Avowed is the highly anticipated fantasy RPG by The Outer Worlds developer Obsidian Entertainment currently slated for release sometime in the second half of 2024. Set in the same universe as the developer's Pillars of Eternity series, Avowed sees players traveling to the Living Lands where they have been tasked with investigating a mysterious plague that has spread throughout the realm. While there, players will discover their character's personal connection to the Living Lands, recruiting companions and learning new skills along the way. While Obsidian has already been generous with the amount of content it has revealed for Avowed so far, it seems fans may be in store for even more on June 9, according to recent reports.

Fans of Avowed will want to mark June 9, 2024, on their calendars, with reports suggesting the fantasy action RPG could be featured in some way following the Xbox Games Showcase that occurs the same day. This wouldn't be the first time Avowed has been featured during an Xbox event, as a deep dive into its gameplay was revealed during January's Xbox Developer Direct. However, it's possible the upcoming showcase could include an even more extensive look at Avowed, though that has yet to be confirmed. With Avowed's release still likely months away, there is plenty that fans could see during Avowed's reported showcase during or following June's Xbox Games Showcase.

How Avowed Can Carry the Torch for One Popular Fallout: New Vegas Feature

As Obsidian Entertainment's next RPG, Avowed looks to embrace one specific mechanic that was a popular feature in Fallout: New Vegas.

What Avowed's Reported June 9 Reveal Could Include

Fans Could See More of Avowed's Gameplay on June 9

While it has yet to be confirmed, it's possible fans could see more of Avowed's gameplay during its reported showcase on June 9. This is something that has been highly requested since its initial reveal during January's Xbox Developer Direct, especially after a lackluster reception. Unfortunately, the Xbox Developer Direct showcase for Avowed left many viewers feeling skeptical about the quality of the game's combat. However, Obsidian responded by assuring fans that it would improve Avowed's combat according to feedback, so June 9 might be the best time for the developer to show off those improvements and build hype for the game.

Furthermore, June 9 could also be a chance for Obisidian to divulge more details about Avowed's character creation, skills trees, and open-world exploration — all of which were largely excluded during the game's first big reveal. So far, Obsidian hasn't shied away from disclosing information about Avowed's combat system, companions, and narrative-driven gameplay, so to reveal more about the game's more intricate mechanics on June 9 might be a huge step forward for it.

Avowed 's reported placement in the Xbox Game showcase doesn't seem to show much promise for extensive gameplay footage, so it could be an underwhelming experience for fans with unbridled expectations.

Avowed's Reported Reveal Could Be Purely Cinematic

Since Avowed is reportedly not going to be featured in the Xbox Games Showcase itself but only following it, it's possible the next reveal for Obsidian's fantasy RPG could be purely cinematic. Since some fans will likely be expecting to see more of Avowed's gameplay, this could be a bit of a letdown. Still, a cinematic trailer for Avowed could provide some much-needed context for its story, characters, and world that its Xbox Developer Direct reveal didn't delve into. Arguably, a cinematic trailer is almost just as necessary as another gameplay reveal, as the critical details of Avowed's overarching narrative are still largely a mystery.

Whether Avowed's reported June 9 presence ends up being another look at its gameplay or a brand-new cinematic introduction to its story, those looking forward to its release should mark the date on their calendars nonetheless. Anything more from Obsidian about its Pillars of Eternity successor at this point is a plus, especially as Avowed's release window is quickly approaching.