After the initial opening in Babylon's Fall, players will eventually be brought to the hub world. This area is incredibly reminiscent of the ones found in similar games, such as Destiny or Splatoon. Just as they are in those titles, players are able to interact with a myriad of things other than the main story quest line.

Babylon's Fall's hub world is fairly small when compared to some others, but it is not without some interesting things of note. Players should feel encouraged to explore around themselves, but everything available to them will be organized here below.

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After the opening, which sees players beginning in the hub at the tavern, players will always appear in a specific location going forth. Immediately to their left, they should notice an NPC named Zafardo. Zafardo will offer players some lore about the world, but, otherwise, nothing particularly noteworthy.

If players return to the starting position, they will see a staircase going up on their right. If they follow this staircase, they'll find their inbox in a golden chest. Leaving this room, players can continue along the top patio and further up some stairs where another NPC named Druder can be spoken to. This NPC is similar to Zafardo, in that he is mostly just a lore dump.

Players can then drop from the patio or go down the nearby stairs, across from which is Ishum's Forge. If they go to Ishum before completing the Volcanic Cloister missions, Ishum only offers a few lines of dialogue. After completing the Volcanic Cloister missions, however, players can return to this forge to craft items from materials found in missions.

Leaving the forge to the right will lead players closer to the dock and the seaside. There, they can meet an NPC named Maminea, who will provide players with lore just like the others. Maminea is a little different though, as she'll respond to progress that players make with the story, so it's sometimes worth returning to her after completing more missions to hear what she has to say.


Further to the left, players can encounter the NPC Leto, who is quite simply a bard who will give a line or two of dialogue before continuing to play his mandolin. More importantly, in this same stall is Pygmalion, who is in charge of The Exchange. This is the place where players can purchase everything in the game, so they'll be visiting here quite often. It is also here that players can enter the Garaz shop, which is used for the game's microtransactions.

If players tab to the right, they'll find themselves at the Conch Shop which has everything that they could ever need when it comes to missions, such as gear and weapons. The Trading Post is also available in this area and allows players to appraise any relics that they may have picked up during their missions.

If players continue left, they'll come to a small set of stairs, to the right of which they can find the mission board. This of course allows players to progress through the story and other missions. If players go left instead of right, they will enter the tavern in which they first spawned in at the very beginning of the game. If players speak to the NPC Gulra at the counter, they'll be able to edit their Sentinel, which they are allowed to customize at any time. All the other NPCs in the tavern will just offer some simple lines of dialogue.

The hub world in Babylon's Fallis a lot smaller and perhaps more sparse than some others, but that is not to say there is nothing to do in it. Players being able to customize and adjust their characters whenever they'd like is a very welcome addition, as too is crafting in the forge, even if players aren't even able to access it right away. As players continue through the story, they should visit NPCs regularly for their updated dialogue, as they'll all have new things to say as events start to unfold.

Babylon's Fall is now available for PS4, PS5, and PC.

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