The long-awaited finale for the Attack on Titan anime is expected to drop later this year, bringing the story to a close with one last explosive hour of action, emotion, and all round intensity. After the previous installment released earlier in the year, the finale will round out a series that has been on the airwaves for nigh on a decade. Currently, the story finds itself at a difficult crossroads, where the remnants of the Survey Corps and the Marleyan warrior unit have finally landed on the massive skeletal form of Eren's Founding Titan, seeking out ways to halt the advance of his Wall Titans.

Interestingly, this small resistance against perhaps the most powerful character in Attack on Titan is yet to determine a clear course of action to bring him down. In fact, some among the group, such as Mikasa and Armin are still holding out hope of reasoning with their former friend who is now responsible for what is the most large-scale act of genocide carried out in the story. At the moment, Eren's powers seem almost insurmountable, even with multiple titan shifters in tow. However, what the series has demonstrated time and time again, is the unyielding capacity of its cast to overcome unfavorable odds. With this in mind, here are a few ways in which the remaining shifters and Scouts could possibly take down the Founding Titan and end Eren's rampage.

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Severing Ties To The Beast Titan

Attack on Titan The Beast Titan Preparing To Attack The Survey Corps

Eren's access to the Founding Titan power was only made possible through his connection to Zeke — a Titan shifter with royal blood. As the full extent of the Founding Titan's abilities were only available to those of royal blood, the duo had to find a means to circumvent this hurdle, along with the 145th Fritz King's vow to renounce war. By making contact with his half-brother, Eren was able to enter the world of the paths and speak with Ymir Fritz, the mother of all Titans, who had been condemned to sculpt Titan bodies from the sands present there for all eternity. Zeke himself was absorbed into the body of the Founding Titan as he grabbed Eren's severed head, triggering the latter's transformation.

Hence, it might not be a stretch to speculate that having Zeke attached to his body is a crucial factor in Eren's ability to continue the Rumbling. On the flip side, as Eren successfully appealed to Ymir and convinced her of his plan to bring the rest of the world to its feet, Zeke's presence may not be necessary. Regardless of this possibility, there is one member of the Survey Corps — humanity's strongest soldier Levi Ackerman — whose sole purpose is to end Zeke's life and fulfill his promise to his commander, Erwin Smith. Therefore, Zeke could well make a reappearance during the final battle, even if the role he plays will be minor at best.

The Colossal Titan Nuke

Bertholdt's Colossal Titan in Attack On Titan

He might still be Eren's best friend, but the time for Armin to make his choice is finally approaching and the fate of the entire world currently hinges on his resolve, perhaps more than anything else. Till now, his approach has continued to be one of diplomacy, where he still believes that he can reason with his friend, notwithstanding how Eren has repeatedly made it clear that he will not entertain any further discussion. As the 15th Commander of the Survey Corps following Hange Zoe's sacrifice, Armin is the one leading the Scouts and the Warrior unit into battle against Eren, where his experience and tactical acumen will be vital.

There is no doubt that Armin's biggest trump card in this situation are the abilities granted to him by virtue of being the current holder of the Colossal Titan — a role he took on while in the throes of death. The wielder of the Colossal Titan can control the nature and extent of the explosion that gives the Titan its form, with its most violent extreme having been likened to a nuclear bomb. Bertholdt Hoover the previous holder, used it to level parts of Shiganshina during the operation to retake Wall Maria, whereas his initial transformations in Trost and the Fall of Wall Maria only sent out gusts of wind. Armin's use of this power could effectively turn the tide of the battle. Unfortunately, the sheer size of Eren's Founding Titan means it will need to be extremely calculated to target Eren's main body, which could be concealed anywhere within his Titan.

A Frontal Assault On The Nape

Attack on Titan Ymir & Eren As The True Founding Titan

Last but not least, a desperate effort to end the battle could take form through a frontal charge towards the nape of the Founding Titan, where its head is delicately suspended atop threads of sinew linking it to the main body and spine. Although there is little indication of where Eren's true body is hidden, there is a chance of this move at least temporarily halting the advance of Wall Titans, by severing this connection. This could play out in a number of ways depending on what other tricks Eren may have up his sleeve.

The Cart Titan, with its durability and capacity to carry heavy artillery, may be ideally suited to help lead the charge, alongside the Armored Titan. The remaining Scouts could rally and circle around this duo, seeking out openings to either attack Eren's main body or locate it. This would permit a direct attack if a clear path is obtained, or an opportunity for Armin to use his Colossal Titan transformation to decimate the connection between the Founding Titan's torso and its main body, since this link appears surprisingly delicate. While all three of these outcomes hold a fair degree of promise, the Scouts' best chance may stem from a combination of all three, even if that spreads out their numbers and leaves them more vulnerable to attack from all sides.

MORE: Attack On Titan: Is Eren Beyond Redemption?