
  • Avowed's companions will likely have their own mini arcs, allowing players to explore multiple stories branching off from the main narrative.
  • Players can expect Avowed's companions to provide various gameplay benefits, including assistance in combat and stat bonuses.
  • Romance options are unlikely to be included in Avowed, as Obsidian is known for prioritizing narrative and world-building while excluding romance for the player.

Obsidian's upcoming action role-playing game Avowed is one of the most highly anticipated titles of 2024 and with justifiable reason. The developer is known for creating vibrant, rich worlds found in its past successes, such as Pillars of Eternity and The Outer Worlds, so fans can likely expect much of the same when Avowed​​​​​​ potentially releases in 2024.

A major contributing factor to Obsidian's rich world-building is each game's companions, who generally accompany players on their adventures and provide unique bonuses and twists to gameplay. Unsurprisingly, it has already been confirmed that Avowed will have companions, and while not much else has been disclosed about the feature, it's possible to anticipate what the companions of Obsidian's new IP will bring to the table based on those of the developer's past games.

Avowed's Companions Have to Be Game-Changers

It currently isn't clear if Avowed will have companion characters but, if the game does, they will need to be game-changers in the RPG world.

What to Expect From Avowed's Companions

Avowed's Companions Will Likely Have Their Own Mini Arcs

Role-playing games that provide players with companions are generally known for giving each companion character a personal story arc, and Obsidian's history shows the developer approaches its games no differently. In past Obsidian games, each companion typically had their own story arc that would ultimately be affected by the player's decisions concerning them. These decisions would then go on to affect each companion's story, including its conclusion.

Avowed's companions have more than likely been given the same treatment, which means players will be allowed to explore several stories branching off from the main narrative. Additionally, if the developer maintains its habit of giving players freedom of choice, each conversation with a companion in Avowed is bound to have several varying dialogue options that will ultimately impact the player's relationship with them and the way their story unfolds.

Fans Should Expect Avowed's Companions to Provide Gameplay Benefits

Aside from the fascinating relationships players can establish with their companions in a game, one of the primary draws of having a companion is the gameplay benefits they often provide. These benefits are typically seen in the assistance companions provide to the player during combat, but they have been known to extend beyond that as well. For example, in Obsidian's The Outer Worlds, companions not only assisted in combat but also provided increased carrying capacity.

Based on Obsidian's past games, players can expect Avowed's companions to bring a variety of gameplay benefits to the table, aside from any way they might assist in combat. It's currently unclear what the full extent of these benefits will be, but Obsidian will undoubtedly be aiming to improve on what it has done with companions in the past. At the very least, companions possessing valuable benefits like the stat bonuses found in past games are to be expected in Avowed.

Romance With Avowed's Companions Is Unlikely

A feature many players look forward to in role-playing games that feature companions is romance. Unfortunately, Obsidian is not known for including romance options in its games, so players should quell any hopes they might have to see them in Avowed. There were romance options available in the developer's first game, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, but its subsequent titles neglected to include romantic relationships.

Unfortunately, Obsidian is not known for including romance options in its games, so players should quell any hopes they might have to see them in Avowed .

Obsidian has never really indicated why it chooses not to include romance options in its games, except with The Outer Worlds, where it clarified that romance options were not implemented due to budget limitations. More than likely, the primary reason behind this choice is that Obsidian chooses to prioritize narrative and world-building that exclude the branching paths romance options would mandate.

It's safe to say that fans have a lot to look forward to in Avowed's companions. Aside from romance, players can expect a variety of features to accompany their companions, including unique stories and a healthy pool of gameplay benefits to boot. In any case, Avowed is almost guaranteed to have a rich world teeming with intriguing characters and locations that are backed up by engaging combat and satisfying role-playing elements.