Sony Santa Monica's 2018 reboot of God of War has become a generation-defining title, earning nearly universal praise from both critics and series fans alike. The game is rapidly approaching its first birthday, but that doesn't mean it's done winning awards, as the title took home Best Game during the BAFTA awards, among a heap of other commendations.

Of course, this isn't the first major award the title has won, God of War took home Game of The Year at the VGA's back in December, a major upset in a competition that many assumed would be won by the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2. However, the BAFTA awards are arguably more prestigious, as the organization was founded all the way back in 1947 and covers both Film and Television. In addition to being crowned as the best game of 2018, God of War also took home awards for best music, narrative, audio achievement and performer for Jeremy Dent.

Needless to say, it's a major accomplishment for everyone that helped create the game. Cory Barlog, the game's director, posted an emotional video reacting to God of War's positive reception when it released, and it'll be interesting to see if he posts a similar response for these awards. It's evident that the team cares deeply about their game, and it's truly wonderful to see them get the recognition they deserve for their hard work.

Sony Santa Monica must now figure out how to proceed with creating a sequel to God of War, as the bar has now been lifted significantly for the next entry. The possibilities of where the franchise could head next are pretty much endless, especially given how many other cultures there are to explore in future entries. Even if the series remains in its current Norse setting, there are tons of untapped myths and legends that the team could tackle in the future. However, it's unlikely that we'll be seeing any more of Kratos for the next few years, as plans for DLC had to be cut due to their sheer size, and games of that nature take quite a bit of time to craft.

God Of War is available now for PS4

Source: Hollywood Reporter