Babylon's Fall sees players taking up the mantle of a powerful Sentinel. Players looking to take on the Tower of Babylon's challenge will find that before they do so, they will be presented with a choice of faction.

"Factions" in Babylon's Fall essentially serve as the class system. Depending on which faction the player chooses --Huysian, Agavian, or Geleilion --will determine the type of weapons they will start with at the beginning of the game. However, players will find that they are free to use any weapon as the game progresses.

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Which Faction to Choose in Babylon's Fall

Huysian Faction


Babylon's Fall does not outright say what weapon the player will start with, as it leads with flavor text. The Huysian faction is described as "Refined seafarers from the east" and most notably their "penchant for elegant weapons" which is meant to indicate weapons such as swords and spears and the like. If the player chooses this faction, they will begin the game with a sword. Players should choose this faction if they are more inclined to fast-paced gameplay and delivering high DPS like in Platinum's other title Bayonetta, at the cost of being a tad squishier.

Agavian Faction


The Agavian faction is described as "Noble soldiers from the mountains." This faction states that they "[draw] enemy attention away from their allies," which is meant to indicate to the player that this class is more meant for a tank build; the player may note the heavily armored knight that accompanies the text. This faction will begin the game with a heavy hammer.

Players should choose this faction if they are inclined to support roles that will be tanking damage from enemies and dealing slow heavy blows, while the Huysian cleans it all up.

Geleilion Faction


Last but not least, there is the Geleilion faction. This faction is described as "Skilled hunters from the west isles," which is most definitely meant to indicate that this is a ranged build. They are "masters in the use of various poisons..." and "have tactics that debilitate foes rendering them vulnerable to attack." Players of this class will begin the game with a bow. This faction will be best suited for those playing with friends or in the online scene, as this class is the squishiest with not a lot of initial offensive capability, serving more as a chip damage/enemy debuffer.

Playing solo is a much different experience, and if the player does it is highly recommended going with either the Agavian faction or the Huysian, as they are best suited for taking on swathes of enemies in the battle arenas.

A solo ranged build will have a very difficult time initially, as they will find themselves kiting enemies often, which is perhaps fun for some, but players more interested in getting into the action fast will note otherwise. Like games in a similar cooperative vein like Monster Hunter or Lost Planet, Babylon's Fall is best played with friends.

Again, fortunately, the player can choose any weapon they want after the game has begun, but keep in mind that depending on the faction chosen, this will limit what abilities the player will have access to. With a better understanding of what the factions are and what weapons they begin the game with, the player should feel ready to become a Sentinel and best the trial that is the Tower of Babylon.

Babylon's Fall is now available for PS4, PS5, and PC.

MORE: Babylon's Fall: Complete Guide - Tips, Tricks, and General Help