Attack on Titan has risen in terms of popularity over the past decade due to the story's enthralling and unique plot, unrivaled in the anime franchise. If there's a new 'Big Three,' Attack on Titan definitely belongs to the category because the show has amassed a large viewership and is highly rated on reputable online sources such as IMDB, MyAnimelist, and Crunchyroll.

One of Attack on Titan’s biggest accomplishments is the show’s notable character development. The leading character development is none other than Eren Jaeger, the protagonist of the series, who changes from a good-willed individual to the story’s darkest villain. Apart from Eren, another notable major character that changed in the world of Attack on Titan is Armin Artlet. Armin's growth from a timid character to a self-confident military strategist rival even that of Eren's. So, here's a critical analysis of the character's growth through the four seasons of Attack on Titan.

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Armin’s Timidity In The First & Second Seasons

armin crying

In Attack on Titan’s First Season, Armin was portrayed and was widely framed by viewers as a wimpy character. However, this is not entirely true. In the First Season, Armin was indeed weak and unable to stand up for himself, but he was brave enough to air his 'heretic' opinions, such as his zeal to experience the outside world. From childhood, Armin's intelligence has always been exceptional. However, being groomed in a "fear-filled" world with titans at the helm disallowed the character from blossoming at an early age.

After Mikasa, Eren and Armin enrolled in the Survey Corps, Armin performed poorly due to his in-bred fear of the titans. Armin had very little to offer, unlike the vengeance-driven Eren and the exceptionally-skilled Mikasa. Even on becoming a member of the survey corps, Eren still saved him from a titan's attempt to devour him. This moment portrayed Armin in a bad light, but it was also one of the rare moments that pushed Armin to grow. A few scenes later, he deduced the Attack Titan’s behavioral pattern and managed to use the Titan’s objective against other regular titans.

After his plan worked, Armin gained a little confidence, allowing him to propose an effective plan to his fellow colleagues when they were stuck in the Survey Corps headquarters. At this point, we begin to see a gradual change in Armin's Attitude. In the Second Season, Armin matured as a military strategist, devising an intelligent plan to capture the Female Titan, Annie. His plan works, and his ideals gradually take a drastic turn. Also, in this season, Armin saved Jean by shooting to kill another human. Initially, this was something Armin would never have done, but as a result of his desire to change and to be useful to his friends, his naïve ideals evolved.

Armin’s Sacrifice & Promotion To Commander of The Survey Corps In Season Three

armin discussing with hange

Armin always wanted to be viewed as an equal since the First Season, but his goal proved harder to achieve due to his friends' monumental growth and achievements in the Survey Corps. Lucky and unlucky for him, the chance to prove himself surfaced in the final battle of Shinganshina. The intense battle featured the Beast Titan and its deadly attacks, the death of Erwin and Reiner & Bertolt’s attacks.

RELATED: Attack on Titan: How Much Has Mikasa Changed Since Season 1?

In this battle, Armin sacrificed himself for the greater good, dying a noble death deserving of a member of the Survey Corps. After sharing an effective strategy, Armin deceived Bertolt's Colossal Titan, allowing it to expend all its energy into a steam attack. Bertolt’s attack backfired as the steam release only allowed Eren to wrench him from the Colossal Titan, putting an end to the tiresome battle. However, the cost of the plan was too great as Armin was scorched alive by the steam emanated from the Titan. At this moment, Eren earned the heartfelt respect of his friend, Eren through his life-sacrifice attempt to save others, increasing the character’s morale and confidence.

In the final arc of Attack on Titan's Third Season, the Survey Corps was faced with a critical decision involving the choice of revival between Armin and Erwin, the dead Commander. After a series of critical thinking, Captain Levi permitted Armin’s revival. This factor, combined with Armin's promotion to the Commander of the Survey Corps, contributed to the character's biggest growth in the series. Guilt plagued Armin because he was chosen over Erwin; however, it helped him measure up to the future roles required of the Commander of the Survey Corps. Undoubtedly, the Third Season of Attack on Titan hosted Armin's biggest character growth. Here fans witnessed the character abandoning his timid self and gaining confidence as a leader in a critical position that can make or break Paradis Island.

Armin’s Final Acceptance that Eren Is The ‘Bad Guy’ In Season Four

armin about shift into a titan

Armin grew up with Eren and Mikasa, so naturally, it's understandable that he would want to believe the best of them. In the first part of Attack on Titan's Fourth Season, Armin still believed in Eren, hopeful that there was meaning behind his sudden, strange actions that would be beneficial to all. Much of this was seen when he openly remarked that Eren would not go along with the Zeke-inspired euthanization plan.

However, in the second part of the Final Season, Armin finally realizes and accepts that his childhood friend has changed into a coldhearted & malevolent individual. Putting his feelings aside and teaming up with Marleyans, he decides to stop Eren from causing continental genocide. Armin's growth from a timid wimpy kid to a Commander that makes the hard choices, even to his dismay, is certainly one of the best character development in Attack on Titan.

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