
  • Avowed's recent trailer has fans worried that the revered race of Godlike won't have the same wow factor as in Pillars of Eternity due to the perspective change.
  • Avowed continues the Pillars of Eternity saga in the fantasy land of Eora, with a diverse range of races including Aumaua, Orlans, and Godlike.
  • The shift to a first-person perspective in Avowed poses challenges for the game's aesthetic, particularly with the size difference between races and the inability to fully appreciate the mutant-esque features of the Godlike.

Every now and again, a new enigma is born out of the regular fantasy races in Elves, Goblins, and Dwarfs. Whether it takes the form of closely related aesthetic variations or a completely different species from what gamers are used to, the creativity of game writers and developers shines through in such instances. The most notable examples in recent titles include the beastly Khajiit in Skyrim and Pillars of Eternity's iconic Godlike, which helped catapult the title to acclaim. However, with Avowed's recent trailer giving a glimpse of what to expect in the next installment, fans fear that the revered race might not have the same wow factor they did in Pillars of Eternity.

Avowed continues the Pillars of Eternity saga in the fantasy land of Eora, although fans are not quite sure of the title's placement on the canonical timeline. Different races call Eora their homes, ranging from typical Dwarfs, Elves, and Humans fantasy tropes to the unique Aumaua, Orlans, and Godlike. Divinely mutated Godlikes are particularly fascinating; born indirectly from Animancy, the result of the Engwithans' dabbling with souls. Engwithans, now extinct, were composed of ancient Kith who sought to make their own deities after discovering the absence of gods. Each created entity was based on pure ideals from sacrificing the souls of their people, and the Godlike subrace of Kith originates from these gods.

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Avowed's Perspective Shift Removes Some of the Godlike's Pizzazz


A staple of the Pillars of Eternity games, the Godlike could be born from any of the Kith in Eora and were blessed or cursed depending on their environment when one of the gods touches a child in the womb, giving them a spark. Godlike have distinct features from other members of their race in Eora, with their appearance being more in line with their creator. For instance, Death Godlikes have mutated heads with growths over their faces, giving them a menacing alien-like appearance that causes them to be feared and hated by their own people. Fear and hate are not always the case when it comes to Godlikes, like in the case of Tekehu, a Marine Godlike blessed by the god Ondra.

In Avowed, gamers play as either an Elf or Human in the role of an envoy of the Aedry Empire, sent to a remote corner of the world called the Living Lands to investigate a plague. Instead of relying on classes like most modern RPGs like Diablo 4, Avowed has an ability-based system, with the character unlocking different ability trees as they progress, giving fans much leeway with their play style.

With Avowed shifting to a first-person perspective, the way players interact with other characters is different from the isometric top-down view gamers are familiar with, giving the game a more similar feel to The Outer Worlds. However, Avowed's adoption of the perspective is rather problematic for its aesthetic, which made it so wildly popular in the first place. The Aedry Empire is primarily composed of Elves and Humans, and the near-comical size difference between certain races will be difficult to translate in a first-person view.

Additionally, after their reception in Pillars of Eternity, players would have anticipated the class to remain playable in Avowed. With Avowed only featuring Elves and Humans at launch, players are deprived of the mutant aesthetic experience of the Godlike. Although there might be provisions for the race to join the party later, the shock factor of their looks is no longer as exciting due to the perspective change, especially with the emergence of games like Baldur's Gate 3 that gave RPGs a comprehensive lesson in character design. The perspective change muddies things up for Avowed, as players might not fully appreciate the Godlike's mutant-esque features.

Avowed releases in 2024 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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