When compared to other shonen anime, Attack on Titan offers some of the most compelling characters and unexpected plot turns that the medium has to offer. Fans who have invested themselves in these well-developed characters over the course of the series will likely experience strong emotions at some of these plot changes.

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One of the show's greatest strengths is how it conceals important details about the world's history and legend from the audience until they are revealed alongside the characters themselves. The story of Eren and the world he lives in is gradually filled out as a series of seemingly insignificant details are revealed over time. Fans' emotional investment in these characters makes for some of the most cathartic moments in Attack on Titan, and the experience of watching them suffer is comparable to that of the characters.

7 An Early Traumatic Experience Shaped Mikasa Into A Lethal Warrior


In AOT, Mikasa is one of the fan favorites. The fanbase considers her to be a unique character because of her bravery, devotion, and fighting skills in combat. A lot of people find it difficult to accept Mikasa's past because of how much they care about her.

As a little girl, Mikasa witnesses the murder of her parents at the hands of traffickers who want to sell her in the human-trading market. While Eren fends off two of them, Mikasa has to come to the realization of how cruel the world is, and fight the third trafficker. Fans attribute Mikasa's subsequent icy temperament and fierce will to battle for the sake of her companions to this event.

6 Connie Learns The Tragic News About His Mom

Connie_Mom as a Titan

Connie's goal from the time he enlists in Scout Regiment is to become a well-respected soldier and make his mom proud. Fans see him go from being cheerful to angry and depressed, mostly because of what happened to his mother. Connie's mom's Titan double is discovered by him among the village's ruins.

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This news hits him so hard that he eventually tries to feed a baby to her in an effort to resurrect her. Later, he realizes this isn't what she would've wanted and makes up his mind to prove her wrong by becoming a soldier. Fans who had followed Connie's development will no doubt have been relieved to see him eventually coming to terms with the situation.

5 Accepting Sasha's Death

attack-on-titan-sasha-death (1)

Sasha's laid-back personality and voracious appetite made her a fan favorite. As the show's title suggests, she became known as Potato Girl when she sneakily took a potato out of the military kitchen. Sasha's benevolence ultimately proved to be her undoing.

Sasha had relaxed her guard after saving Gabi, the young woman, not understanding that Gabi was a skilled soldier in her own right. Sasha was fatally shot by Gabi, and her last words were the defining "flesh." Viewers would have been relieved to learn that Sasha survived the battle since she was a likable character.

4 Eren Becoming A Monster In Every Sense Of The Term

Eren Becoming A Monster

The protagonist's gradual transformation into a cold, manipulative, and homicidal killer is one of the most tragic aspects of Attack on Titan. Eren has gone through more hardships than anybody should have to bear, and these experiences have transformed him from a naive and optimistic young man into a bitter and resentful villain.

The irony is that Eren, whose original purpose was to eliminate all Titans, has instead become the most heinous of all. Though he means well, witnessing the scary, gigantic Titan Eren has become caused many to wince at first, even though he was trying to save the planet.

3 Ilse Sacrificed Herself For The Sake Of All Humankind

Ilse Sacrifices Herself

Despite her brief appearance, Ilse provides one of the series' most dramatic scenes. The Titans outside of Paradis were a mystery to Ilse, so she risked her life to investigate. To be more precise, Ilse was the first human to document having a conversation with a Titan.

Hange's studies were greatly impacted by Ilse's personal experience. Hange did not trivialize Ilse's sacrifice for the sake of research and human advancement. Among the most impactful moments in AOT was when she faced certain death while standing firm in the presence of the threat.

2 Armin Or Erwin?

Armin Or Erwin Attack On Titan

Perhaps the most trying time for Levi was when he had to decide whether or not to save Armin's life in favor of Erwin's. He essentially had to decide which was more important to humanity's liberation.

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Levi first agrees to give Erwin a second opportunity, but even when his life is on the verge of being lost, Erwin still raises his arm in defiance of the titan serum. It's possible that Erwin's fight is over, while Armin's is just beginning. It hurts to witness, and it hurts even more to hear Eren and Mikasa beg Levi to save Armin.

1 Erwin's Passing


Truth be told, he personifies the Wings of Freedom, having spent his whole life looking for the perimeters of the city. Truly, he has been instrumental in expanding the world's understanding of the giants.

Because of Erwin's passing, Hange Zoe now handles administrative duties, while Armin is the brains of the operation. Erwin's charisma and authority are no longer present, though. It was heartbreaking to see him depart, even when the sentiments aren't reciprocated. Since Erwin's death, the sense that he could bring people together has likewise faded.

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