
  • Avowed, the upcoming RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, will feature multiple endings similar to their previous games like The Outer Worlds.
  • Following the pattern of The Outer Worlds, Avowed is likely to have at least a good and bad ending, with a possible secret ending based on player choices.
  • Fans of role-playing games can expect Avowed to offer a variety of endings, showcasing the importance of player choice in shaping the outcome of the game.

Avowed is the next IP from The Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity developer Obsidian Entertainment, and it already appears to have the developer's DNA written all over it. From Avowed's companions to its combat, the fantasy RPG looks like an Obsidian game in many ways. Furthermore, thanks to a confirmation from the developer ahead of the game's release, Avowed will also feature multiple endings in typical Obsidian fashion.

It's not uncommon for Obsidian games to have multiple endings. When game director Carrie Patel was asked whether Avowed would have multiple endings, she responded that it was an Obsidian game, after all, and thus it would have multiple endings. Additionally, the developer had previously confirmed that Avowed will be significantly driven by choice, which also signifies several potential endings to the game. Although those endings won't be disclosed until the game is released to protect its story from spoilers, it's possible to narrow down what they will be like by examining The Outer Worlds' different endings and what they meant for the game.

Avowed Skipping a Popular RPG Feature Spells Trouble for The Outer Worlds 2

As it did with The Outer Worlds, Obsidian is skipping a companion feature in Avowed, which means it will likely do the same in The Outer Worlds 2.

Avowed's Endings Will Most Likely Be Like The Outer Worlds'

The Outer Worlds Has Three Main Story Endings

Most games with multiple endings include at least one "good" ending and one "bad" ending, and whether these are good or bad is typically only so decided when viewed through a subjective lens. However, The Outer Worlds has three main story endings: a good ending, a bad ending, and a secret ending. Both the good and bad endings can happen due to an important decision made by players near the end of the game, whereas the secret ending has a rather hilarious prerequisite.

The Outer Worlds' good ending requires players to side with Dr. Phineas Welles throughout the game without turning him in when they are given the option. In this ending, players work with Phineas to free the colony from the Board's control and revive the frozen colonists aboard the Hope, with Halcyon then thriving under the establishment of a new, independent government. The Outer Worlds' bad ending requires players to turn Welles in and side with the Board. Once they do, the Hope is sent to Tartarus, and players help the Board maintain control over Halcyon. Unfortunately, the Board's authority doesn't bode well for the people of Halcyon, which is what ultimately makes this the bad ending.

The third ending for The Outer Worlds is actually a secret ending that can only be triggered if the player has a low enough Intelligence score. When the player is given the choice to pilot the Hope, as long as their Intelligence score is low enough, they end up flying the Hope directly into the sun. This is the quickest way to end the game and also highlights The Outer Worlds' humor very well.

Avowed's Endings Will Presumably Follow the Same Pattern

The Outer Worlds' three endings are fairly typical for an Obsidian game, so Avowed will presumably follow the same pattern. Specifically, players can expect Avowed to have at least one good and one bad ending, but there is also a high chance of it having a secret ending. It's unclear whether Avowed's potential secret ending will be tied to the player's stats as it was in The Outer Worlds, but there may be a secret ending nonetheless. Assuming Avowed follows a particular set of moral rules, its good and bad endings will likely also be fairly discernible.

The fact that Avowed has multiple endings is great news for role-playing fans, as the notion of choice in video games has become increasingly popular over the last two decades. While it could very well turn out that Avowed has more than three endings, players can expect at least two endings — one good and one bad — though the hope is that there will be even more.