Aven Colony has players managing their own civilization that they build from the ground up. This includes managing the wants and needs of the small folk that exists inside the cities built. Making sure the morale and health of the people is important if players wish to see their colony expand even further across the planet.

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Food resources are a vital way of managing the morale and health of colonists. Therefore, making sure to have the best food, be it fresh from the ground or processed into something better, is a key way to keep the SimCity-like game afloat. Not to mention that food variety is also essential to prevent the colony from complaining.

10 Candy In Moderation

Placing down a chemical plant building in Aven Colony

It isn't the greatest resource for players to expect their colonists to survive off of, however, insignificant sweets are a great way to boost up the morale of colonists when in doubt. Candy can be simply made using the Chemical Plant, which is an essential building to establish, as it can create both drinks and enhancers for colonists. Balancing these needs and issues is similar to other well-known simulation city-building games.

Unfortunately, Candy does have its setbacks. Indulging in sweet treats can gradually affect the overall health of the people.

9 Satisfying Soda

A small amount of buildings on a planet with an arch in the background of Aven Colony

Probably the least healthy option in the game, Soda is a great way to boost the morale of colonists. Unlike Candy, Soda not only boosts morale but is also seen as being nourishing to the people that live on this vast new planet.

Managing the intake of Soda is difficult, and players that rely solely on feeding their colonists in this way will risk the health of their people. Soda can be made using Corn Syrup, which is a resource that can be extracted from Corn using the Chemical Plant, where the liquid resource can also be made.

8 Quori Beans

Aven Colony running at 1 times speed as a ship is seen flying away

This raw resource can be found on the alien planets players will inhabit. In its purest form of Quori Spores, which can be grown on a farm, colonists will refuse to consume them, but if processed at a Mill, the community of the colony will begrudgingly eat these “disgusting” beans.

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The perks of growing alien food are that it grows faster than its Earth counterparts, making it an easy crop to harvest consistently early game. Players will not want to focus on only alien food though, as the colonists do prefer flavors that are closer to home, like fresh fruit and vegetables.

7 Quori Pie

A planet with a lot of greenery in Aven Colony

Aven Colony becomes a bit of a cooking simulator when managing the food that the people of the colony demand. Quori Spores can be combined with flour in the Mill to further improve the quality of the food given to the colonists, as they can enjoy a nice slice of Quori Pie.

Those pesky planet dwellers will still not be completely happy as this is an alien food item, which means they would prefer to eat something else. It is still a good idea to craft this resource as it grows faster than most, though the flour will take longer to process.

6 Basic Barley

A dry or desert-like planet with a few buildings in Aven Colony

Unprocessed resources, especially human food, can be just as valuable as fully processed alien products. Barley is one example of this. Players will need to build a farm or greenhouse to grow the produce.

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Eating the plain product isn't a beneficial way of surviving, but beginner players may not have a choice while waiting to construct the Mill where it can be processed. Unlike alien resources, it will take longer to grow and therefore players should be focusing on a variety of different meals to feed the colonists.

5 Plain Porridge

A vibrant planet with buildings in Aven Colony

When advancing further into Aven Colony, players can improve the quality of using Barely to feed their colonists. Constructing a Mill will open up the option to turn Barley into Porridge, which sounds like a very bland meal to torture the people with, but it works wonders.

Although it takes longer to create due to needing to process it from farm to mill, this food resource is of a higher quality. Therefore, meaning it will fill up colonists more than subjecting them to chewing dry Barely.

4 Fresh Broccoli

Top down view of farmland in Aven Colony

Growing delicious green produce is a sure way to please the Earthlings that were shipped away from home to live a new life elsewhere. The fact that vegetables like Broccoli can successfully grow on these lands is surprising enough as it is.

Broccoli grows better in low light conditions and therefore, intergalactic city entrepreneurs will want to keep this in mind when considering their staple resource in food production. Other fresh resources are available, such as Melons or Quinoa, which both have their own specific requirements for growing.

3 Durable Corn

Farms growing produce in Aven Colony

Unlike the other fresh produce, Corn does not have any specific requirements in order to grow on a farm. This means players with enough time can grow corn and then feed it directly to their colonists without an issue.

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Processed meals are more nourishing, however, so although the quality of the crop is high, colonists will still be expecting other food items to go along with it. Players will need to manage growing a variety of foods to find the best strategy to please the people, as keeping the menu the same can be boring to colonists and hinder morale.

2 Pleasing Pasta

Buildings built around a pool of water in Aven Colony

After managing the production of fresh crops, players should focus on food production to create better quality food items for their colonies. By growing Wheat at a farm or greenhouse, players open up the possibility to produce a variety of processed foods by combining its resource of flour with a variety of alien ingredients or keeping it on its own.

As many alien recipes are disliked by colonists, by simply producing Pasta, budding builders can focus on improving their city elsewhere instead of worrying about what to feed their people. It is still important to create some of these alien recipes for quickness of filling stomachs, though.

1 Staple Food Of Bread

Long shot of a planet in Aven Colony with a small amount of buildings

The greatest food of them all in Aven Colony is arguably the simplest, as baking loaves of bread for the hungry colony dwellers is the easiest way to keep them both full and happy. Bread can be easily made at the Mill using flour, which requires players to first grow wheat.

Although this method is simple, players early on should not focus on wheat to originally feed colonists as it can take a long time to grow no matter which map players are building on. With this aside, after solving the issue of starvation through a mix of fresh human crops and alien produce, players can focus on feeding colonists to improve morale over the need to eat.

Aven Colony is currently available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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