Back 4 Blood is being hailed as a Left 4 Dead successor by having all the elements of the latter. Both are about zombies, heavily rely on the co-op, and are quite simple to pick up. While not as successful as Left 4 Dead, Back 4 Blood still has a lot to offer in its own sense and has deeper mechanics like the card system which allows for more than one run.

Most of the issues like not being able to progress solo have been resolved thanks to the latest update that allows for solo play where players can get the achievements and unlock things without having to go online. This can entice players both new and old to try Back 4 Blood.

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While a pretty straightforward game, Back 4 Blood still has things for players to find because it doesn't give players many indications of where or what those hidden things are. Hopefully, this list will help players find new things that will make the gameplay experience even better.

5 Money Grubber Card

Back 4 blood money grubber

While it's no secret what this card does in Back 4 Blood it's how effective it can be that has been untapped. When the player and their team loot copper, they get five additional copper and can be stacked, so that number can go up so on paper this may seem like not a big deal, but it can be overpowered if used right. The copper is shared, and to make things even better for every player on the squad that has this card equipped the number triples, so players will leave each level with tons of copper.

On top of that copper is quite plentiful in Back 4 Blood and new players should note that this card can be unlocked pretty early on in the game can spending the copper on resources early on is always a good idea.

It works even better if all team members have this card stacked because at that point players will have a lot of money early allowing them to get better guns with better upgrades which will make Back 4 Blood easier because it can be hard on the lowest difficulty.

4 Kill Snitches Without Altering A Horde

back 4 blood snitch

These can be annoying special zombie types in Back 4 Blood because if players don't get rid of them, they'll call for big swarms of zombies that can overrun the team. Teamwork and timing are the best antidotes right now to care for these Snitches is if one player melees them then it can be stunned and fall over and the other three members can concentrate fire on the Snitch can take it down quickly. On top of that throwing impact grenades specifically can do the job as well, but players should make sure they have enough of them equipped.

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Other throwables should work but won't have the same effect as an impact grenade because most of them are on fuse allowing the Snitch to recuperate and call for a horde. If there's a sniper on the squad with weak point damage cards, this will work just as well as the melee approach, maybe even better because now because the player is at a distance. So there are multiple ways to avoid a horde and take down the Snitch which will ultimately make Back 4 Blood much easier for the whole squad.

3 Specializations

back 4 blood players shooting at large zombie

Players can pick any of the playable characters with their squad, who already have passive abilities, but the card system is one of the major differences between Left 4 Dead and Back 4 Blood because now they enhance the abilities. Now no two squads will have the same team makeup, so this rule should be given several tries before players pick what type of character they want to be. Much like a lot of games that use a party system, Back 4 Blood has one as well, but it's not as fully advertised as others.

Basically, a team should have a healer, weak point sniper, scavenger, and a damage character, if each player is specializing in something, damage and crowd control become sustainably easier because now everyone on the squad has something to do.

Regardless of who is on the squad when playing on the veteran or nightmare difficulty, this point becomes a necessity, now players can focus on what they built their character for. Plus when characters are specializing in things they are good in like for example Mom who is a healer that has cards that have healing buffs makes her abilities much stronger.

2 Stun Guns

back for blood player looking crate

While not as useful as the normal weapons, it can allow players to have a tactile advantage. Players who have them should hold on to them once they need them because they don't run out and give the player breathing room.

If players are stuck in a trap, they can use the stun gun to get out in one moment rather than struggling, the best time for players to use these types of weapons is when the team is either incapacitated or if players are alone and don't have a backup.

RELATED: Back 4 Blood Weapon Tier List

This is quite effective against the Hockers, who throw out spit that can trap players, one use of the stun gun, and players are free. The other option to stun guns is the Break-Out Mode Card, if players don't have a stun gun they can use that card, but they should also note that it's not as quick as a stun gun and requires more time, whereas a stun gun gets players out of a bind instantly.

1 Combat Knife Card

back for blood combat knife pack

Regardless of whom is being asked about their opinion on Back 4 Blood, one of the things that many players can agree on is how strong the combat is in comparison to Left 4 Dead. While the guns can be upgraded to keep up with the difficulty, the melee attacks compliment it as well. All players in Back 4 Blood use a punch that isn't really effective unless players are trying to get some breathing room.

The best part about this tip is it works with any build the player is making for their character, and unlike the default sucker punch, it's a one-hit kill on basic zombies, players can not only get more kills with this but help them run through hordes a lot quicker.

One neat little trick when having the Combat Knife Card is that it does not interrupt reloading, because now while players are in mid reload, and don't have time fully do it can switch to the Combat Knife get a kill and then switch quickly back to their gun with a fresh magazine and continue shooting away zombies all in one fluid movement.

Back 4 Blood is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.

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