
  • The narrator in Baldur's Gate 3 , voiced by Amelia Tyler, has some of the best lines in the game and deserves to be celebrated.
  • The narrator adds amusement and humor to certain moments in the game, such as when players deface a portrait or flirt with a displacer beast.
  • The narrator also delivers viscerally descriptive lines, such as describing the cooking of a poison stew or the popping of an eyeball onto the muddy floor.

As an interactive story with hours of content and an overwhelming number of characters, it is no surprise that Baldur's Gate 3 contains some amazingly written lines, with phenomenal voice acting to boot. One voice that players are guaranteed to hear a lot, from the start to the end of their journey, is that of the narrator.

Baldur's Gate 3: 15 Characters You Should Kill

Baldur's Gate 3 players a likely to take down a variety of characters during their playthrough, but some NPCs are more rewarding to kill than others.

Voiced by Amelia Tyler, the narrator is an omnipotent presence, acting like a Dungeon Master in keeping with the Dungeons and Dragons IP, who narrates the player's journey through Baldur's Gate 3. Despite never having a face to her voice, the narrator has some of the best lines in the game, bolstered by their impeccable delivery, and they deserve to be celebrated.

10 "She Certainly Looks A Little Less Regal Now"

Vandalizing Vlaakith's portrait in Baldur's Gate 3

In the githyanki creche located in the mountain pass at the very beginning of act two, players can find a portrait of the githyanki deity, Vlaakith. Players are presented with the option to doodle on this portrait and deface it, like a middle schooler in a textbook.

Naturally a mischievous option, it may also appeal to more moral players if they've come to witness some of the brutality of the githyanki. While the narrator is generally an impartial figure, even she seems to find this act amusing, commenting that the tyrannical ruler doesn't look quite as regal since the player got their hands on her.

9 "The Creature Eyes You With Vague Interest"

Baldur's Gate 3, Displacer Beast

Players who use the 'Speak With Animals' spell to flirt with Yurgir's displacer beast found in the Gauntlet of Shar in act two are unlikely to expect much reciprocation. Amusingly, though, the narrator states that the intimidating cat-like beast actually checks the player out! It seems they've caught her eye!

Of course, she does go on to state that the 'vague interest' turns into a sneer. Players can't really blame the displacer beast. She has been charmed, after all. While it is possible to gain the displacer beast's trust, players can't actually woo her. There's always Halsin in bear form for that.

8 "The Poor Thing Is Straining Fit To Burst"

Baldurs Gate 3 Naaber Beats Elder Scrolls Fan

One of the most humorous characters in the game is Naaber, a reference to the infamous Adoring Fan in Oblivion. He can be found in act three, wandering aimlessly in Carm's Garm in Wyrm Crossing. When the player enters, he will follow them, attempting to talk to them. He aspires to be an adventurer just like the player, and they can have various conversations with him as he attempts to embody each of the playable classes.

When Naaber tries his hand at being a monk, he quickly struggles with a vow of silence. The narrator casually notes that he seems ready to burst from the desire to speak. And, just as quickly, he does. It seems the monk life isn't for Naaber either.

7 "The Sheep Stares At You With Unsettling Malice"

Baldur's Gate 3, Sheep

There is certainly a lot to unpack in this bizarre line. The sheep in question can be found in the Sunlit Wetlands in Act One. Interacting with it, the narrator will note the malevolence of the humble sheep, as well as its strange attempts to 'baa.'

Players who dig a little deeper will find that this is because there is more to the sheep than meets the eye. They are actually an evil fey creature called a redcap, under a powerful illusion spell. Once revealed, the Sunlit Wetlands will also reveal its true nature as the Putrid Bog.

6 "His Lips Smack Together Wetly And Leave A Trail Of Saliva On Your Foot"

Baldur's Gate 3, Crusher The Goblin

This line really needs no context. It makes the list purely and simply because it is so viscerally disgusting. But, for those who would like some context for such a wonderfully vile line, this can also be heard in Act One.

Baldur's Gate 3: Top 10 Shadowheart Quotes

As one of the most romanced characters, players have been really taken by Shadowheart's witty repartee. These are some of her best lines.

When players visit the Goblin Camp, they can encounter a high and mighty goblin called Crusher, who wants them to kiss his foot in reverence. With enough intimidation, however, players can turn the tables. It's questionable why anyone would want a goblin to kiss their foot, but it is certainly an amusing scene with an appropriately sickening narration.

5 "You Try To Hold The Memory, But It Fades To The Worm"

Astarion the Rogue in Baldur's Gate 3

This line is perhaps as funny as it is due to how earnestly it's delivered. When players first encounter the companion character Astarion at the nautiloid crash site, they will have a moment where their illithid tadpoles connect their memories.

This moment ends as abruptly as it started, as the narrator comments that the thought 'fades to the worm.' It may be one of the earliest amusing lines that players come across, even more impressive since it is in reference to the mindflayer worms that infect the characters' brains.

4 "The Swirling Bile-Cauldron Of Your Brain Is Cooking Up A Poison Stew"

The Dark Urge has murderous tendencies

Some of the narrator's most viscerally descriptive lines are in reference to the thoughts of the Dark Urge character. With such a tormented and disturbed mind, it is no surprise that the descriptions of these thoughts match that tone. While there are many great options, some of the best come from a Dark Urge character interacting with the feisty squirrel in Act One's Druid Grove.

Astonishingly, the narrator describes just how adorable the Dark Urge finds this squirrel! That is...before they brutalize it. At this point, the narrator unleashes this line that is almost as eloquently worded as it is stomach-churning.

3 "Everything You Did, Everything You Sacrificed - It Was Worth It, For This"

Baldur's Gate 3, Karlach Standing On Docks At Sunset

Moving onto one of the narrator's more serious lines, this may be one of the final lines she will say in a player's game. It comes after players save the city and perhaps the entirety of the Forgotten Realms. While her very final line after the party has said their goodbyes may be the more dramatic line, proclaiming the player as the savior of Baldur's Gate to triumphant music, this line has a slightly different tone.

While still jubilant and celebratory, there is a softness to this line. Sure, there was heroism and victory, but the story has also been one of loss and sacrifice. Beautifully delivered, it makes for a wonderful conclusion to the game and the narrator's journey through it alongside players.

2 "Your Eye Plops Down Into The Mud"


Immediately returning to the comedic lines, this is a vast change in tone from the previous entry. Should players recruit Volo to their camp, he proposes an interesting solution to their illithid tadpole problem. He is willing to try and remove the tadpole the same way it went in...through the character's eye.

This scene includes many entertaining narrator lines the further the 'surgery' goes. From Volo's poking around with a needle to the moment he pulls out an actual ice pick, and, yes, to the moment that he pops the character's eyeball out. Onto the muddy floor. Delightful.

1 "As The Symbol Glows, Power Courses Through You. Authority"

Baldur's Gate 3, Crusher Goblin With Glowing Authority Hand Symbol Over Eye

Of course, this iconic line had to be top of the list. Anyone who has played Baldur's Gate 3 for the briefest amount of time since having a tadpole in their brain will find that this is the most common line from the narrator. Every time players come across a brainwashed Absolute cultist (which is quite frequent), the narrator will say this line, and players will get the option to use their illithid persuasion to get a near-free pass on a specific illithid interaction with them.

Once this power has been used, players will need to long rest before they can hear the beloved line and use the latent tadpole power again. Despite how frequently players will hear this line and its status as a bit of a Baldur's Gate 3 meme, it never seems to lose its power. Its...authority.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios