Spiders' GreedFall was a pleasant surprise for gamers in 2019. Hailed as a spiritual successor to earlier BioWare games like Dragon Age, it offered an impressive and fresh adventure in a well-realized historical/fantasy setting. GreedFall was somewhat smaller in scope (at least compared to a few other contemporaries) but still provided a dense and satisfying RPG experience. Obsidian Entertainment's forthcoming epic fantasy FPS RPG, Avowed, has been on many fans' radar since its announcement in 2020, as it marks a return to the studio's well-known and liked designs. With Avowed also being a slimmer but more focused experience, many other elements about them are tightly aligned, too.

For starters, events have conspired such that GreedFall's sequel, ​​​​​The Dying World, and Avowed are now set to release in 2024, and players can expect to be able to experience both in the same year. Based upon the tale of the original GreedFall, and from what Avowed has shown so far and The Dying World, both series and projects can further be said to have close similarities in terms of their narrative angles and surrounding aspects, with the two exploring a number of the same major themes.

Avowed currently has a Fall release window , while GreedFall 2 does not yet have a firm date. Avowed will also be a day one Game Pass title.

Obsidian's Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 are both products of the same developer, but they are facing different circumstances in development.

GreedFall and Avowed's Setups and Other Elements Highly Resemble Each Other

Avowed and GreedFall's Present Similarities

Avowed promises to place players in the role of a protagonist who is "a powerful magic-wielder, sent by an emperor to investigate a devastating plague that is 'corrupting' the people." This description is very much adjacent to GreedFall's framework.

The first title followed the story of an influential merchant and ambassador, De Sardet, and their mission to investigate and establish relationships with a newly discovered island culture in its pseudo-historical Age of Exploration-era world, at the onset of a pandemic in their homeland. Both franchises present characters rooted in comparably powerful positions and occupations, tasked by an overseeing organization to enact its goals in foreign territory for the same reasons.

Avowed is based on Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity CRPG series, and will feature an area of its world, Eora, called the Living Lands. It is said to be a more lawless place that is pushing back against the influence and control of the Aedyr Empire, one of the dominant factions within Pillars of Eternity and Avowed's shared world.

The dangerous disease appears to be affecting the Lands themselves and the population alike, which was also the case and motivating factor in GreedFall's plot. De Sardet's mission to discover the source of the Malichor sickness occurring in GreedFall's world, and return from the nation of Teer Fradee with a cure strongly resembles that of Avowed's main character, at least based on the information currently on hand.

GreedFall and Avowed's Future Will Likely Build Upon Their Shared Themes and Stories

It is apparent then how GreedFall and Avowed's use of the above components connects them in interestingly synchronous ways at the moment. Both properties see citizens of native lands set against intruding or colonizing forces, with the protagonists caught between, and working to unearth the truths behind who or what might be manipulating the grander stage, and to what ends. Finally, The Dying World is set to flip the first game's script and will have fans play from the perspective of a Teer Fradee native unwillingly brought to the mainland of GreedFall's Old Continent region, roughly three years before the original events, putting another spin on the structure.

It's a good bet that they will show fans further sides and facets of their respective settings, fleshing out items like their geographies, intricacies, and more. The timeline of the two forthcoming titles will play an important part in determining their direction as well.

The Dying World's plot is set to occur fairly close to GreedFall, while it's still unclear exactly when Avowed will take place in Eora's history. Regardless, both are likely to add many layers of lore and characters to their already detailed worlds, and players can look forward to delving into discovering more of each sometime this year.