With so many old-but-gold titles being remastered of late, Final Fantasy fans are getting a real treat just now. Final Fantasy X and X-2 have both been remastered and are available on PC for those who don't have a console. If you're a true, hardcore fan of the franchise, we really recommend diving into these two iconic RPG adventures, which tell the rich and touching story of Spira from the perspective of Tidus and then of Yuna.

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If you've finished both games and you'd like some unclear plot points clarified, or if you're just curious and not very fussy about being spoiled, we're here to list 10 of the most important events that took place in Spira in-between the two games. There's always more you can dive into where Final Fantasy is concerned, so let's get started!

10 The Crimson Squad Disaster

The Crimson Squad was an elite group of combatants. Gippal, Baralai, Nooj and Paine were all members of the squad when it was still functional, and were sent on a mission to investigate reports of a strange, haunted cavern. Visitors claimed they were attacked by a vengeful spirit of a young man and plagued with visions of a massive machine-like weapon.

As the group headed deep within the Den of Woes, they came face to face with Shuyin's ghost and were driven mad. Other members of the squad killed one another, while these four managed to escape in the nick of time, sealing the den away with Crimson Spheres which were then scattered all across Spira. For our gil, this was one of the biggest tragedies to hit Spira since you-know-who.

9 The Celsius

As you take on the role of Yuna in FFX-2, you'll be soon placed onboard the flying airship dubbed Celsius. This is your main base of operations, with everything you need, from shop to bestiary, at your disposal. The ship's systems are able to detect spherewaves and take you to the closest sphere, making it the perfect HQ for a group of sphere hunters.

However, what you may have not known is that the Celsius is an incredibly old vessel that was found during an Al Bhed excavation and is estimated to be at least 1000 years old. This would make the Celsius older than Sin from FFX, which is pretty impressive.

8 Wakka & Lulu Marry

Wakka and Lulu in Final Fantasy 10-2

Given the events of FFX and the dynamic between Wakka and Lulu, it probably didn't come as a surprise to anyone that these two eventually decided to get married. Although their personalities are almost night and day, they were both raised orphans and went through a lot together in FFX.

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In FFX-2 Lulu gives birth to a little boy, Vidina, and the pair seem to continue their peaceful life on the island of Besaid. Depending on which ending you get, Vidina will be present at the beach in the end.

Trema, a devout follower of Yevon, was eager to learn more about the past of Spira once Sin was defeated. It was through his efforts to popularize sphere hunting that people began seeking out these spheres to learn about the history of their world.

However, Trema's true nature was unknown to most people. He wanted these spheres hunted down so he could destroy them and make people forget about the past. This belief fell in line with the New Yevon teachings, which further emphasized leaving the past behind in order to become stronger.

6 The Youth League Is Created

Just as the New Yevon faction was born, a rival faction known as the Youth League was also formed. Both sides sought to hunt down spheres, but their purposes are very different. The New Yevon faction members refuse to reveal any information learned from their spheres, whereas the Youth League is eager to share its findings with the rest of the world, despite their somewhat aggressive reputation.

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Yuna herself must choose which side to give the awesome sphere to upon discovering it. Luckily, later in the game, it becomes possible to bring the factions together.

5 The Machine Faction Is Made

In addition to the Youth League and the New Yevon faction, a third one is also born: The Machine Faction. Led by Gippal, its members seek to preserve and and spread the use of machines and technology across all of Spira.

Gippal oversees this mission by upholding a somewhat neutral position between the two other factions, and will readily supply either of them with his machines. Much of the faction's work centers around desert excavations, as well as ridding the machina of the notoriety that surrounds them.

4 Trema Seals Himself Into Via Infinito

As the New Yevon faction continued to gather spheres, Trema eventually chose to make good on his own beliefs and destroy all of them in order to put the past behind. Trema took all spheres the faction had gathered and isolated himself in Via Infinito, the underbelly of Bevelle.

There, he destroyed the spheres and has since remained there, unbeknownst to those above ground. During his time there he has gained much in power as an unsent, able to manipulate fiends to his own will.

3 Kimahri Becomes A Leader

A member of the Ronso, Kimahri has been Yuna's guardian for a very long time. However, after the events of FFX, he returned to his people.

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When FFX-2 begins, we discover that Kimahri has now become an elder of his tribe and is essentially in charge of his people. He plays an important role in the beginning of the FFX-2 storyline as he hands Rikku a sphere that he was able to find in the mountains, which leads Rikku to hand it over to Yuna.

2 The Gullwings Are Established

As sphere hunting is now a common sport among the citizens of Spira, Brother and Buddy decided to get in on the adventure as well. As the two work on creating their own team of sphere hunters, they make their way to the north of Spira. Their mission is to find an airship fit for this very purpose, and upon seeing a gull fly in the skies and following it, they come across the Celsius.

It's due to this unlikely sign that Brother establishes the Gullwings and names the group after the bird that led him to his airship. The team is joined by Rikku and Paine as well.

1 Yuna Leaves Besaid

After Yuna's return to Besaid in FFX, people from both New Yevon and the Youth League are eager to get the word of approval from her, but she remains steadfast in her neutrality. Eventually, Rikku presents her with the sphere she received from Kimahri, which shows a man just like Tidus inside a cell, demanding to see the summoner.

Considering the way she parted ways with Tidus in FFX, Yuna is desperate to find out more. She decides to leave Besaid and join the sphere hunters to seek her answers.

NEXT: The 5 Best Final Fantasy Games According To Metacritic (& The 5 Worst)