Game ZXC

Don Parsons-Contributor

Don Parsons


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About Don Parsons

Don Parsons has almost 10 years covering video games with different outlets, with a strong knowledge of the history of video and tabletop games


Darkest Dungeon 2 altar of hope-1
Darkest Dungeon 2 Dev Has Good News for Modders

Darkest Dungeon 2 mod support is coming soon as Red Hook Studios reveals some plans for players to further customize the game.

Wizards of the Coast image with the word Wizards in large letters behind the smaller of the coast , with the A set up like a portal
Wizards of the Coast Addresses AI Concerns

A definitive policy on generative AI in Wizards of the Coast products like Dungeons and Dragons and Magic: The Gathering is now available.

Content Warning Header
Content Warning Drops Big New Update

Landfall releases the first major Content Warning update, bringing a new map, monsters, and more to the highly popular co-op horror game.

Tekken 8 image of Marshall Law with a palm facing forward while flames are coming down, and a weapon held in the back hand
Tekken 8 Reveals Patch Notes for Next Update

The Tekken 8 Patch Notes are here for the upcoming 1.0.4 update in June with plenty of character balancing adjustments coming.