
  • Avowed promises an intriguing narrative and player agency.
  • The game may not offer a pacifist playthrough option, focusing more on combat and a wide variety of weapons and skills.
  • The exclusion of a non-violent path could lead to more focus on combat design and creative character builds.

Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed has been on many gamers' radar since its announcement in 2020. As a first-person fantasy RPG adventure set within the greater world of the studio's CRPG series, Pillars of Eternity, Avowed has called to mind the likes of Skyrim and other beloved titles in the same vein. Obsidian's upcoming release is set to send fans on a journey through the region of the Living Lands of Eora later this year, promising an intriguing narrative and a wealth of player agency.

After a few general details were previously provided, the developer offered a deeper look into some of what players can expect when Avowed's latest story trailer was shown during the Xbox Showcase this June, part of Summer Game Fest. Prior to that, January's Xbox Direct focused on the depth of combat and choices that Avowed will contain. And while it all looks excellent, one option seems not to be viable– that of a pacifist path. Although this may mean it restricts player freedom in this instance, it might come with the big upside of elevating the potential combinations and results based on the combat and other options it will provide.

Avowed 's release date may have been leaked inadvertently, and it is officially confirmed for a Fall window as of now.

Avowed Needs to Have As Big of a Weapon Arsenal as Pillars of Eternity

Pillars of Eternity has a wide range of weapons for the player to use, and Avowed should follow this trend, giving players plenty of options.

Avowed Not Offering a Strictly Pacifist Playthrough Could Show Off One of its Best Sides

Avowed Appears to Disallow a Non-Violent Playthrough

Though pacifist playthroughs and role-playing methods for it have often been present in a number of RPGs and choice-driven games, they are also usually confined to a more niche path, requiring at times very specific skill builds and related story and quest choices to accomplish. It additionally naturally entails developers designing with the option in mind from the beginning, which certainly adds complexity to both ends of the gameplay and narrative spectrum. As such, many other titles by nature or necessity omit it as a narrative and gameplay option.

Obsidian has stated its vision for Avowed is based around deeply choice-driven quests in its tale of the strange plague dubbed the Dreamscourge affecting the Lands, and this design philosophy has long been associated with the studio. Even so, it appears that a truly passive approach will not be possible in Avowed, which perhaps isn't as surprising given its setup and pedigree, but understandably may disappoint fans who were hoping it might. Instead, Avowed may offer many interesting ways for players to engage with its more aggressive stance in this regard.

How Avowed's Extensive Combat Design and Choices Could Blunt the Exclusion of a Pacifist Path

If a pacifist path is ruled out in Avowed, then it will likely put more of an emphasis on the combat and the myriad possibilities within. Going from what has been revealed about this so far, Avowed will have grimoires, guns, spells, wands, and more, along with traditional sword-and-shield selections. Obsidian stated players will have the freedom to mix and match all varieties of arms between preferred styles in a classless system that will let them fluidly switch between and experiment with the array of configurations on display, including duel wielding. In light of all these options, perhaps the pacifist one will not be missed as much, if the results are satisfying to play and narratively relevant.

While Avowed thus may not offer complete role-playing freedom in terms of fans being able to walk a non-violent path, and some may simply have to accept its absence, the above might then prove to be a boon in other ways. Given the assortment of already revealed weapons, it has the potential to see players constructing and sharing fun and creative character builds for Avowed. It also may be justified again by the framework and other yet unknown aspects that will highlight its combat philosophy and storytelling in ways that marry them seamlessly.