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Enricko Ozoa-Contributor

Enricko Ozoa


PC, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5
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About Enricko Ozoa

Enricko Ozoa is a lover of video games of just about every genre. His particular love for the MOBA and action-adventure genre shows with the 10,000 hours he has on Dota 2 and his ability to beat Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice in under an hour. 

Favorite Console

I particularly love the Nintendo Switch as I have spent most of my time gaming on the go.

Favorite Games

- Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
- Suikoden 2
- Celeste

Proudest Gaming Achievement

I managed to reach the coveted Immortal rank in Dota 2.


Palworld Tower Larry and Rika
Palworld Could Turn Up the Heat on One Traditional Pokemon Mechanic

Palworld may be a unique entry in the monster-capturing genre, but it can benefit from borrowing a particular mechanic from Pokemon.

Hades 2 Umbral Flames Skelly-1
Hades 2's Umbral Flames Needs The Most Work in Early Access So Far

The Umbral Flames may be considered a decent weapon, but its current state is lacking compared to the other Nocturnal Arms in Hades 2.

Palworld's Next Major Update Highlights a Big Issue

Palworld's upcoming update highlights a bigger issue with the game.

Palworld Oil Rig Stronghold
Palworld's Upcoming Stronghold Highlights Its World Design Problem

The Sakurajima update for Palworld shows an upcoming stronghold that players can visit, but its addition highlights the game's world design problems.

Silksong Hornet and Enemy
Why Hollow Knight: Silksong's Possible Size Could Be a Double-Edged Sword

Although Hollow Knight: Silksong intends to be bigger and better than its predecessor, its larger scale and scope may also be to its disadvantage.

Animal Crossing Steve Alex and Villagers-1
Nintendo Should 'Steal' One of Minecraft's Best Community Activities for the Next Animal Crossing

There is one community activity that Minecraft has been doing which Nintendo should seriously consider for its next Animal Crossing game.

Helldivers 2 Spear Support Weapon
Helldivers 2: The Argument For and Against a Spear Rework

The Spear is one of the more powerful weapons in Helldivers 2, but its current state has some wondering whether a rework could benefit or hinder it.

Helldivers 2 Illuminate Symbol with Helldivers
Helldivers 2's Leaked Illuminate Faction Raises One Big Gameplay Question

The rumored coming of the Illuminate faction into Helldivers 2 introduces a question many players will want to know the answer to.

Helldivers 2 HMG sentry Automatons
Helldivers 2 Automatons Could Be the Key to the Most Unique Sentry Stratagem Yet

Helldivers 2 has many different stratagems, but the Automaton threat may be the key that can help develop the most unique one.

Zelda Link Lifting Unknown Item
The Next Zelda Game Could Take One Classic Item in a New Direction

There's one item in the Legend of Zelda franchise that, if it returns, may be taken in a new direction in the next mainline entry.

Animal Crossing Mario and Villager
Animal Crossing Could 'Steal' One Mario Approach To Make Future Spin-Offs More Special

The Animal Crossing franchise has the potential to create unique spin-offs by borrowing one approach that Mario games have been doing for years.

Palworld NPC aggressive smile
Palworld Faces a Tightrope Walk Regarding One Future Mechanic

The future of Palworld may see itself introducing a mechanic that, for better or worse, will drastically change how players approach the game.

Helldivers 2's Black Hole is Its Greatest Point of Immersion Yet

The arrival of a threatening black hole in Helldivers 2 could be a sign of what players will have to defend themselves against.

Sekiro Folding Screen Monkeys
FromSoftware Shouldn't Shy Away from Reusing Sekiro's Folding Screen Monkeys in a Future Game

The next FromSoftware game should consider reusing the things that made the Folding Screen Monkeys work in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

Silksong Hornet and The Knight
Why Hollow Knight: Silksong Referencing the Original Now Could Be a Boon

Hollow Knight: Silksong's long development time may be a good reason to reference many different things from its predecessor.

Palworld Pal Sanity Level
Palworld's Sanity System Could Get Even More Immersive With One Pokemon Feature

Palworld's sanity system can benefit from borrowing a particular feature that has become a staple in the mainline Pokemon games.

Palworld Pal similar to Dusknoir
Palworld: One New Sakurajima Pal Looks Like a Dusknoir Clone

Palworld's upcoming Sakurajima intends to introduce a lot of new Pals, but one resembles Pokemon's Dusknoir a little too closely.

Animal Crossing Companion App Phone
The Next Animal Crossing Could Work Wonders With a Proper Companion App

The next game in the Animal Crossing franchise has the opportunity to implement a companion app that covers every player's needs.

Helldivers 2 EMS and Smoke
Helldivers 2's Smoke and Static Have Suddenly Become Invaluable Stratagems

A recent addition in an update to Helldivers 2 has players reconsidering the value of smoke and static-based weaponry and stratagems.

The Next Animal Crossing Should Revisit an Old Idea from the Original GameCube Version

One big change that the next Animal Crossing title could see is the implementation of an idea originally planned for the franchise's early stages but

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