Attack on Titan is one of the darkest action-filled anime series of all time. The story takes place in a fictional world where humans have to hide from human-eating Titans. This show has everything from epic battle scenes, to stunning design, and great characters including some of the most powerful female anime characters ever created.

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Attack on Titan is not for the faint of heart since the show does get violent and fairly bloody many times. It's also one of the best anime like Berserk and is a great choice for fans who're looking for an anime with great plot twists and outstanding storytelling.

8 Ymir Jaw Titan

Ymir the Jaw Titan fighting in Attack on Titan

Even in her human form, Ymir was already one of the most inspiring female characters in Attack on Titan with great fighting skills. However, once she transformed into the Jaw Titan she truly became one of the most powerful creatures in the series.

Fans could see what she's really capable of during the Utgard battle when Ymir decides to attack the other Titans and easily rips other Titans apart thanks to her powerful jaw. Eventually, the Jaw Titan is transferred to Porco Galliard who consumes Ymir after she allows herself to be killed.

7 Hange Zoe

Hange Zoe duringn a battle in Attack on Titan

While Hange is not one of the strongest fighters in the series she's still one of the most powerful characters thanks to her intelligence and great engineering skills. Her Titan research and exceptional weapon creations helped fighters defeat Titans during battles.

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Hange was one of the most beloved characters in the series thanks to her bravery and outgoing personality. However, her character changes after Erwin's death. Hange was also a brave and strong Survey Corp leader who guided her warriors to victory many times.

6 Annie Leonhart

Annie Leonhart looking at the sky in Attack on Titan

Annie was one of the strongest and most exciting antagonists in Attack on Titan. Thanks to her highly analytical thinking and great fighting skills she was deadly both in her human and her Titan form as well.

Annie was also responsible for some of the most epic fights in Attack on Titan since she was able to harden any part of her body in her Titan form which made her almost unstoppable. She was the female Titan with the special ability that let her summon and influence nearby pure titans who would help her during battles which made her all that more dangerous.

5 Sasha Braus

Sasha Braus during a fight in Attack on Titan

Sasha AKA 'Potato Girl' was one of the fan-favorite characters of the show. She was one of the friendliest characters with great fighting skills who came from a small village to fight against Titans. Sasha is also one of the most iconic archers in anime who proved her courage and unmatched talent during many battles against their monstrous enemies.

Her good heart eventually led to one of the most heartbreaking scenes in Attack on Titan when she died from a gunshot wound surrounded by her comrades and friends.

4 Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa Ackerman during a battle in Attack on Titan

Mikasa was famous for her strength thanks to the powers of the Ackerman lineage. She was also a skilled Scout and one of the strongest human warriors. While there were a few mistakes Mikasa made as a leader she was always ready to sacrifice her own life to protect Eren and her fellow soldiers in every battle.

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Attack on Titan fans could see proof of the series' female lead's strength, speed, and bravery during many battles. However, she showed her true strength when she finally killed Eren and destroyed the Power of the Titans, and puts an end to the horrendous battles and the killings.

3 Frieda Reiss

Frieda Reiss biting herself in Attack on Titan

The daughter of the powerful Rod Reiss was one of the strongest of the Titan Shifters. She was the kindest Queen of the Walls before she transformed into the Founding Titan and with her newfound powers, she was able to control the other Titans who were all of the Eldian race.

Frieda was one of the most beloved Attack on Titancharacters who deserved to live. Unfortunately, due to her young age and inexperience, she eventually lost her life during her fight with Grisha who eat her and acquired her memories and powers.

2 Lara Tybur

Lara Tybur in titan form in Attack on Titan

Lara was secretly the inheritor of the powerful war hammer Titan. While she wasn't a skilled fighter thanks to her radical views and hatred she became one of the most dangerous enemies in her Titan form. She could easily kill strong and experienced soldiers and was almost able to kill AoT's lead, Eren Jaeger too.

Lara was not only one of the strongest female Attack on Titan characters but one of the coolest-looking Titans too and was the second strongest in the series. She was not only hard to kill in her Titan form but also in her human form thanks to the almost impenetrable crystal barrier she could form around herself. In the end, Eren was able to crash Lara's crystal and kill her, so he can gain the almost unmatched powers of the War Hammer Titan.

1 Ymir Fritz

Ymir Fritz in Attack-on-Titan

Ymir Fritz is where it all started. She was the first person ever to obtain the power of the Titans but her powers also turned her into a slave. She was not only the most powerful female character in Attack on Titan, but there are many other interesting facts about Ymir Fritz that most AoT fans don't even know about.

As the Titan slave to the Eldian king, she was able to easily conquer entire nations around the world. Ymir's powers were unmatched in the entire AoT series. She died while trying to protect the king from assassination. After her death, the Eldian king forced Ymir's daughters to eat their mother's corpse this way having her powers divided between them.

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