
  • Elven characters in Baldur's Gate 3 play crucial roles in the game, with some being vital to the main story and as popular companions.
  • Counsellor Florrick is an honest politician in the game who rewards players with gear, contrasting with other political characters.
  • Astarion's story revolves around abuse and pain, with his personality influenced by his abusive master before becoming a vampire spawn.

Whenever any sort of medium places itself in the fantasy genre, elven races are no doubt bound to make an appearance in some fashion. Baldur's Gate 3 is no different, as it is set in the universe of Dungeons and Dragons where a vast array of different races exists and coincide together.

Baldur's Gate 3: 13 Characters You Should Not Kill

Player decisions in Baldur's Gate 3 have a lot of power and can determine the fate of certain characters. The following should be kept alive.

While there are different variations of elves in Baldur's Gate 3, it doesn't impact their role in the narrative. Some elven characters are the most important people in the game, either as party companions or as crucial figures for the main story. The majority of elven characters are also some of the most popular figures in the game as a result of their stories.

8 Counsellor Florrick

An Honest Politician

Baldur's Gate 3 Counsellor Florrick in a conversation
  • First appearing in Act One.
  • First met at Waukeen's Rest.

Florrick can be encountered early in the game during Act One, where players can rescue her from a burning building at Waukeen's Rest. Doing so will reward players with some sweet gear.

Aside from handing out gear, she stands in contrast to some of the other politician characters, being honest and preferring a hands-on approach to matters. She is also fiercely loyal to her Duke, Ulder Ravengard. Throughout the game, she strives to rescue the Duke, even fighting the player if they choose specific actions that lead to the Duke's death.

7 Arnell Hallowleaf

A Tragic Tale Of Family

Baldur's Gate 3 Arnell Hallowleaf smiling in a room
  • First appearing in Act Three.
  • First met in the Cloister of Sombre Embrace.

One of the central themes of Shadowheart's story is who she truly is. She tells players that she does not even know due to her memory being suppressed. Players will find out the fate of her past self and her family, with the truth being not pretty at all.

As she was abducted, she tortured her parents, no longer recognizing them. Despite this, her father and mother held out and believed Shadowheart would break free from Shar's grasp and possibly save them.

6 Isobel

A Family Torn Apart By Ruin

Baldur's Gate 3 Isobel casting a spell
  • First appearing in Act Two.
  • First met at Last Light Inn.

As the daughter of one of the main antagonists of the story, life isn't easy. Despite her family once living healthily, Isobel became the only morally good member of her kin left.

Baldur's Gate 3: 7 Worst Decisions You Can Make

Baldur's Gate 3 holds some truly terrible choices that the player can make, with these decisions forever altering the fate of the characters.

After her death, she was resurrected by her father via the power of Myrkul, the God of Death. When players find her, she has created the only safe haven left in the Shadow-Cursed Lands and believes in the downfall of her father, as she no longer recognizes the loving man he once was. She also has a grim place in the story if players are doing a Dark Urge playthrough.

5 Jaheira

A Returning Character Now As A Mentor Figure

Baldur's Gate 3 Jaheira using magic
  • First appearing in Act Two.
  • First met at Last Light Inn.

Given the long time between the second and third Baldur's Gate games, it makes sense for there not to be a huge number of returning characters as would be expected of a normal sequel. Of course, there are exceptions, with Jaheira being both the biggest and the first of which players are most likely to meet.

This time, she occupies a mentor role to the player, even joking so when discussing it. She also plays a big role in the story, being the direct opposition force to Ketheric Thorm and Moonlight Towers in Act Two, and having experienced past skirmishes with the Dead Three in previous games.

4 Halsin

A Gentle Giant

Baldur's Gate 3 Halsin in a conversation
  • First appearing in Act One.
  • First met in the Worg Pens of the Shattered Sanctum.

Despite his size, Halsin is indeed an elf, something he himself jokes about. First met in Act One, he can become a companion in the second act after staying as a camp follower for a while. Obtaining him as a companion requires the completion of a long quest.

As the man is a Druid, he is generally peaceful, not wanting to engage in needless bloodshed, as opposed to a lot of other companions. Despite his nature, he is able to dish out high damage when needed and can become a valuable party member. And of course, his bear form has become widespread for a particular scene...

3 Ketheric Thorm

Considered The Best Antagonist In The Game

Baldur's Gate 3 Ketheric Thorm sitting on his throne
  • First appearing in Act Two.
  • First met in Moonrise Towers.

While there is a vast array of antagonists and villainous characters in Baldur's Gate 3, none are as popular and well-regarded as Ketheric Thorm. As the antagonist of Act Two, his presence is huge in the narrative, but also in gameplay, due to the Shadow Curse sapping the lifeforce of the party in the Shadow-Cursed Lands.

Obviously, a great antagonist, needs deep reasons for their deeds. Ketheric does, as he once was a loving man whose life was torn apart by tragedy. As a result, he became violent, with the player eventually ending him in a boss battle.

2 Shadowheart

A Woman Manipulated All Her Life

Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart holding the Mysterious Artefact
  • First appearing in the Prologue.
  • First met in the Nautiloid.

As one of the main party companions, Shadowheart's story is naturally extensive and in-depth. Her personal journey isn't as deep in the first act as it is in later acts, but players start to get a sense of who she is as a character regardless, with many players clearly falling for her even early on, as she is the most romanced companion.

Baldur's Gate 3: 11 Reasons To Romance Shadowheart

There's a good reason why Shadowheart is such a popular romance choice for players in Baldur's Gate 3, and here's a handful for those unconvinced.

The later acts can either push her to embrace Shar or reject her, either becoming a Dark Justiciar or fighting against the goddess and her worshipers. The real darkness of her tale is her abduction, in which she was forcibly converted to a Sharran and tortured by her own parents, unaware of who they truly were.

1 Astarion

A Character Full Of Abuse And Pain

Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion holding his hand up to his head
  • First appearing in Act One.
  • First met in the Wilderness near the crashed nautiloid.

Arguably the most popular character in Baldur's Gate 3, Astarion starts as a somewhat mysterious figure happy to engage in bloodshed. While the major plot points of his story occur in Act Three, players are able to understand his story via his retellings.

The crux of his story revolves around his nature as a vampire spawn, and his master, Cazador, who abused Astarion for years. It is unknown what he truly was like before he was turned, but his personality in the game is influenced by his master, such as his belief in ultimate power, so no one can harm him again. Aside from his character, the acting of Neil Newbon solidified Astarion, clearly seen with his win at The Game Awards.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios