
  • Feats in Baldur's Gate 3 grant powerful abilities to characters, but they are limited, so choose wisely!
  • Rogues have access to additional feats at levels 6 and 10, making their choices more challenging.
  • Key feats for Rogues include Ability Score Improvement, Dungeon Delver, Athlete, Mobile, Savage Attacker, Alert, Skilled, Dual Wielder, Sharpshooter, and Crossbow Expert.

Feats are a key aspect of character creation and progression in Baldur's Gate 3, and they can grant powerful new abilities to a certain build. Each Feat grants a unique ability that provides a boon or bonus in one specific area. Rogues, similar to Fighters, will learn additional feats at levels six and 10, meaning players picking this class will be faced with more difficult choices than most.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Rogue Multiclass Build

The Rogue is a great class for others to dip into in Baldur's Gate 3, but that doesn't mean it can't take the lead role when multiclassing.

It's important to make sure Feats aren't wasted in Baldur's Gate 3 because your character only gets a limited amount. They can vastly affect a character's build, and Rogues are already a versatile class that can do almost anything, and choosing the right Feats makes them even better.

Updated on June 3rd , 2024, by Kristy Ambrose: Even though Larian Studios isn't going to be making Baldur's Gate 4, or any DLCs or expansions for their hit game, they'll continue to update and improve BG3. That means it's possible new details, like extra Feats, could be added in the future. In the meantime, they'll keep winning awards and players will continue to discover more ways to customize their Rogues. With that in mind, this list has been updated with some more of the best Feats for a Rogue build.

12 Ability Score Improvement

Better Core Skills

arcane trickster class in baldur's gate 3
  • Increase one ability score by 2 or two ability scores by 1

Rogues will typically rely on two core skills, Dexterity and Constitution. When creating a character, Baldur's Gate 3 places a soft cap on ability scores, preventing them from getting higher than 17, while they cap at 20 during gameplay. This means there's always room for improvement on those core skills that will allow Rogues to hit their mark and toughen up.

If a Rogue chooses the Arcane Trickster subclass, this is a great feat to bolster their Intelligence score, which is their primary spellcasting ability. Rogues won't focus their efforts on improving Intelligence, which can make the Arcane Trickster subclass a little underwhelming when casting spells. The Ability Score Improvement Feat is great to get more out of this chosen subclass.

11 Sentinel

Protect Allies And Surprise Enemies

Baldur's Gate 3 feat menu displaying the sentinel feat
  • Gain an Attack of Opportunity against an enemy attacking an ally in melee range, and get a chance to knock them Prone with the attack.

As great as this Feat is, use it sparingly, as it can't be used to help allies that already have the Sentinel Feat. This is why it's more popular with physical damage classes like Rogues and Fighters that tend to stay in the melee range.

There are three parts to this Feat. When the Rogue uses their Attack of Oppurtunity against an enemy to protect an ally, it's Sentinel: Vengeance. The improved chance to knock them Prone is Sentinel: Snare, and finally Sentinel: Opportunity Advantage gives them Advantage on their attack.

10 Dungeon Delver

A Deadly Adventure Is A Walk In The Park

Baldur's Gate 3 dungeon
  • Advantage on Perception checks to detect hidden objects and traps and on Saving Throws to resist or avoid a trap, resistance to damage caused by traps

Entering a new dungeon can be a pretty scary experience, particularly when nobody knows what could be lurking around the next corner. Rogues are often the designated characters to handle some things a dungeon might throw at the party, such as locks or traps, and the Dungeon Delver feat improves on their natural aptitudes.

Baldur's Gate 3's Side Quest Design is its Secret Weapon

With a game like Baldur's Gate 3, a number of factors make it successful—but perhaps none are as powerful as its side quest design.

This Feat grants advantage on Perception checks to detect hidden objects and traps, and even on Saving Throws to resist or avoid a trap. What's more, a Rogue with this feat will gain resistance against damage from traps, meaning damage taken will be halved. For the characters who will often find themselves disarming traps, a Rogue could certainly do much worse than the Dungeon Delver feat.

9 Athlete

Increase Mobility During Battle And Exploration

Baldur's Gate 3: the character
  • Grants a +1 bonus to Strength or Dexterity, increases Jump distance by 50%, uses less movement to recover from Prone

Rogues that typically attack at a range will often find themselves repositioning to gain advantage and deliver a devastating sneak attack against their enemies, making Athlete a great feat to learn to improve this ability. This feat not only grants a +1 bonus to Strength or Dexterity, but it means they will use less movement when getting up after being knocked prone.

Rogues who like to jump from shadow to shadow, or from low to high ground to gain that precious advantage roll, will also benefit from their jump distance increasing by 50%, which can be an invaluable resource to get the most out of their movement.

8 Mobile

Additional Movement Options

baldur's gate 3 astarion
  • Increases the movement speed of a character by 10 feet and ignores Difficult Terrain after the Dash Action

Much like the Athlete feat, Mobile can be invaluable for a Rogue who wants to hit hard from the shadows. It increases the movement speed of a character by 10ft, which typically represents a 30% increase for a normal speed character, which is determined by their race. This provides a great movement opportunity to ensure a Rogue is in the best position possible before (and even during) a fight.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Rogue Class Build

The best Rogue build in BG3 takes the Thief subclass to new heights by allowing more Sneak Attack and Offhand opportunities.

This feat also grants two small boons, such as difficult terrain evasion and opportunity attack evasion. Difficult terrain will typically slow down a character who attempts to traverse across surfaces like ice or grease. Still, with the ability to evade difficult terrain, this movement penalty is ignored when the Dash action is taken.

7 Savage Attacker

Make Hits Harder And Count More

Minthara scowling in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Roll damage dice twice for melee weapon attacks

This feat is not just great for Rogues to learn, but for almost any class that relies on melee attacks. It's a deceptively simple feat that allows a Rogue to roll damage dice for melee weapon attacks twice, and use the higher result, essentially gaining advantage on damage rolls.

When paired with a Rogue's sneak attack ability, which is famous for dishing out troves of extra damage, the Savage Attacker feat can be devastating and allows a Rogue to potentially turn the tide of a fight in an instant.

6 Alert

Prevent Ambushes And Never Be Surprised

Astarion standing shocked with a knife
  • +5 to Initiative and never be Surprised

The way Initiative was changed in Baldur's Gate 3 makes the Alert feat way more valuable than it is in Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. Instead of rolling 1d20+DEX for Initiative, players will instead roll 1d4+DEX, meaning it doesn't take as much of a bonus to ensure the top spots in Initiative order.

The Alert feat grants a huge +5 bonus to Initiative. This typically means a Rogue, who will likely already have a pretty handsome Dexterity score, will often roll at the top, or near the top, of the Initiative order. This is exceptionally useful if combined with the Assassin subclass, which grants advantage on attack rolls for creatures that have not yet taken a turn in combat.

5 Skilled

Gain Proficiency In Key Skills

A d20 roll
  • Grants proficiency in 3 skills, adds a cumulative +4 bonus to skill checks by level 9

Rogues aren't just known for being handy with a bow, or for sneaking around in the dark. They will typically find themselves being the designated lockpicker for the party, and of course, the one to venture forth into dark dungeons to disable traps and clear the way for the rest of the group.

Skilled is a fantastic feat to turn a Rogue into a jack of all trades, granting proficiency in 3 skills, which adds a solid +4 bonus to skill checks in each chosen skill by level 9. Combined with the Rogue's Expertise, which is gained at levels 1 and 6, that doubles the proficiency bonus on a total of 4 skills, meaning it's possible to pick a few key skills a Rogue will rarely fail checks for.

4 Dual Wielder

Bonus To Armor Class And Extra Damage

Astarion at the epilogue party
  • Utilize two-weapon fighting even with weapons that aren't Light, but on the other hand, they can't be Heavy, +1 to AC

Dual Wielder provides excellent versatility for a Rogue, allowing them to utilize two-weapon fighting on weapons that aren't light, provided they are not heavy weapons. This may provide opportunities to wield two daggers or crossbows to dish out more damage on those coveted sneak attacks.

It also provides a nice +1 bonus to Armor Class while a melee weapon is being used in each hand, which can be a great bonus for a Rogue when combined with their typically high Dexterity scores and tendency to favor light armor instead of heavy plate armor.

3 Sharpshooter

Bolster A Rogue's Ranged Attacks

Baldur's Gate 3 Goblin Archers in cutscene.
  • Improves attack roles and deals an additional 10 damage to targets, but with the sacrifice of -5 to their attack rolls

Seeing a low chance to hit on an attack roll is perhaps one of the saddest sights as a Rogue, and Sharpshooter goes some way toward preventing this. Being on low ground and attempting to shoot a target that is higher up, anyone who doesn't have the Sharpshooter Feat will suffer a -2 penalty to their attack roll.

Baldur's Gate 3: Best Feats For Sorcerers, Ranked

From Actor to Magic Initiate, there are a bounty of solid feats to choose from for Sorcerers in Baldur's Gate 3.

Not only will this feat ensure Rogues are hitting their marks more frequently, but this Feat can also be used to deal an additional 10 damage to their targets, with the sacrifice of -5 to their attack rolls. Of course, a -5 penalty will not be ideal in every scenario, so this feature can be toggled, making this a great choice to tailor attacks.

2 Spell Sniper

Augments Casting Power

Spell Sniper in Baldur's Gate 3
  • Best for the Arcane Trickster subclass or any build that includes casting skills

Even though the Arcane Trickster is the only Rogue subclass that has dedicated casting skills, a character might have limited spells from other sources, like their racial heritage or a piece of gear, that grants a spell slot regardless of class. Astarion, for example, has a Fire Bolt cantrip because of his High Elf race, and this Feat also applies to those kinds of bonuses.

Spell Sniper is worth getting even just to augment the most basic spell powers. The character learns a Cantrip, in addition to any others they might already have, plus their ability to hit with a spell is reduced by one. Rogues use their Intelligence stat for casting, the same as a Wizard or Fighter.

1 Crossbow Expert

Prevent Close-Range Penalties

Baldur's Gate 3 Best Fighter Battle Maneuvers Karlach Crossbow BG3
  • Grants a Rogue the ability to make crossbow attacks within melee range without Disadvantage

Navigating an attack with Disadvantage when lining up a shot is indeed disheartening, especially when it seems like a target should be easier to hit at a closer range. The Crossbow Expert Feat grants a Rogue the ability to make crossbow attacks within melee range, without having to roll with Disadvantage, which opens up a lot of possibilities in combat.

On top of this, the Piercing Shot ability, which inflicts Gaping Wounds on a successful hit, lasts twice as long as normal. This means targets who suffer a gaping wound will receive an additional 2 piercing damage every time they are attacked for double the amount of time, which might just deal enough extra damage to deliver the killing blow against a fearsome enemy.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios