Baki, the legendary manga and anime series, begins on an enthralling trip into the world of martial arts and raw physical power. The series, created by Keisuke Itagaki, follows the daring Baki Hanma as he strives to surpass his father, Yujiro Hanma, the world's most formidable fighter.

The story is set against a backdrop of high-stakes underground tournaments and dives into dramatic battles, exhibiting a variety of martial arts styles and methods. Baki captivates viewers with its brazen characters, their tireless pursuit of strength, and an intriguing blend of martial arts, strategy, and unyielding willpower. Among the techniques used by the show's fighters, these are the most devastating.

10 Poison Hand

yanagi training poison hand in baki

Ryuukou Yanagi employs a horrific technique known as the Poison Hand. This technique turns his attacks into a lethal delivery system, injecting his opponents with a paralyzing poison. Yanagi hits important spots on his opponent's body with measured precision, leaving them vulnerable to the venom's effects.

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The Poison Hand embodies the ideal combination of martial prowess and premeditated malevolence, cementing Yanagi's reputation as "Yanagi the Poisoner." In the world of Baki, this method exemplifies the series' exploration of unconventional and risky combat techniques.

9 Mach Punch

katsumi orochi baki anime

"Mach Punch" by Katsumi Orochi is a testament to his incredible martial prowess. This lethal technique encapsulates his incredible speed and power, resembling a tremendous bolt unleashed from the heavens. Orochi uses his inner energy to unleash an explosive force as he drives forward with incredible speed, imbuing his punch with speed greater than the speed of sound.

The force of Mach Punch reverberates like a tempest, leaving opponents in awe and immobility. It's a manifestation of Orochi's mastery of technique and energy manipulation, cementing his reputation as a martial combat force to be reckoned with.

8 Sanchin

doppo orochi in baki

At some point, Doppo Orochi decides to use a defensive karate technique called Sanchin. This technique helps him maintain a stable balance during a match, but he still takes every single blow and does not dodge, wanting this battle to be like a street fight.

Doppo's Sanchin demonstrates his competence and comprehension of combat's complex dynamics. It represents the series' dedication to new combat methods and the investigation of unorthodox techniques that push the limits of traditional martial arts. Sanchin is a stunning display of power and strategy in the Baki universe.

7 Dashin

kureha shinoginusing dashin

Dashin by Kureha Shinogi is a body tap that sends shock waves across an opponent's entire body. Also known as "Hokuha" in Chinese Kempo, this technique takes advantage of the fact that the adult human body is made up of 50-65 percent water. It creates a tremendous shock wave of that water, paralyzing the opponent's body.

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Baki's interest with unusual warfare tactics is demonstrated in the Dashin technique. This strategy blends elegance with danger, emphasizing Kureha's extraordinary talent and strategic acumen. Shinogi's Dashin adds a new level of complexity to the series' extensive combat arsenal.

6 Vice Grip

Hanayama vs Spec

Kaoru Hanayama's Vice Grip embodies his unrivaled power and unbreakable resolve. This technique uses Hanayama's vice-like grip, which may crush bones and incapacitate adversaries. He seizes opponents in an unbreakable grasp, putting them at his mercy, with unwavering determination.

The Vice Grip demonstrates Hanayama's command of physical might, highlighting his standing as a Baki behemoth. It depicts his unconventional yet frightening approach to warfare, as well as the series' examination of the numerous ways strength can manifest itself in conflict.

5 Xiaoli

Kaku Kaioh vs Yujiro Hanma

Kaku Kaioh, the legendary Kaioh of all Kaiohs, is acknowledged as the revered Supreme Grandmaster of Chinese Kung Fu. His renown is further highlighted as the acclaimed Captain of the Chinese Team opposed against the Japanese American counterparts in the prestigious Chinese Raitai Tournament during the past century.

His specific ability resides in the powerful technique known as "Xiaoli," a mysterious art that induces hypoesthesia, allowing Kaku Kaiou to smoothly incorporate his assailant's full physical force. The transcendent hypostenia is the pinnacle of his prowess, allowing the absorption, retention, and ultimate release of the unprecedented force known as 'the ultimate punch.'

4 Aiki

Shibukawa using aiki

Aiki, a fundamental principle firmly engrained in Japanese martial arts, symbolizes a refined approach in which the defender seamlessly melds with the aggressor's moves, avoiding collision. Gouki Shibukawa, a well-known practitioner of this style, epitomizes this harmony. Shibukawa subjugates invaders through skillful use of internal dynamics and Ki energy. He seizes dominion by smoothly integrating with the adversary's motions, all while investing minimal effort.

His proficiency resides in comprehending the assailant's tempo and purpose, allowing for strategic positioning and beautifully timed counter-technique deployment. This illustrates Aiki's dexterity, arranging a symphony of control in which Shibukawa shines as a virtuoso conductor.

3 Total Precision

baki fighting

Total Precision, used by Baki Hanma, is a testament to raw power tempered by discipline. This style, which has its roots in the Hanma lineage, combines physical strength with planned precision. It includes techniques from many different martial arts. His mastery of different techniques adds to his already powerful combat abilities.

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The technique represents the Hanma family's tradition and their unwavering pursuit of strength. Within the Baki universe, Baki Hanma's Total Precision is a powerful illustration of the series' examination of numerous martial arts and its unwavering commitment to demonstrating the boundaries of human capabilities.

2 Niten Ichi-ryuu (Two Swords as One)

Musashi Miyamoto Vagabond

Musashi Miyamoto, a memorable character in Baki, possesses a fascinating swordsmanship skill that embodies precision and speed. He orchestrates a lethal dance, striking opponents with extraordinary quickness and technique while dual-wielding his blades with grace. Musashi's skill goes beyond ordinary swordplay, generating a symphony of measured strikes capable of severing defenses and shattering foes.

His creativity stems from the combination of his remarkable reflexes and great fighting sense, which make him an unstoppable force. Musashi's swordsmanship raises warfare to the level of an art form, leaving an everlasting imprint on the domain of martial skill in the Baki universe.

1 Demon Back

Yujiro Hanma Baki

The powerful Demon Back technique is used by the enigmatic Yujiro Hanma. In this technique, a masterstroke of premeditated savagery, he flexes the back muscles forcefully which looks like the face of a demon. His fighting capability increases by manifolds.

The Demon Back embodies the character's unrivaled combat expertise, demonstrating his ability to manipulate anatomy for maximum impact. This fatal maneuver highlights the series' examination of the human body as a battlefield, confirming Yujiro's position as a powerful force in the Baki universe's martial arts scene.

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