
  • Astarion's last name is Ancunin, a fact revealed on his gravestone, adding a human touch to his vampire backstory.
  • As a vampire spawn, Astarion has limitations such as not being able to step foot in sunlight and certain rules he must follow.
  • Astarion was turned into a vampire spawn at the age of 39, making him a child compared to the long lifespan of elves in D&D.

Astarion, the Pale Elf from Baldur's Gate 3, could certainly be deemed a fan favorite. From his dashing looks to his tragic backstory, it's no wonder why he has an army of devoted players to support him. However, there is still a lot that's unknown about this sly character and his endings, with his past seemingly buried away with the rest of his memories.

Baldur's Gate 3: Why Astarion is One of the Best Companions

Baldur's Gate 3's roguish elven vampire, Astarion, stands above and beyond the other companions due to his usefulness and the complexity of his story.

Players are still finding little pieces of his backstory scattered throughout Baldur's Gate 3, eagerly sharing the secrets they find and attempting to decipher their meaning. The facts we learn about him from the game can be paired nicely with the canon information from D&D 5e lore, revealing some interesting things about this popular character.

10 His Last Name Is Ancunin

Find Astarion's Gravestone In The City Graveyard

Astarion with his hand on his chin pondering

This little fact was found by translating the name on Astarion's gravestone during Act 3. He never mentions this in any conversations, so this piece of information is only obtainable from the gravestone.

It may sound strange to hear his last name, considering players only address him by his first. It adds a level of humanity to him that was left behind when he was turned into a spawn.

9 His Limits As A Spawn

Eating Animals, Not Humans

Astarion looking flattered

Before he was infected with the tadpole, being a vampire spawn had several limits. Players may already know that he could not step foot in the sunlight. According to the D&D 5e, other rules for being a vampire include:

  • Forbidden to enter a home without the invitation of the occupant
  • Cannot pass over running or flowing water
  • Exceptionally weak to a wooden stake in the heart

8 He Was 39 When He Died

More Information From His Gravestone

Astarion pouting

Once again, taking a look at his gravestone, players can see that he was born in 1229DR and 'died' in 1268DR. This means that Astarion was 39 years old when he was turned. He states several times throughout the game that he's spent around 2 centuries as a vampire, meaning he must be around 239 years old when the player meets him.

8 Scariest Enemies In Baldur’s Gate 3

Of all the foes to face in Baldur's Gate 3, these are the most frightening to behold.

It's no wonder he can barely remember his past life; he's been a spawn for nearly 5 times longer than he was alive.

7 He's Still Just A Child

Elves Live For Around 750 Years

Astarion in the woods

In the world of D&D, Elves canonically live for around 750 years. They are said to reach emotional maturity at around 100 years and can then be deemed an adult. Since Astarion was only 39 when he was turned, this means that he was still merely a child. Heartbreaking.

Another fact about Elf aging is that they actually have two names. One is their birth name, which they have for the first 100 years until they eventually choose their own adult name. Considering he was still so young when he was turned, Astarion is most likely his child name.

6 His Name Means 'Little Star'

The Green Noun Aster Means Star

Astarion leaning forward and looking at camera

The name 'Astarion' has several possible meanings. A favorite among players is the translation from the similar name 'Asterion', derived from the Greek noun aster meaning 'star' and the diminutive suffix ion. Since this name is actually his child name, it's entirely possible that this is the true meaning of his name.

This would make his story even more tragic and heartbreaking, as it really emphasizes how young and innocent he was when he was turned into a spawn and tortured.

5 He Spent An Entire Year Trapped In A Tomb

Imprisoned By His Master, Cazador For Trying To Escape

Astarion giving a side eye

After players meet two of Astarion's siblings in Act 3, there's a new dialogue available in the camp. Astarion reveals that, during his first decade as a spawn, he tried to run away from Cazador, which resulted in him being locked in an isolated tomb for a whole year.

He was sealed in there with absolutely nothing to drink, scratching his hands raw on the walls and spending months without moving.

4 Ascended Astarion Is Not Capable Of Love

True Vampires' Emotional Attachments Are Twisted By Undeath

Astarion with fangs bared and glowing eyes

While some players enjoy Astarion's Ascended path, it's actually considered his 'bad' ending. According to D&D 5e, True Vampires' emotional attachments become 'twisted by undeath.' It states, "Love turns into a hungry obsession, while friendship becomes bitter jealousy. In place of emotion, vampires pursue physical symbols of what they crave, so that a vampire seeking love might fixate on a young beauty."

This is confirmed by Astarion's change in attitude after his Ascension. Although he does still want the player with him, they are seen in a more objectified way. Several times, he refers to them as his 'treasure' and 'pet'. Some players may take pleasure in this new powerplay, but it should not be mistaken for any genuine care or affection from Astarion.

3 The Player Is The Only Person He Truly Cares For

Romance Astarion For A Deeper Connection

Astarion at camp talking to the player

If the player successfully romances Astarion and persuades him not to Ascend, they will get a dialogue from him after being asked what the relationship status is. He reveals that the player is the only person he truly cares for. It's no surprise, given that they are the only person to show him genuine and pure affection in the 200 years he's been a spawn.

Why You Should Romance Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 has already achieved landmark success, and of one its companion romance options has been a big draw to the game even before release.

It's unknown whether he got on well with his family before or if he doesn't remember them enough to care anymore. Either way, it's heartbreaking that he spent so long without having a single person to be truly close to.

2 His Parents May Still Be Alive

Elven Lifespan May Prove Astarion's Parent(s) Live

Astarion standing shocked with a knife

As mentioned earlier, Elves can live for up to 750 years. Given that Astarion is roughly 239 at the time the game is set, there is a chance that his parents or family are still alive. While there isn't any mention of his family throughout the game, we do learn from a line when talking to the magic mirror in Act 1 that he longs to see: "My real home - The one I haven't seen in centuries.".

He doesn't talk about his family. This could be by choice, or perhaps his memories of home faded away like those of his appearance.

1 He Likes Embroidery

There Are Poems Embroided Into His Clothing

Astarion in the woods looking majestic

This sweet little fact can be seen through various descriptions of his clothing where he has embroidered certain notes onto his clothes. On his shirt, there's a poem that reads, "Lamentable is the autumn picker content with plums." Whilst his underwear says, "If you're reading this, you managed to bed or behead me. Either way, you got lucky." It's unknown whether he wrote these before or after he was turned.

Unfortunately, these descriptions did get changed in Patch 2. Despite this, players still like to believe that Astarion enjoys a spot of embroidery here and there.

Baldur's Gate 3

PC , macOS , PS5 , Xbox Series X
August 3, 2023
Larian Studios