spell.

Magic Initiate is another feat that will add to a Sorcerer's limited spell pool. It grants two additional Cantrips and a 1st level spell. Players can choose which class spell list they wish to learn from.

The spells will, however, have to use the spellcasting ability for whichever class is selected, meaning Magic Initiate: Sorcerer, Warlock, and Bard are the best bets as a Sorcerer. This is a great feat to take early on, as it can provide a much-needed expansion of spells known, and even allow players to branch into areas that might not typically be available as a Sorcerer.

4 Elemental Adept

Overcome Enemy Resistance With Ease

Baldur's Gate 3, Fire Myrmidon
  • Ignore Resistances to one element (out of six); Spells of selected element cannot roll a Nat 1.

It can be extremely frustrating to build a character with a specific element in mind, only to face off against an enemy resistant to that damage type. Elemental Adept allows a Sorcerer's spells to ignore enemy resistance to a damage type of their choice.

It can overcome resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage, making spells hit harder against stronger enemies. Moreover, when casting a spell of the damage type chosen, it is impossible to roll a critical miss, meaning that not only will a Sorcerer's spells hit harder, but they'll also hit more frequently.

3 Ability Improvements

Improve Key Character Abilities

Baldur's Gate 3 dice with a Shar aesthetic
  • Gain +2 free ability score points.

This is perhaps the most basic, and even underrated feat, but it can provide some of the biggest improvements for a Sorcerer. As a Sorcerer, perhaps the most important ability will be Charisma, which will be used for spell attack rolls and spell save difficulty, and Constitution, which is important for maintaining concentration in the midst of battle.

Ability score improvements can be used to increase two skills by one point, or one skill by two points, to a maximum of 20. This is a great feat to take early on, particularly to get a Sorcerer's Charisma to 20. Whilst it doesn't provide benefits as flashy as other feats, this is one of the best ways to increase a Sorcerer's power very quickly.

2 War Caster

Maintain Concentration On Key Spells

baldur's gate 3 dark urge
  • Advantage on Concertration saving throws; Can cast Shocking Grasp as an Attack of Opportunity

War Caster is arguably one of the most powerful feats that a spellcaster can learn. It grants advantage on concentration saving throws, meaning any enemy trying to break a Banishment, Polymorph or Telekinesis is going to have a much harder time. It also grants spellcasters a neat twist on opportunity attacks, allowing them to cast Shocking Grasp as a reaction whenever a target moves out of melee range.

Baldur's Gate 3: Hardest Bosses In The Game

Baldur's Gate 3 has some scarily challenging boss fights. For these threats, players should be prepared and have their tactics honed.

Typically, opportunity attacks aren't particularly useful for spellcasters, who will usually not be carrying a fearsome weapon, but War Caster allows players to potentially nullify an enemy's reactions, making them a much easier target for the rest of the party.

1 Lucky

Turn Heavy Hits Into Weak Nudges, Or A Critical Miss Into A Killing Blow

Baldur's Gate 3: the character is casting a spell
  • Gain 3 Luck Points; Recharges on long rest.

Whilst Lucky is a feat that any class would benefit greatly from, Sorcerers will find immense value in taking this feat, particularly Wild Magic Sorcerers. This feat grants the player 3 luck points, which can be spent to gain advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, or saving throws. It can even force an enemy to re-roll their attack.

This is an extremely powerful feat, as whilst it functions like a reaction, it doesn't use the reaction resource, which means this can work in conjunction with the Wild Magic Sorcerer's 'Bend Luck' ability. The Lucky feat can turn a devastating blow into an embarrassing miss, or allow the party to drive the final nail in the coffin for any tedious foes.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios