
  • Shadowheart's sharp wit and casual flirtation make her the most romanced character in Baldur's Gate 3, but she also has a fierce and resolute side.
  • Shadowheart has powerful and impactful lines that complement her personal arc, as well as tongue-in-cheek jokes that showcase her sense of humor.
  • Her memorable lines reflect her devotion to Shar, her love for night orchids, and her desire to move away from darkness and embrace a brighter future.

Shadowheart quickly became the most romanced character in Baldur's Gate 3. This may be in part down to her sharp wit and casual flirtation, which make up some of her best lines. But, she has more to say than simply teasing the player's character. She is a fierce and resolute person, and her lines often support this character.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Biggest RevealsBut, she also has some seriously impactful lines to complement her profound personal arc, and some tongue-in-cheek jokes to remind players that she's not all shadow and no heart. For all the Shadowheart fans who want to celebrate the cleric's wit, these are some of her best lines in Baldur's Gate 3.

10 "Let's See What Comfort We Can Offer A Grieving Mother"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

Players may be familiar with Shadowheart's act three date where she takes her lover swimming, but the date is a little more sinister if she is still deep in her Shar worship. Admittedly, it comes from a place of love - wanting the party to have Shar's blessing before they face the Absolute. Shadowheart takes her lover to a nearby statue of Selune.

She still has a vial of Dame Aylin's blood after killing her in act two, and pours it all over the statue. That's when she delivers this line, as powerful as it is severe. For those who are into a more evil Shadowheart, this line is sure to cause chills.

9 "Why Must The Dead Three Be So Obvious And Ugly With Their Decor?"

Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart in Studded Leather Armour

A complete change of tone, this line demonstrates Shadowheart's more jokey side, even if she is still being critical. If Shadowheart turns away from Shar's worship, she can have this conversation with Gale when they first enter the Temple of Bhaal.

She complains about the needlessly gorey decor, claiming that even Shar had 'panache.' It's an amusing little conversation while the players explore that really encapsulates Shadowheart's sense of humor and sees her starting to move on from Shar.

8 "Everyone Has To Suffer - It's A Fact Of Life"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart On Nautiloid

This is one of Shadowheart's more profound lines. It's a shame that she uses its message to justify her worship of Shar, an evil goddess whose followers believe in the sanctity of suffering, loss, and darkness.

Despite that little caveat, it's a pretty meaningful message and speaks to a lot of Shadowheart's personal arc, as well as the plot of Baldur's Gate 3 as a whole. There is a lot of suffering in the game, and it's fair to say that Shadowheart takes a large brunt of it, but it's a part of the story and the wonder of the game.

7 "You Can't Just Stick Your Hand In Every Strange Hole You Come Across"

Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart

A hilarious line from Shadowheart, this is also pretty good advice in general. This line is a little uncommon. Shadowheart will say it if she is in the party when players can find the crack in the wall in Moonrise Towers in act two. Players get the option to reach into the hole to examine what's inside.

What's inside happens to be a fleshly tentacle that allows players to have a conversation with the Absolute. Once that's out of the way and the player character safely removes their hand, this is Shadowheart's comment. She does love her innuendos.

6 "You Mean I'd Get To Prove You Wrong And Thrash You? I Love It"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

As mentioned, Shadowheart can be a very fierce character towards people she gets on with, let alone those she doesn't. As someone who receives a lot of Shadowheart's vitriol, Lae'zel the githyanki companion character, is often on the receiving end of her sharp tongue.

RELATED: Baldur's Gate 3: Best Character Endings, RankedWhile most people would react to a challenge to a duel at dawn with some apprehension, this is all Shadowheart has to say for herself. It's a very cool line at Lae'zel's expense, although the situation can quickly get out of hand without the player's intervention.

5 "You Can't Cast A Shadow Without Some Light"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

While this may sound like a dorky quote posted on an Instagram caption, there's something very sweet, endearing, and profound about the way Shadowheart delivers this line. When confronting Shar to save Shadowheart's parents, she will learn that her given name is Jenevelle.

When asked what she wants to be called henceforth, she says that Shadowheart still suits her for this very reason. As cliche as the line may be, Shadowheart's sincerity really sells it. And it can't be denied that the name suits her well.

4 "Try Not To Dream About Tying Me Up"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

Shadowheart seems to really enjoy casually flirting with the player character, even when they've only just met each other. This line is one such example, coming pretty early in the game. The player character and Shadowheart discuss the illithid tadpoles and what they would hypothetically do to each other if they turned into a mindflayer.

The player character can say that they'd hypothetically keep Shadowheart tied up while they searched for a cure. She finds this sweet, saying that she'd probably just kill the player character. No offense, of course. But, as she bids the player goodnight, she teases them with this line.

3 "Do You Know Why I Love Night Orchids?"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

It has become relatively common knowledge that one of Shadowheart's few memories is her love of the night orchid flower. The reason for this, aside from them featuring prominently in her childhood sanctuary, is known only to those who have romanced a Shadowheart who stays loyal to Shar until the very end. In this circumstance, during the player's ending with Shadowheart, she will discuss how much she has enjoyed her time with the player character, but how it has to come to an end, so she can continue her service to Shar.

To the disappointed player characters, she explains that she loves night orchids so much, "In part, because they do not last. They bloom where few ever see them, and in that moment, they're perfect. Then, they return to the darkness that birthed them." As devastating as this moment can be, the whole night orchid allegory is beautiful.

2 "Oh Hells, You Didn't Pick That By Hand Did You? They're Deadly Poisonous!"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

This moment has become beloved among Shadowheart fans as a display of her sillier side. It's moments like these that remind players she is a 'trickery' cleric, after all. Once Shadowheart has revealed her love of night orchids, players can pick one of the flowers and give it to her.

If they do, she'll be horrified, telling players that they're deadly poisonous...before quickly retracting that comment. She tells players that they are perfectly harmless, that she was just joking, and that she really appreciates the gesture. It's lovely in such a sweet moment to see Shadowheart let her hair down a little.

1 "I've Never Been Able To Write My Own Future. I Wouldn't Even Know Where To Begin"

Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart

Like a lot of Shadowheart's personal arc, this line is very bittersweet. It is more than a little tinged with sadness at the fact that Shar has stolen so much of her life away. But, it represents the new memories that she is able to make having turned away from Shar.

With some encouragement from the player, she can go on to state that she would like room for animals of all shapes and sizes, as long as they like a warm fire, and more affection than they know what to do with. She also wants to grow flowers and be surrounded by color, finally stating, "I'm tired of darkness." It is a really powerful and heartwarming moment with her.

Baldur's Gate 3 is available on PC and PlayStation 5. A version for Xbox Series X/S is currently in development.

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