Babylon's Fall is a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) published by Square Enix and developed by PlatinumGames. Many players have been flocking to the title in droves as of late and have been getting themselves acquainted with the mechanics of Babylon's Fall.

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Due to the influx of new players, there have also been plenty of new fans who end up completely lost in the game. Any veteran player to Babylon's Fall would have many helpful tips and tricks to progression that new players would certainly find useful. These tips should help beginners get their feet wet.

7 Study Different Weapons & Armor

Babylon's Fall - A person wielding ice magic.

Like in any game, it's a good idea for a player to learn about how weapons and armor work - more specifically, what stats are considered to be the best, where to farm equipment easily, and so on and so forth.

The details of what stats are best on what weapons/armor is always going to be what trips up many new players in games. It's best to take fifteen minutes to read up on what makes a good piece of equipment in Babylon's Fall, to ensure a player doesn't go astray.

6 Don't Underestimate Rewards

Babylon's Fall - Multiple people standing.

Like many other MMOs or other live service games, Babylon's Fall can be quite generous when it comes to giving out rewards to the player. This is to keep them hooked and coming for more.

A player can acquire all sorts of rewards - such as decent gear, more currency, and other items - just from logging in and completing all sorts of missions. A newer player especially shouldn't skip out on these rewards, because they can be quite useful when starting out in the game. Even longtime players can always benefit from having free rewards given to them.

5 Test Out Different Factions

Babylon's Fall - A red beam of magic.

There are multiple factions for a player to join during their playthrough of Babylon's Fall. The factions include choices such as the Huysian, the Agavian, and the Geleilion, and they all have different perks for a player to be able to use during gameplay, such as being able to choose which type of abilities they can learn.

A player has three different slots for characters, meaning they can figure out how a few factions work. There is no harm in testing out different characters in different factions to see what works best for a fan's particular playstyle.

4 Don't Forget To Visit The Conch Shop

Babylon's Fall - A lich.

The Conch Shop is considered by many players to be a vital asset when it comes to acquiring gear and even selling unwanted items. As Conches are the base currency in Babylon's Fall, it's important for a player to visit the Conch Shop on a regular basis to exchange Conches for Items.

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On top of this, a player can also pawn off any of their items that they've deemed unnecessary in exchange for a few Conches. Some players have figured out that the items that are sold at the shop aren't exactly the best. However, there's no harm in selling items.

3 Exploration Is Key

Babylon's Fall - A magic blast.

Like with any MMOs, a player can get shockingly far just by exploring the area and rummaging around for any sort of item. There's no need to simply stick to the well-beaten path when it comes to Babylon's Fall, especially for a new player who needs as many items as possible.

There are chests scattered all throughout the map, and these chests can contain a variety of items. From Conches to weapons and armor, anything a chest contains can be a game-changer for a new player. However, the chests do require some exploring in order to find them.

2 The Blacksmith Is Very Important

Babylon's Fall - Two people fighting.

It's worth noting for players to realize that there is a blacksmith in the Sentinel Headquarters: this blacksmith is known as Ishum. Talking to Ishum will unlock a whole new world of opportunities for a player when it comes to how good their weapons and armor can become.

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Players will be able to enhance and refine their equipment, increasing the base stats or replacing a particular piece of equipment. Later on, a player will even be able to craft new pieces of equipment. Ishum is incredibly important when it comes to the player's gear, and it's not hard to see why.

1 Learn How To Parry - And Soon

Babylon's Fall - A forge with fire.

A large part of Babylon's Fall is the combat that a player can go through. There are two mechanics that a player can use in order to avoid taking damage from enemies - these two mechanics being the parry and the perfect dodge, though a shield is necessary to parry.

Learning how to parry and how to create a perfect dodge is essential for any new player to learn. They'll want to learn this as soon as possible, in order to not only be able to avoid damage but even follow up with stronger attacks to take down enemies more quickly.

Babylon's Fall is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows.

MORE: Babylon's Fall: How To Play With Friends