The bending forms take center stage in the Avatar franchise, allowing viewers to experience a world filled with the manipulation of natural elements such as fire, earth, water, and air. Even though the four bending styles are the major narratives of the Avatar series, specialized techniques like bloodbending, metalbending, and lightning generation also add flavor to the story’s rich themes, contributing to the series’ value as an entertaining show.

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Regardless of the bending techniques’ awesomeness, they all utilize users’ internal energies, limiting their usage. However, this is different for cosmic energy users since they have access to an abundant source of external energy. Both the Avatar: The Last Airbender & Avatar: Legend of Korra feature this unique energy source, but in subtle ways. However, the concept is explained in Avatar: The Last Airbender. So, what does cosmic energy really entail?

6 Cosmic Energy Is The Antithesis Of Chi Energy

aang meditating

The Avatar series revolves around the concept of chi energy in different ways, especially through the default bending styles. Chi energy plays a central role in benders’ manipulation of natural energy. The energy stems from within the body, an exhaustible supply for powering high-level bending moves and skills.

Conversely, cosmic energy differs fundamentally. Foremost, the energy is present within the atmosphere, so cosmic energy users have an inexhaustible supply source. Consequently, cosmic energy can fuel powerful techniques with little to no pressure on the users since it’s abundant in nature.

5 Cosmic Energy Helps Achieve Emotional Balance

avatar state

Cosmic energy contributes to a healthier lifestyle. An Avatar that has complete mastery of the Avatar State has cognitive powers over cosmic manipulation. When cosmic energy is manipulated and drawn into the body, it manifests as spinning wheels of energy that correlate to huge nerve centers. The cosmic flow improves the nerve bundles, important organs, and the Avatar's psychological, emotional, and spiritual state – establishing a state of equilibrium.

During this state, the seven chakras are cleansed as the energy circulates through the crown, the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, vertebrae column, and root. This helps straighten the spine from the base to the crown of the head, allowing energy to flow appropriately. This helps the Avatar maintain a stronger connection with their spiritual state.

4 Mastery Of Cosmic Energy Enables Users To Achieve Enlightenment


Enlightenment is the attainment of knowledge or wisdom via a condition of awakening. Throughout the Avatar franchise, the Avatar is frequently portrayed as having a sudden realization of a transcendental truth or reality, gaining clarity to the problem. This might indicate the subsequent release of distressing feelings and desires.

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The Avatar is the fore-ordained one who keeps the four nations at peace. Mastery of cosmic energy gradually leads the Avatar towards enlightening – encompassing all human emotions and qualities: love and hatred, knowledge and ignorance, desire and fear. This state grants the Avatar the capacity to handle negative emotions and the ability to reign and oversee the four nations in a good and fair manner. The Avatar is also bestowed enormous strength and insight into the truth during the moment of enlightenment.

3 Cosmic Energy is Linked To Mastery Of The Four Elements

avatar wan using all four elements

The Avatar franchise has four core elements - water, air, fire, and earth. The Avatar's responsibility is to master the four bending arts and use that ability to keep the four nations in balance and peace. The Avatar's impact extends to humanity as well as the spirit realm. Since the Avatar is part spirit, they have an innate connection to the Spirit World and are most strong in that sphere because they are surrounded by cosmic energy.

The Avatar absorbs the cosmic energy in the form of prana, or life force, and delivers it to the various organs, so it can imbue strength and increase its power. By learning how to balance cosmic energy, the Avatar can get the most out of what nature offers, expanding their capabilities and mastery of the four elements. Combining these forces and elements awakens the chakras, the body's primary energy centers, resulting in total health and harmony between the cosmic vibrations and their chakras.

2 Cosmic Energy Is Crucial For Knowledge Transfer Between Avatars

legend of korra aang restoring korra's bending

Knowledge transmission is a common occurrence in the Avatar franchise. The ritual occurs when the present Avatar seeks answers or solutions from a former incarnation. Facts, information, and abilities gained via experience or learning during the period the old Avatar lived are shared with the current Avatar throughout this procedure.

An enormous quantity of cosmic energy, enlightenment, concentration, and a condition of equilibrium are all involved in the process. The amount of cosmic energy an Avatar can harness indicates how strong the Avatar is and determines how long the link to the past can be maintained. At the end, the current Avatar acquires knowledge or familiarity with shared experience, gaining additional insight into their situation.

1 Cosmic Energy Powers The Avatar State

the avatar state

The Avatar State is the most significant and powerful ability that the Avatar can achieve. During the Harmonic Convergence in 9,829 BG, Wan- the first Avatar, permanently linked with the spirit of light by touching the energy streaming through the spirit portal, granting him the ability to access massive cosmic forces. Down the line, the preceding 623 Avatars could easily conjure and manipulate cosmic energy.

The Avatars can also gain the wisdom of prior Avatars, bestowing them superhuman strength, knowledge, and the capacity to conduct mighty and remarkable feats. The Avatar can enter the state unintentionally in reaction to the feeling of a deadly threat, using the state as a defensive mechanism or an emotional shield. The Avatar also has access to bending methods practiced or mastered during their reign.

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