
  • Avengers: Secret Wars may feature the return of Ian McKellen, who played Magneto in the X-Men movies.
  • The inclusion of McKellen in the film could attract a significant number of ticket sales due to his charismatic portrayal of the character.
  • It remains unclear what role Magneto will play in Secret Wars, as the character's moral ambiguity has been a consistent topic of debate.

Avengers: Secret Wars fans are about to get some satisfaction if a new credible rumor is true. However, that satisfaction may have a bit of a timetable attached to it, thanks to the MCU's love for early announcements.

The upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Avengers: Secret Wars is destined to retain the moniker of "upcoming" for a good long while, but that hasn't stopped the rumors from flying. They've been ranging from the typical suggestions about long-awaited character returns to more robust claims like the idea that Avengers: Secret Wars will be the MCU's version of The Flash. Ideally, that means it will effectively offer a sort of canon reset/shakeup rather than spend too much money before its best dead fish impression at the box office. But now something new and exciting has come up, and it's back in the former category of rumors.

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Noted movie leaker and one of the few remaining reasons to continue checking Twitter, MyTimeToShineHello, has unleashed another whopper. This time, she's setting her sights forward on Avengers: Secret Wars, but not without a longing glance at the classics. Namely, the X-Men will seemingly have a bit of a presence. "Ian McKellen will return in Avengers: Secret Wars," she simply posted, punctuating the claim with a charming gif of McKellen tipping his hat. Seems fitting.

With the movie still several years away, talk of Avengers: Secret Wars remains relegated to speculation. But the return of characters from the beloved X-Men movies has been buzzing for quite some time now. Some have already been confirmed, most notably Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine in Deadpool 3. But the prospect of seasoned acting legend McKellen showing up again with his charismatic take on Erik Lehnsherr, a.k.a. Magneto, sounds like it alone could drive ticket sales.

So, with all that time, this leaves plenty of room for fans to question what role the character will play. The debate on whether Magneto is a hero or villain has raged consistently for the character's entire existence, and it's not difficult to see why. Despite his often horrific acts, his main goal is always the liberation of mutants from being oppressed. But will that gray area storytelling have a place in Avengers: Secret Wars?

Well, there's no way of knowing at this point. But MyTimeToShineHello's track record is pretty solid, with plenty of leaks eventually confirmed over the years. So at the very least, the knowledge that McKellen project may be reliable, if still worth taking with a grain of salt. But hey, maybe they'll throw viewers a curve ball and he'll end up playing Gandalf. So keep those critical thinking skills sharp.

Avengers: Secret Wars is currently set to release on May 7, 2027.

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Source: MyTimeToShineHello/Twitter