Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 are the two big projects that Obsidian Entertainment is currently working on. Both games are RPGs that seem to be deliberate responses to certain Bethesda heavy hitters. Now, it appears as if Obsidian may have pulled a bait-and-switch with Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 in one way.

Back in 2020, it was rumored that Avowed would be even bigger than Skyrim. For the longest time, the developer was relatively quiet about how true this was. Recent updates on the game, however, have revealed this not to be the case. In fact, it could very well be that Obsidian's biggest game may be The Outer Worlds 2 if its development cycle is anything to go on.

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The Rumors of Avowed's Size and How Big It Will Be


Avowed was first announced all the way back in 2020. It was one of Obsidian's first major projects confirmed to be in development following its merger with Microsoft and its first fantasy game in the AAA video game space. The first trailer for the game immediately drew comparisons to The Elder Scrolls games with its first-person fantasy aspects. Comparisons to The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim would be inevitable given the history Obsidian and Bethesda have. Rather, in terms of size, fans may have been wrong or misled about Avowed's supposed scale.

During the recent Xbox Games Showcase, many more details for the upcoming fantasy RPG were revealed. Around that same time, the developer revealed a bit more about the game's scope. While they initially set out to create their own version of an Elder Scrolls game the actual scale of the world will be a bit smaller. When discussing the size of the world, Obsidian stated that Avowed's size was more comparable to The Outer Worlds than Skyrim. While this will undoubtedly disappoint some, it does leave the door open for another game to be even bigger and better.

The Lengthy Development Of The Outer Worlds 2 and What It May Mean

The Outer Worlds 2 Customizable Ships

First announced in 2021, the first trailer for The Outer Worlds 2 was easily one of the most self-aware ever made. While details on the game are a bit sparse, there are some things Obsidian has already confirmed—mainly that the game will take place in another solar system and will follow a new crew of heroes. Still, there are some indications that the game might be bigger than anyone ever expected. The key proof of this is the seemingly prolonged development time.

Then, a report indicated that The Outer Worlds 2 had actually been in development since 2019 and suggested a 2023/2024 release date. This has proven unlikely as the game was not displayed during the Xbox Games Showcase. Furthermore, Avowed is set to be released sometime in 2024, making it possible that Obsidian will want to put some space in between its biggest releases.

This would make a 2025 release far more likely, though it could be pushed all the way back until 2026. This essentially means that, at minimum, the game could be in development for six years before it is released. This would give it a much longer development cycle than the average sequel, suggesting that the game could be much bigger than anyone ever thought.

It's impossible to say how big of a game The Outer Worlds 2 will be when compared to Avowed. While it is possible that the former game could be taking some extra time to make a bigger world, it is equally likely that the developer is putting all of its energy and resources into Avowed for the time being. Full production on The Outer Worlds 2 may not have even begun and may only go into high gear as things begin to wrap up on the upcoming fantasy game. Only time will tell what the ultimate scope of both of these games is.

Avowed will release in 2024 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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