
  • Avowed is Obsidian Entertainment's upcoming FPS RPG game, set to release later this year. Hype from gamers is based both on the footage shared so far and the studio's reputation for making quality first-person RPG experiences.
  • While comparisons have been made between Avowed and Skyrim, Obsidian has pointed out the game's smaller scale and scope, as well as other details that differentiate it. If anything, it shares more similarities with The Outer Worlds in terms of design and Obsidian's trademark touch.
  • Avowed seems to be the fantasy equivalent of The Outer Worlds, which is considered a success for Obsidian, so saying the two look similar is hardly an insult. With its meticulous world-building, engrossing narratives, and player-driven plot agency, Avowed is expected to be just as compelling, if not more so, than TOW.

Obsidian Entertainment's Avowed is its upcoming FPS RPG title set to release later this year, and has been in the works since its reveal in 2020. Prior to that, 2019's The Outer Worlds was a bit of a surprise for the studio, and in many ways, a pleasant one. Fans felt it was a return to form for the developer, channeling its work on classic beloved titles like Fallout: New Vegas as well as its reputation for making quality first-person RPG experiences, after producing a handful of well-received, but more niche CRPG titles, like Tyranny and the two Pillars of Eternity games (which Avowed is broadly based in) between them.

Given Avowed's general setting, and Obsidian's previous relationship with Bethesda Studios, it was almost inevitable that comparisons between Avowed and Skyrim were made. Obsidian has pointed out Avowed's smaller scale and scope on multiple occasions, as well as other details that separate it from being too alike. After showcasing more of Avowed at the Xbox Developer Direct presentation earlier in January, though, it does look to have a lot in common with The Outer Worlds in terms of design and Obsidian's trademark touch. But even if it is the case that Avowed is essentially "just a fantasy-flavored Outer Worlds experience," that does not denote a negative connotation, and, in fact, may be exactly the angle that will make it a great game with all the hallmarks of Obsidian's expertise.

Avowed currently has a confirmed Fall 2024 release window, but no firm date yet. It will also be a day one Game Pass /Microsoft exclusive.

Obsidian's Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 Are Two Sides of the Same Coin

Avowed and The Outer Worlds 2 are both products of the same developer, but they are facing different circumstances in development.

If Avowed is the Fantasy Equivalent to The Outer Worlds, It Will Still be Solid

The Outer Worlds' Success Story

The Outer Worlds showcased Obsidian returning to its roots within a modern framework and in its signature style and approach. By leaning into dystopian sci-fi trappings, but with a more humorous and satirical bent, as opposed to "standard" fare like Cyberpunk 2077, the healthy dose of comedy balanced with its other darker absurdities and interesting choice-driven narratives made TOW a hit with both players and critics. It received two DLCs that expanded its lore and world, capping off its positive reception, and The Outer Worlds 2 was officially announced in 2021, which Obsidian has stated will be next in line for development after Avowed is shipped. The Outer Worlds was considered an overall success, and proved that Obsidian still had the chops to produce a AAA FPS RPG that could deliver a satisfying and engaging experience.

Avowed's Promise to Be the Fantasy Version of The Outer Worlds is a Good Thing

Obsidian has long been well-known for its meticulous world-building and engrossing narratives, in addition to fun combat and player-driven plot agency. Given that both Avowed and The Outer Worlds feature these in widely popular genres and settings, but with a more scaled-back approach and philosophy as compared to some of the more massive open-world games out there, their similarities are quite apparent.

But again, this could shape up to be one of the biggest advantages Avowed has going for it, since based on everything seen so far, it looks like it will feel and play very much like The Outer Worlds, at least in terms of broad design elements and other aspects, most of which were embraced by audiences. With the reception of The Outer Worlds and the anticipation for Avowed, there are a number of good reasons to expect it to be just as compelling, if not more so, even if it might reductively be labeled as "The Outer Worlds, but fantasy."