More so than most anime, Attack on Titan has always fundamentally been a story about violence. So much so, that even as the anime finally draws to its conclusion, it seems almost impossible for it to end in any form of peace.

Since viewers first saw wall Maria break in 2013, they've been hooked on Eren Jaeger’s quest for revenge. Fans have watched the Eldians fight with the titans, and since the beginning of season 4, have watched as they turned their fight to other humans across the sea. The more fans learn about the history of Attack on Titan’s world though, the harder it gets to imagine how this can all be resolved. Especially after the story took an apocalyptic turn with the rumbling.

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What is Standing in The Way of Peace?

Attack On Titan The Final Season Part 2 eren titan

To put it simply, a lot. The biggest issue, of course, is the history between the Eldians and the Marleyans. The original King of Eldia oversaw a brutal empire, using the power of the titans to massacre and subjugate everyone who opposed him. In turn, the Marleyans came to do the same, wielding the titans and Eldians as a whole as weapons in service to their imperialism.

Due to this sordid history, all the series’ protagonists have led hard and traumatic lives. Eren and his friends have had to grow up, trapped by the threat of being eaten by mindless titans. Meanwhile, Reiner and the other warriors were raised as child soldiers, trained to use their titan powers for the sake of their oppressors. Both sides have committed atrocities, and killed each other’s loved ones, leading to a cycle of justified hatred.

And then, of course, there’s Eren. His recently revealed desire to genocide the world for the safety of his people means that whether or not he succeeds, their world will be forever changed in a way that will have many negative consequences for everyone involved. As Kiyomi Azumabito reminded Floch, even if the Edlians win, they will likely just start killing each other again, meaning that their constant war will just shift targets again.

What Makes Peace Possible?

Attack on titan campfire scene

Despite all of this mounting animosity, there is a beacon of hope. Despite the guaranteed safety Eren’s genocide offers the Eldians, his closest comrades have chosen to oppose him on sheer principle. Hange especially was very passionate in her insistence that genocide was inexcusable. So with some Eldians actively working to stop Eren, there is a chance that this will show the rest of the world that Eldians aren’t all bad, and are even capable of selfless acts.

In a way, all the pent-up conflict might also make peace plausible. Season 4, Episode 25 is dedicated entirely to a campfire conversation between the warriors and scouts who have teamed up to stop Eren. This meeting saw many of their personal grievances aired, with Jean even getting the true story of how his friend Marco was killed by Annie and Reiner.

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Yet, the fact that they all had so much to be upset about meant that their grievances almost neutralized each other, allowing them all to feel some satisfaction from getting it all out in the open. Besides Jean briefly attacking Reiner, the group managed to discuss their grievances without resorting to violence. There is a chance this could be replicated on a wilder scale to mediate peace between the nations of this world.

Most recently, Episode 27 showed the biggest symbol of cooperation yet. Despite his work training and indoctrinating the warriors, Theo Magath has slowly been showing signs that his anti-Eldian prejudice has been waning. He is implied to have even developed genuine feelings of love for the warrior children he trained, despite them being Eldians. Even though he knew his country was likely doomed, he still chose to stay back and die to protect the rest of the world. This selfless act of sacrifice might end up helping to show the world a new way forward. Especially, since the Azumabito personnel will be able to report the events back to their country, helping to spread the word.

What Will it Take to Achieve Peace?


The efforts of the combined warriors and scouts may still be in vain, but the fact that they were able to come together at all makes reconciliation a possibility. It’s unrealistic to think some form of conflict and hatred won’t persist, but if their cooperation can be marketed as the new way forward for the world, the centuries of bloodshed between Eldia and Marley might finally be at an end. Unfortunately, before any peace can have a chance to bloom, the difficult task of stopping Eren’s plan must be accomplished.

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