The lineup and dates for this year's Awesome Games Done Quick are announced. The speedrunning marathon for charity will take place from Sunday, January 5 until just after midnight on January 11, with the final celebration taking place on the 12. This week-long stream features many of the best video game speedrunners showing off their favorite games and raising money for various charities through viewer donation. Like in past years, Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 will be streamed live to the Games Done Quick Twitch channel.

Last year AGDQ raised over $2 million for for the Prevent Cancer Foundation and peaked with 219,240 concurrent viewers on Twitch. ADGQ 2020 will be the 10th anniversary of the event. Over the past decade, Games Done Quick has raised more than $22 million for charities around the world, including Doctors Without Borders and Organization for Autism Research. Games Done Quick organizes multiple charity events throughout the year, including the other annual week-long marathon Summer Games Done Quick. All of the AGDQ 2020 donations will be used to support the Prevent Cancer Foundation.

RELATED: 10 Of The Hardest Games To Speedrun (That Gamers Tried To Do Anyway)

AGDQ 2020 will feature more than 130 games including new arrivals like Control, Untitled Goose Game, and The Outer Worlds and AGDQ favorites like Dark Souls and variants of A Link to the Past and Super Metroid. Plenty of other 2019 releases like Cadence of Hyrule, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Devil May Cry 5 are all being ran as well.

Some of the more typical speedrunning classics are getting a twist. Super Mario 64 and A Link to the Past randomizers are both being played in races. Other runs to look out for are the Doom Nightmare difficulty run that closes out Monday night and a run of the Celeste Farewell DLC. The final night of the marathon is going out on Super Metroid Impossible, a 2006 ROM hack that makes the SNES classic brutally difficult. Speedrunner Oatsngoats is set to beat it in less than two and a half hours.

Games Done Quick even posted a pre-marathon bonus video on its Twitch channel. The video of the Grounded Glitchless run of The Last of Us by runner AnthonyCaliber  pre-AGDQ hype showcase. He beats the game in under three hours and shows off a hilarious glitch at the end that is worth sticking around for.

Awesome Games Done Quick 2020 starts on Sunday January 5 and runs until Sunday January 12.

MORE: 10 Games That You Can Learn To Speedrun Fast (& Still Look Impressive)

Source: gamesdonequick