Games Done Quick, which hosts the biannual Awesome Games Done Quick and Summer Games Done Quick events, has announced that the most recent event has raised a record amount of money. Games Done Quick proudly announced in a Twitter post last night that it reached $3.4 million USD in donations throughout the week-long event, eclipsing the previous record of $3.2 million set at Awesome Games Done Quick 2020.

Games Done Quick has two events every year, Awesome Games Done Quick in January, and Summer Games Done Quick in July, which are hosted by the North American speedrunning community to raise money for cancer research. The events draw in millions of Twitch viewers each time they're hosted.

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Viewers can donate directly to Games Done Quick through their website, and donations will also be read during the stream if the viewer wishes to leave a comment. Some viewers will donate to have the runner(s) or announcer do some kind of impression of a character or simply wish to leave a message for the runner. In previous years, the event was run out of a certain venue, which was usually a hotel, but current world circumstances have caused Games Done Quick to be hosted online with speedrunners and staff hosting the event from their homes. Most speedrunners that partake in the event can be found on Twitch or YouTube through their own streaming channels.

The last three GDQ events from July 2020 to July 2021 had seen lower donation totals, likely a cause of the COVID-19 pandemic keeping some people out of work and unable to donate money. With life somewhat reverting to normal, the Awesome Games Done Quick saw a resurgence in donations and was the quickest event in history to reach $1 million donated by the Wednesday of the event (each GDQ starts on a Sunday).

Games Done Quick's support of cancer research and charity is one of gaming's biggest bright spots, and it is great to see the event continuing and doing well. The event is a great demonstration of gamers coming together to support a cause that is bigger than themselves and giving back to the world. Support for this event is always welcome, and even just watching can help drive Games Done Quick forward.

The next Games Done Quick will be hosted in July, and time will tell if the event can be even bigger than this year's Awesome Games Done Quick. If this event sounds interesting, VODs can be seen on the Games Done Quick YouTube channel, and its most recent broadcasts can most likely still be found on Twitch for the next couple of months.

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