
  • Earn Astarion's approval by accepting who he is and supporting his goal of defeating his master.
  • Gain approval by being kind to certain animals and admiring His Majesty, a prideful cat.
  • Stand up to the Blood Merchant and allow Astarion to set his own boundaries, earning respect and approval.

There's no question that Baldur's Gate 3's Astarion has caught the attention and stolen the hearts of many players. However, many players who wish to romance this suave vampiric rogue have run into a slight problem: as a character deeply focused on self-preservation, he often disapproves of the more traditionally heroic actions many players pursue. That said, it's definitely possible to earn Astarion's approval - and even win his heart - while still keeping to a heroic path in Baldur's Gate 3.

What Baldur's Gate 3 Players Learn From Astarion's Gravestone

Baldur's Gate 3 players can learn some surprising facts about secretive vampire Astarion by translating the message found on his gravestone.

Accept Who He Is And His Goals

BG3 post druid grove party Astarion

One of the quickest paths to Astarion's heart is to be openly supportive and accepting from the moment he reveals his true nature. Telling him he is trusted and letting him bite the player even once is one of the earliest opportunities to earn a huge chunk of approval. Players will also generally gain approval when choosing during conversation to support his goal of defeating his master, Cazador Szarr. They should not joke or make light of the abuse he endured at Cazador's hands, as this will quickly erase those previously earned approval points.

Be Kind To Certain Animals


Astarion doesn't like many people, but he is surprisingly fond of a handful of animals. Some of them can be encountered in Baldur's Gate 3, and sometimes players will have choices tied to them that can sway Astarion's approval one way or the other.

Admire His Majesty

This is a small moment that lets players rack up a surprising number of approval points from the sometimes prickly vampire. They can use "Speak with Animals" to talk to BG3's His Majesty, a prideful cat at the Last Light Inn. His Majesty wishes to be admired, and players have the opportunity to do so two separate times. Both instances of praising the cat's magnificence and beauty earn approval from Astarion - apparently, he's secretly a cat person.

Adopt The Owlbear Cub

Unlike many other companions, Astarion does not gain any approval points when players adopt, pet, or play with the lovable dog Scratch. However, Astarion is rather drawn to the orphaned Owlbear Cub in Baldur's Gate 3, the other animal that can be adopted and brought to camp. He gains approval points both when players feed the cub and when they pet it. Astarion possibly connects to this cub because he also sees himself as a "monstrous" creature and approves of the player adopting other "monsters."

Stand Up To The Blood Merchant

Baldur's Gate 3, Araj Oblodra

Astarion may not see himself as a hero, but players can become his hero by standing up to the Drow blood merchant, Araj Oblodra. Araj, who is met in Moonrise Towers in BG3's Act 2 and describes herself as a "purveyor of the sanguine arts," dreams of being bitten by a vampire. She tries to bribe the player with a potion in exchange for having Astarion drink her blood. She is cruel to Astarion, treating him as the player's property. Should players allow Astarion to refuse and refer to him as his own person, they will earn both respect and approval as the vampire is allowed to set his own boundaries for the first time.

Other Actions

What is the Strange Ox in Baldur's Gate 3 (1)

There are a handful of smaller heroic or neutral moments that can also earn a few approval points from Astarion. These include:

  • Do not attack Karlach; invite her to join the party.
  • Participate in a ritual honoring pain goddess Loviatar.
  • Refuse to make a deal with the devil Raphael.
  • Free Lae'zel from the zaith'isk device at the Githyanki creche.
  • Refuse to drink Jaheira's wine spiked with truth serum.
  • Keep the Strange Ox's secrets.
  • Out-drink Thisobald Thorm at the Waning Moon pub

These many options will generally allow heroic players to befriend or romance Astarion. A romanced Astarion will generally become kinder and more open - by the end of the game, he truly comes to care for the party and starts a new life for himself. Players who put in the effort to earn Astarion's sometimes-tricky approval will definitely find their efforts rewarded.