Babylon's Fall is seeing players scrambling to grind loot and gain rewards. If players pre-ordered the game, they will have access to a special reward, The Empress' Insignia, however, there are plenty of UI mechanics that are not quite explained in regard to said rewards, and finding the player inbox is one of those.

Players will note that they receive a daily reward as well for each consecutive day that they log in to Babylon's Fall. Once the player has confirmed the daily reward message, they will be prompted with a notification stating that they have something in their inbox, but it does not mention where the inbox is or how to access it.

Players may note as well that there is not an in-game map for the hub world or for the mission stages, so exploration and close attention to HUD icons are a must. Players will note that the daily login will occur on the HUD immediately after logging on, but players are not able to access these rewards from that menu, so in order to access the inbox and for players to receive their in-game log in reward, they will need to go find a chest located on the second story part of the hub town.

Clearing the Inbox

When the player first begins the game, they will be dropped into a tavern after completing the opening. Here's how to get to the inbox:

  • Exit the tavern and then turn right, going up a small set of stairs.
  • Continue this way, and then pass the market stall with Pygmalion on the left.
  • Continue straight this way, and then there should be an icon on the screen that looks like a small chest with a crown.
  • Go up the flight of stairs on the right, and the chest will be on this floor.

From here, the player is able to access any unclaimed rewards, and they can also look at any previously claimed rewards up to 30 days ago.

Alternatively, after logging in a second time or after a mission, the player will be returned to a spawning location for the hub. The staircase on the right is the one that will bring them to the inbox. Any unclaimed items will be deleted after a certain period of time, so it is a good idea to keep an eye on how long the reward will be available for those, and then to go ahead and pick it up as soon as possible.

With this now in mind, if the player pre-ordered the game, they should have access to a decorative emblem that they can use to decorate their Sentinel Banner, or claim other rewards from logging in.

Babylon's Fall is now available for PS4, PS5, and PC.

MORE: Babylon's Fall: Complete Guide - Tips, Tricks, and General Help