Zombie-themed anime in Japan has emerged as a result of the international and Western fascination with the undead. However, Japanese animation has yet to keep pace with the glut of zombie films and television series in the West, but this is about to change. Over the last ten years, there has been a flood of new zombie-themed anime, with twenty or more productions hitting shelves. Fans probably missed quite a few of these in favor of more popular subgenres of anime.

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Thankfully, there is a simple solution to this problem. While waiting for the next season or episode of their favorite zombie program, fans should check out any of these zombie-related anime. Below is a compiled list of the finest ten zombie anime films available for instant streaming online.

10 High School Of The Dead

Characters in Highschool of the dead

Even if it may be divisive to include Highschool of the Dead, the popularity of the series guarantees that it will be included in any ranking of zombie anime. This anime depicts life in a post-apocalyptic society from the perspective of those who have survived the event. Though the subject has been done to death, especially in the zombie genre, Highschool of the Dead stands out for being surprisingly moving.

Instead of focusing only on zombies, assaults, as well as kills, Highschool of the Dead tackles concerns that affect actual individuals. Sadly, the Highschool of the Dead storyline was never completed as a result of the main writer passing away from sickness, and the illustrator lost interest.

9 Hellsing (Herushingu)

Alucard Staring at the camera menacingly

For all its focus on zombies, Hellsing is really more of a monster anime. The anime centers on a group named Hellsing, whose mission is to wipe out these creatures in order to save humankind.

There's a lot of drama in this anime, along with plenty of combat and gore. Monsters, zombies, military drama, and a slew of exciting battles await. Hellsing is undoubtedly one of the greatest action anime out there, and fans of the genre will eat it up. Everything a fan could desire is here, making this an absolute must-see.

8 Sankarea: Undying Love

Sankarea Undying Love - Two Main Characters Giving Each Other Some Looks

The main character, Chihiro Furuya, of the supernatural horror anime Sankarea, falls in love with a zombie, leading to both comedic and terrifying situations. While it is mostly a comedic series, some very terrifying and gripping sequences are also in it.

Chihiro is so enamored with zombies that he wishes he could date one. An unfortunate young lady called Rea Sanka takes his revival concoction. After the east hydrangea dies, she turns into a zombie, and Chihiro has to learn to adjust to his new normal of dating a zombie.

7 Is This A Zombie? (Kore Wa Zombi Desu Ka?)

Haruna, Ayumu, and Seraphim together

This anime has two seasons plus several original video animations (OVA). One thing that sets this anime apart from others on this lineup is that it is also a comedy in addition to being about zombies. The protagonist Ayumu is a serial murderer's next victim. In any case, he gets slain again, only to be resurrected by a cute magical female necromancer.

In any case, thanks to the lady's abilities, he's able to return as a zombie. Further, a monster is hunting for Ayumu, so throughout the anime, he and the lady are forced to exercise extreme caution.

6 Tokyo Ghoul (Tōkyō Gūru)

Ken Kaneki Staring at the camera menacingly

If the definition of a zombie is flexible, Tokyo Ghoul is a must-see. It chronicles the life of Ken Kaneki, a shy and average 18-year-old university freshman. After a near-fatal accident, he is rescued by a ghoul organ donation, which completely alters his life.

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After the transplant, he is a monstrous hybrid between humans and ghouls who must subsist on human flesh. Ken has to find a way to save his humanity while keeping his new ghoul identity a secret. In contrast to traditional zombies that feast on human flesh, ghouls attempt to blend in with human civilization, earning them the viewer's sympathy and, at times, support.

5 The Empire Of Corpses (Shisha no Teikoku)

Hadaly, John, Friday, and Frederick standing together

In an alternative version of England in the 18th century, Dr. Victor Frankenstein figures out how to bring the dead back to life. Unfortunately, his invention is wrecked, but a new technique of resurrecting carcasses is found, providing an opportunity for the use of zombies in industrial work in the 1900s.

But unlike Victor's approach, this modern process cannot restore the soul. Later, the English Government elects doctoral student John Watson to find and retrieve Frankenstein's manuscripts on resurrecting a living, breathing corpse. This anime is entertaining and engaging to see because of its original narrative and personalities, many of whom are based on real people or well-known literary luminaries.

4 Zombie-Loan (Zonbi Rōn)

Bekko, Asou, Kita, Tachibana, Atasuki, and Yuuta standing together.

It would seem that the living dead continues to feature in a significant amount of Japan's popular culture and media. Chika and Shito, the anime's protagonists, are zombies who can stay alive indefinitely if they kill enough other zombies.

A young woman called Michiru eventually joins them; she can tell when someone is dying by looking for a ring around their neck. Michiru's unique talent helps Chika and Shito find more zombies so that they may repay the corporation that gave them new lives, Zombie-Loan.

3 Corpse Princess (Shikabane Hime)

Corpse Princess - Main Character Looking At Camera Angrily

Makina Hoshimura, the protagonist of Corpse Princess, is one of many people who has been infected and transformed into a zombie. She's undead even though she doesn't behave like one and has no taste for guts and brains.

After being slaughtered along with her family, she is resurrected and must now dispose of 108 more undead zombies before she can finally join them in paradise. Her ultimate objective is to exact revenge for the deaths of her loved ones by eliminating the Seven Stars zombie cult. Makina is a calm, collected woman with tremendous physical talents who wields two MAC-11 machine rifles to wipe the floor with her foes.

2 Sunday Without God (Kami-sama No Inai Nichiyōbi)

 Julie, Scar, Ai, and Hampnie standing together.

Featuring elements of fantasy, intrigue, and the paranormal, Sunday Without God is set in the future when people no longer age or reproduce. According to this anime, God deserted his creatures, leaving behind grave keepers who may guide the souls of the recently deceased to their last reward.

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The "undead" in this anime is a little unique from the standard kind, but they still function in similar basic ways. Anyone who dies still lives without any evidence of degradation. The story centers on a young girl named Ai who aids an eternal gunman, Hampnie Hambart, in discovering the reality of their planet and putting the undead to rest.

1 Soul Eater

Black Star, Soul eater Evans, Tsubaki, Maka, Patricia, and Death the Kid, together.

Soul Eater is a well-liked anime that doesn't focus entirely on zombies but does include them sometimes. The anime is adapted from the manga, which centers on a variety of teams studying in the Death Weapon Meister Academy.

Each squad has a weaponry expert paired with a weapon that can assume a human appearance. If they want to make a death scythe and impress the Shinigami academy's headmaster, Death, they'll need to round up 90 bad guys and a witch.

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