Baldur's Gate 3 may have an abundance of interesting NPCs, but surprisingly, there aren't that many established couples. In fact, most of the lovey-dovey stuff is typically centered around Tav themself, and their camp companions. Outside of player-centric romances, NPC relationships are few and far between. Fortunately, the ones that Larian Studios does introduce players to are sweet, complex, and interesting.

Baldur's Gate 3: 13 Things You Should Never Sell

Larian's Baldur's Gate 3 has a ton of items and loot, which can get overwhelming. Here's what players should never sell off at a vendor.

From the tieflings that seem to have a knack for getting into trouble and requiring saving from the cult of the Absolute to a woman with an undead husband, these are the most interesting couples players will meet during their adventures in Baldur's Gate 3.

5 Bex And Danis

The Tiefling Couple In Need Of Rescuing

Danis and Bex from Baldur's Gate 3
  • First met in the Emerald Grove during Act 1

Bex and Danis, like most of the other tieflings, are tossed into the chaos of the Absolute cultists, goblins, and the Shadowcurse as victims. Refugees from Elturel, they are the ones who seem to suffer the hardest in Baldur's Gate 3. That still doesn't stop romance from blossoming, as Bex and Danis continuously stick together through the thick and thin.

They can be helped by sparing the Grove from the goblin threat in Act 1, and in Act 2, Danis can be rescued from Moonrise Towers which will earn players Bex's eternal gratitude—and some tasty cookies. They also show up briefly in Act 3 in Baldur's Gate 3.

4 Alfira And Lakrissa

A Couple With A Budding Future In Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate 3 Lakrissa and Alfira
  • Both are first met separately in the Emerald Grove during Act 1

A pair that becomes a confirmed couple in Act 3, Alfira and Lakrissa are similar to Bex and Danis in the sense that they are victims of the greater evil in the story. If the Grove is helped, both are spared in Act 1 and in Act 2, Lakrissa can be rescued with Danis and brought back to the Last Light Inn, which will earn players a nice reward and Alfira's gratitude.

Baldur's Gate 3: 15 Characters You Should Kill

Baldur's Gate 3 players a likely to take down a variety of characters during their playthrough, but some NPCs are more rewarding to kill than others.

The two seem to be settling in nicely in Baldur's Gate when players visit the Elfsong Tavern and discover that Lakrissa is working as a waitress while Alfira works on her tunes on the rooftop. It's a nice, hopeful ending to a couple that has gone through so much.

3 Omeluum And Blurg

An Outside Source States They Are In Fact A Couple

baldurs gate 3 tower mushrooms traders (1)
  • Both are first met in the Underdark during Act 1, in the Myconid Colony

The in-game lore of Omeluum and Blurg doesn't specify that these two are a couple. As friends and members of the Society of Brilliance, there seems to be nothing but platonic love between the two of them as players first meet them in the Underdark. Later, they can be spoken to in Baldur's Gate when visiting the lodge of the Society.

According to a card in Magic the Gathering, Omeluum and Blurg would have run off together as lovers. This really puts their chemistry in-game into a whole new light and perspective. Even if the game itself doesn't necessarily confirm this little piece of lore, they still deserve a little spotlight on this list for being the nerdiest, kindest duo around.

2 Mayrina And Connor

Death Is Not Enough To Set These Two Apart

Baldur's Gate 3 Mayrina Reunites With Conor
  • Both are first met in the Sunlit Wetlands when dealing with Auntie Ethel during Act 1

Mayrina may come across as annoying to players when first rescued from the clutches of Auntie Ethel. However, her devotion to her husband is in a way admirable, and the fact that she's even ready to accept him the way he is when Tav delivers the special wand (Bitter Divorce) for his "resurrection" to her shows that she's stronger than anticipated. Not many would be willing to drag an undead spouse across the wilderness to the closest city.

Baldur's Gate 3: 15 Hardest Fights When Playing On Honour Mode

From the owlbear to Cazador, Honour mode in BG3 offers up some truly punishing battles.

But Act 1 isn't the end of Mayrina's story. In Act 3, she weathers a terrible curse which players will need to help her out of. It's here that she can also finally be persuaded to let go of Connor and allow her husband some proper peace. Many might not agree with her methods, but desperate situations require desperate measures. And besides, who doesn't enjoy a twisted romance?

1 Aylin And Isobel

Lovers Separated By The Cruelty Of Ketheric Thorm

  • Isobel is first met at the Last Light Inn during Act 2, while Aylin is met in the Shadowfell in Act 2

The cleric of Selune and the daughter of Selune share one of the most wonderful romances in the game. Their story is incredibly tragic, with Aylin forced to weather the death of Isobel and the subsequent torture and captivity her father Ketheric put her through.

Once Ketheric is dealt with, the two of them finally reunite. This is one of the most exhilarating moments in the game if players paid close attention to the lore of the Thorm family, and know that Ketheric never liked nor approved of Aylin. In the end, the two finally get each other and follow Tav into Act 3 where Aylin's special quest with Lorroakan can be completed.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios