Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed will be the studio's latest entry in its storied history of RPGs. Announced in 2020, players were given a look at some further details about Avowed at the Xbox Developer Direct showcase back in January of this year, with more of its gameplay, characters, and other elements on display. Many fans have since been theorizing more about what Avowed may have in store in terms of these and various additional aspects, such as its overall plot and placement within the existing timeline, as it is also set in the world of Eora, first introduced in Obsidian's Pillars of Eternity CRPG franchise.

Since its initial reveal, Avowed has also drawn comparisons to Skyrim and similar epic fantasy RPGs, and it's easy to see why on the surface, given their adjacent high fantasy flavors and looks. However, with it being based on Pillars of Eternity's established lore and setting, while looking to expand these, there's a clue contained in an item description from the first Pillars game that heavily indicates players will may have to wade into and contend with a poisonous swamp-like section in Avowed's previously unseen region of Eora, The Living Lands. That brings to mind swamps seen in multiple FromSoftware titles.

Avowed is currently slated for Fall 2024 release , and will be a day one Game Pass inclusion.

Avowed's Approach to Exploration Could be a Win-Win Scenario

Obsidian's Avowed sets itself apart from similar RPGs in the approach it takes to exploration, letting players decide how much is enough.

Why Avowed Will Likely Include a Poison Swamp Area Much Like FromSoftware Titles

FromSoftware's History of Poison Swamps and Similar Areas

Going back to its earlier works, FromSoftware's titles have long featured poison lakes, swamps, etc. As the studio has continued presenting dangerous and strange worlds in its titles, players have come to expect these in some form, often having to deal with multiple locales that are inherently toxic in some way. However, as this has become more of a tradition, it has sometimes been met with somewhat mixed reactions by fans as to the challenge and enjoyment factor it provides. Still, the design is something that's long been seen in FromSoft games, and with the known aspects of Avowed's setting along with some supporting information, it's primed to include one (or more) as well.

Why Avowed's Living Lands Setting Will Very Likely Have A Toxic Aquatic Region

Avowed's Living Lands have been described in official information as being under duress from a mysterious disease that seems to be plaguing both the populace and the very topography itself in some harmful way. In another similarity to FromSoftware's practices, seemingly offhand equipment descriptions often contain important lore and story information. Via such a detail, it looks to potentially set the stage for requiring fans to venture into parts of Avowed's setting that will resemble a FromSoftware-like poison swampland equivalent during their quest to uncover the nature behind the affliction. The Bilestompers boots description from Pillars of Eternity states:

"[these boots] were created in a small village in the Living Lands that is bordered by a toxic swamp and frequently overrun by venomous weeds...the edges of the leather show signs of corrosion. It’s believed that some of the venom has seeped into the boots."

When designed thoughtfully, areas like these can increase difficulty and switch up the exploration loop without overburdening players too much. While only speculation, this could be extrapolated to hypothetize that Avowed will have poison-resistant gear, like many FromSoft games as well. Avowed will also likely lean into the narrative choice and consequence design Obsidian is known for, in that players could possibly be able to purify portions of the Living Lands's toxic areas (or perhaps even worsen them) and these sections of the Lands may then react and respond accordingly. In any case, if Avowed is going to have areas like this, they will hopefully be integrated well and provide an enjoyable component within the greater whole of its experience.