
  • Katara's relationships with characters like Jet and Zuko showcase her growth and compassion throughout the series.
  • Team Avatar's bonds, including with characters like Momo and Suki, play a crucial role in their adventures and growth.
  • Katara's supportive and protective dynamic with Aang, Sokka, and Toph highlights the importance of friendship and teamwork.

Avatar the Last Airbender's impact on pop culture has lasted the test of time, with the newly released Netflix live-action version reinventing the original show. Much of what made Avatar the Last Airbender such an influential and popular cartoon was its enthralling narrative paired with a cast of characters that show growth and maturity throughout the series. One such character in the show was Katara, a caring and compassionate Waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe.

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Sokka develops a lot of friendships throughout his adventures in Avatar the Last Airbender. Here's how they stack up.

After discovering the Avatar, Aang, the pair, alongside Sokka, embark on a journey across the world as they aid Aang in his fight against the Fire Nation. As their journey develops, Katara becomes friends with various characters that benefit her growth as a young adult and her abilities as a Waterbender.

9 Jet

Katara's First Crush

Jet in Avatar the Last Airbender

Jet is first introduced in Avatar the Last Airbender as a calm and collected individual who is the leader of a group of freedom fighters opposing the Fire Nation's rule. After helping Team Avatar take out a camp, the pair are introduced, with Katara immediately having a crush on Jet. The pair hit it off as Jet woos Katara with his base of operations and leadership skills.

After Jet deceives Katara into helping him try to destroy a dam, Team Avatar leaves Jet's camp, with Katara feeling betrayed. Soon after, the pair reunited when Team Avatar searched for Appa, who had gone missing. Despite initially being cold to Jet after his actions, Katara eventually forgives him when Jet is in his dying moments after being fatally wounded.

8 Iroh

Zuko's Mentor

Iroh in Avatar the Last Airbender

As the uncle to Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, Iroh is initially against Team Avatar, although Iroh does not hold as much disdain for the group as his nephew. After numerous run-ins that saw Iroh follow Zuko in his chase for the Avatar, Iroh, and Katara slowly built a bond despite being on opposing sides.

After many confrontations, Iroh eventually rescued Katara and Aang from Zuko and Azula's grasp when all hope seemed lost for Team Avatar. Later, Iroh and Zuko join Team Avatar, with Iroh in particular showing great respect and admiration for Katara and her abilities.

7 Momo

Team Avatar's Loyal Companion

Momo in Avatar the Last Airbender

Being one of Team Avatar's trusty companions, Momo has a strong relationship with every member, including Katara. Despite not many interactions between the pair being shown, the pair have many memorable incidents together. After Momo starts hallucinating due to consuming cactus juice, Katara is there to look after her companion when Momo is incapacitated.

Other interactions between the pair include Momo helping rescue Katara from Zuko by untying her from a tree. Katara greatly appreciated Momo's actions as the pair formed a vital part of Team Avatar.

6 Suki

Sokka's Girlfriend

Suki in Avatar the Last Airbender

In Avatar the Last Airbender, Suki and Katara meet when Team Avatar descends on Kyoshi Island. Katara apologizes to Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors over her brother Sokka's demeaning behavior, which almost puts Team Avatar in a sticky situation. Despite Suki being closer to Sokka, Katara and Suki still have meaningful interactions, with the pair working together to help Ying when she goes into labor.

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Even though it's a children's show, Avatar: The Last Airbender didn't shy away from the topic of death.

With Suki's knack for fighting many of Team Avatar's enemies, Suki joins the group, eventually aiding Katara in the search for Aang, who had been missing.

5 Prince Zuko

From Katara's Foe To Friend

Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender

Being the disgraced prince of the Fire Nation, Zuko becomes set on capturing the Avatar, no matter where it takes him and what he has to go through. With Katara being a part of Team Avatar, the pair become quickly acquainted with each other, with Zuko and Katara failing to see eye to eye due to their differing perspectives. After the pair gets captured, they bond over losing their mothers to the Fire Nation. However, Zuko ruptures their emerging relationship by joining Azula when the opportunity presents itself.

When Zuko joins Team Avatar, Katara disapproves before finally coming around. Later on, Zuko and Katara go on to fight the Fire Nation, with the pair famously fighting Azula, leading to Zuko saving Katara's life in the heat of battle.

4 Toph

Team Avatar's Earthbender

Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender

As one of the strongest Earthbenders around, Toph's inclusion into Team Avatar seemed to be a perfect fit, although, initially, Toph and Katara failed to see eye to eye. Upon joining, Katara was relieved to have a girl join the group on their travels. However, Toph and Katara's opposing attitudes and backgrounds cause the pair to constantly bicker in each other's presence, complicating their relationship.

Over time, the pair eventually grow closer despite their differences, with Toph and Katara coming to admire each other's bending powers.

3 Appa

Team Avatar's Mount

Appa flying in the Last Airbender

From the show's start, Katara and Appa have been vital members of Team Avatar, with Appa being the group's mount for their travels. Both Katara and Appa show great faith in each other's abilities, with Katara trusting Appa to rescue Aang when the Avatar is captured by their enemy, Zuko.

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When Appa gets captured by the sandbenders out in the desert, Katara shows great concern for her companion. When Appa returns to Team Avatar, Katara, among others in the group, is relieved, with Appa being a crucial part of Team Avatar.

2 Sokka

Katara's Brother

Sokka in Avatar the Last Airbender

Sokka and Katara act as the show's main characters alongside Aang, with the pair actively trying to aid the young Avatar in restoring balance to a decimated world. The pair operate differently in a group setting, with Katara often being the more mature sibling than Sokka, whose stubbornness frequently gets the group into trouble.

Alongside the constant sibling disputes, the pair are very protective of each other, with the siblings showing great admiration for each other's respective skills, such as Katara's Waterbending and Sokka's eye for strategy. Despite the constant hardships, the pair stick together through thick and thin to help Aang achieve his goal of saving the world.

1 Aang

Katara's Best Friend

Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender

Being the main protagonist, Aang has a lot of pressure heaped onto his shoulders, although Katara is one of the many who stands by his side as he tries to save the world. The notorious Airbender and Katara hit it off immediately as Katara and Sokka discover Aang trapped in an iceberg.

Upon meeting, Aang quickly develops a crush on Katara, with the young Airbender constantly trying to impress Katara throughout their travels. Despite occasional arguments, the pair's love for each other grows. By the series' end, Katara and Aang become a couple soon after Aang defeats Fire Lord Ozai, restoring balance to the world.

Avatar_ The Last Airbender
Avatar: The Last Airbender

Release Date
February 21, 2005
Nickelodeon Animation Studio
Michael Dante DiMartino
Streaming Service(s)