
  • Climbing to higher heights in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora can lead to rare resources and loot, despite the risk of fall damage.
  • Players should not overlook the importance of plants in the game, as they provide stat buffs for the Na'vi and make exploration easier.
  • Taking a stealthy approach when infiltrating RDA bases is a great way to avoid getting overwhelmed by armored soldiers and mechs.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is Massive Entertainment's attempt at creating a game based in the world of James Cameron's beloved movie franchise, and it's fair to say that those who were eagerly awaiting the game have not been disappointed. This open-world title features a vast number of activities that players can get involved with during their adventure through the Western Frontier of Pandora, but between all of this and the skill tree, the hunting system, and mounts, it can all feel a little overwhelming to begin with.

Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora – All Merchant Locations

There are various merchants in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, and in the game, they’re called Artisan; here’s how players can find all the sellers.

Rather than getting tied up in all these complex systems though, it can be very worthwhile taking on board a few beginner tips and tricks to make those first few hours a lot more enjoyable and fun overall, especially when it comes to exploration. Here are some of the major mistakes that beginners should try to avoid making when they're eventually set free to explore the wonderful world of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

7 Don't Hesitate To Climb To Higher Heights

It Can Be Easy For Fall Damage To Discourage Players From Exploring

Na'avi jumping in between trees in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

The Western Frontier is packed full of giant trees and large hillsides, and while climbing them to reach higher vantage points is definitely a lot of fun, the fact that fall damage is in the game can admittedly make it seem a little risky. However, players shouldn't hesitate about reaching higher heights to find rare resources and loot since the amount of damage dealt from falling isn't enough to make it a serious issue.

Additionally, there are plenty of waterfalls and large pools of water scattered around the open world, which will negate all fall damage, so it's definitely not a bad idea to leap into them to make vertical exploration much safer. There are also a lot of plants that can be found by reaching higher points of the map, so it's well worth making the long and arduous journey to retrieve them.

6 Don't Ignore Plants

Plants Can Provide Some Essential Stat Buffs For The Na'vi

Na'avi pulling a plant from a tree in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

Speaking of plants, they are an extremely valuable resource in the game that can be used in a variety of ways. For example, some plants will be ideal for cooking tasty meals that can replenish a Na'vi's energy while also granting them special benefits, such as improved movement speed or reduced fall damage. Cooking up a recipe is very easy; players can simply gather a few key ingredients and head on over to a capital, camp, or clan home to create a delicious meal to snack on later.

Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora – Where To Find Alma At The Entry Hub (The Wandering Clan Quest)

Finding Alma at the Entry Hub may be tricky if players are stuck searching for her Avatar in Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora.

The game does guide players on how to harvest plants very early on, but it's easy to forget about them entirely, considering just how many other mechanics and resources are in the game. With that being said, though, plants are essential for surviving some of the more brutal encounters thanks to their properties, and they can also make it much easier to traverse the world in general.

5 Don't Be Too Aggressive In RDA Bases

Running Into An RDA Base With Guns Blazing Will Inevitably Lead To A Game Over Screen

Player aiming an arrow at an enemy soldier in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

This is a tip that also applies to the much smaller RDA Installations and Outposts, which can be just as tricky to capture as the bases themselves, but if players want a far easier time, they should avoid going in all guns blazing when taking these areas over. Each of these RDA-controlled areas is occupied by armored soldiers and, in most instances, giant mechs that can easily gun down a Na'vi, so it's often better to take a much more stealthy approach to them rather than acting too aggressively.

Luckily, the game has a plethora of stealth Skills that can allow the Na'vi to be more or less invisible once they set foot on a base. A few of the best ones are Shadow Hunter, which makes it much harder for soldiers to see the Na'vi when they're crouched, Light-Footed Hunter, where they won't make any footstep noises while crouched, and Expert Hunter, where they can deal 25% extra damage to enemy weak spots.

4 Don't Be Shy Around Other Na'vi Groups

Scattered Na'vi Groups Can Gift The Player Rare Resources

Player speaking to a Na'avi in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

During the player's journey across the Western Frontier, they'll come across several small groups and camps of Na'vi who are casually eating food, chatting, or simply just enjoying one another's company. From a distance, it can seem like these are nothing more than NPCs who have been included to help make the world more immersive, but they can actually gift the player some very valuable resources if they make the effort to talk to each of them.

Rare crafting materials and unique types of food are the most common gifts that can be acquired from speaking to Na'vi, saving the player a lot of time from having to seek them out themselves. Sometimes, these local Na'vi will even give the player a hint as to the direction of a side quest, so there really is no downside to talking to them as frequently as possible.

3 Don't Rely On Fast Travel

Fast Travel May Seem Convenient, But It Comes At A Cost

Overworld in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

Fast traveling has been a core mechanic in the open-world genre for almost as long as they've been around, but they actually come with one major drawback in Frontiers of Pandora. Each time the player uses the fast travel mechanic, it will cost them a good portion of their total energy, meaning that if they were to accidentally travel to the wrong area and then fast travel a second time, they would be almost completely drained.

Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora – All Sarentu Totems Puzzle Locations & Solutions (Vision of the Ancestors Achievement)

There are a total of 12 Sarentu Totems that players need to observe to obtain the Vision of the Ancestors achievement in Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.

Because of this, it's essential to save any food for after fast traveling since it can be a complete waste if eaten before. This is admittedly a fairly strange mechanic, but it does at least encourage players to explore the beautiful open-world naturally, which adds to the overall immersion of the game.

2 Don't Ignore Ancestor Skills

Ancestor Skills Can Provide Some Game-Changing Buffs That Make Exploration Much Easier

Ancestor Skills in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

When opening up the very expansive skill tree, it can be all too easy to simply overlook the Ancestor Skills, which are highlighted near the bottom, but considering how game-changing they are, it's a good idea not to ignore them. There's only a handful of Ancestor Skills available in the game, but upon hovering over them, the player simply needs to mark them on the map in order to find out where they're hiding.

As mentioned before, these skills have a massive impact on actual gameplay, with one completely negating fall damage, while another grants the Na'vi a helpful double jump, which is very useful for both exploration and combat. It should be said that more Ancestor Skills will be made available as the story progresses, but there are still a few that players can get their hands on very early on.

1 Don't Get Too Carried Away With Side Quests

Acquiring The Ikran As Early As Possible Will Make Completing Side Quests So Much More Fun

Ikra mount in Avatar Frontiers Of Pandora

This might sound a little strange, considering just how many side missions are available for the player to take on, but there's a very good reason why gamers should try to focus on the main story first, at least for the first few hours. One of the early main missions that players will come across is called 'Take Flight,' where the Na'vi will be tasked with heading to the Ikran Rookerie to acquire their very own flying mount.

The journey itself can definitely be a little challenging, especially for anyone who hasn't taken the time to upgrade their movement and climbing skills. Once players reach the area, though, they'll finally be able to hop on their own pet Ikaru, which will make navigating the open-world so much easier and a lot more fun. Additionally, it also makes it much easier to travel between side quests to complete them in quick succession, which is why it can be a good idea to complete this mission before getting too carried away with side quests early on.

Avatar: Frontiers Of Pandora

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
December 7, 2023
Massive Entertainment