
  • Avowed allows players to dual wield any weapon or defense object, offering unique loadout customization options.
  • Obsidian is breaking the mold by encouraging players to experiment with unconventional weapon pairings in combat.
  • The focus of Avowed should be on fun gameplay experiences, pushing players to prioritize enjoyment over min-maxing effectiveness by making gimmicky combos entertaining to use.

Players looking forward to Obsidian’s upcoming title Avowed were delighted to learn about the game’s new style of weapon loadouts. In Avowed, players will be given the option to assign any weapon or defense object to either hand, using both hands at the same time to make their loadout uniquely their own.

While most fantasy RPGs have a handful of typical weapon types, they are usually pretty predictable and don’t stray from what players have become used to. In order to set the game apart, Avowed will be trying something new by using these same weapon types in a creative way. It appears that players will still be choosing from standard swords, bows, and magic systems, but Obsidian has set out to let players mix and match among Avowed's confirmed combat options by dual wielding almost any items they choose. Of course, this will lead to loads of player experimentation as people find their own play style. The important thing about this system is that even if a combination isn’t the most effective, the process of experimentation should still be fun.

Avowed's Rumored Release Date Makes a Lot of Sense

In light of Obsidian Entertainment's fall release trends, Avowed's latest rumored release date seems like it may end up being more than just a rumor.

How Will Avowed’s Weapons Work Together

Based on gameplay trailers, a few different types of weapons have already been revealed for Avowed’s fan base to pair together. No fantasy outing would be complete without the option to use swords or sorcery, but the game is also set to include other weapon types, like axes. Fans were surprised to learn that even guns will be an equippable weapon in Avowed, adding even more possibilities. This brings to mind a few obvious pairings, such as a sword in one hand with a shield in the other, or a magic user who can utilize both a wand and freehand magic at the same time, but players won’t stop at the obvious examples.

Surely the developers are anticipating players sampling a number of playstyles before finding their favorite, and these will include pairings that don’t spring to mind immediately. An ax and a pistol might not sound like the most useful pairing, but it would offer a player both ranged and close combat options, which some fans will prefer to choosing one over the other. Magic users are often left without much physical defense, but pairing a wand with a shield would eliminate that weakness. This might even help balance Avowed's magic system, which has been worrying some fans. Depending on other weapon types that might not be revealed yet, Avowed offers players potentially dozens of different options to play with, though none of that will matter if the process of sorting through them isn’t fun.

Avowed Should Prioritize Fun Over Function

With the limit on possibilities much lighter than in most games, Avowed is highly likely to have its share of gimmick builds. Dual wielding pistols, for example, is a common player wish, which has already been shown off in gameplay. This build might not prove viable in high-level boss battles, which have yet to be seen, but there’s no doubt that players will enjoy trying to make it work. With weapons being enchantable in Avowed, elemental firearms might boost the viability and the gimmick of that build. Dual wielding most weapons, like wands or swords, will probably lead to similar results. When playing games, most people are there for a good time, and Obsidian would do well to remember that when designing less powerful loadouts.

Players thrive on experimenting with new ways to play, as there's nothing like finding a gimmick that works or an exploit to utilize for the first time. One thing Avowed seems to be focusing on is quality over quantity in its gameplay. Avowed is breaking ground on a new combat system, and it will probably have some faults as well as some triumphs. So long as learning about both is enjoyable for the player, the game can be a success, regardless of how viable each pairing is. Some gimmick builds in the game might be incredibly powerful, and many probably won’t be, but the power isn’t what’s most important. In moments like this, it’s not so much about the player’s success as it is about how they feel when they’re trying.