Assassin’s Creed Odyssey brought with it some of the best characters and stories in the whole series. The game has it’s ups and downs, as all games do, but Odyssey’s bittersweet plotline and characters bring the player into the ancient greek world.

RELATED: Assassin's Creed Odyssey: 5 Reasons To Play As Alexios (& 5 To Choose Kassandra)

Kassandra, being the canon hero, gets a lot of praise. It’s certainly well earned, as there is a lot to love about the character. But it does mean that her brother, Alexios, doesn’t always get the credit he deserves. Alexios is as amazing and fleshed-out as Kassandra, and the choice between characters mostly comes down to what you want from the game.

10 He Is: Alexios is in Touch With His Emotions

While the dialogue for both characters is very much the same, visually, they are very different. Kassandra keeps her head during most situations, but Alexios is much better at showing the raw emotions inside him.

From the tears and pained expression when he found Myrrine or said goodbye to Phoibe, to the many moments of explosive anger, Alexios tugs at our heartstrings and takes us into the moment. Given that the game can be an emotional rollercoaster, this is important! Alexios shows that you can be a strong Misthios and still let yourself cry!

9 He Isn't: Kassandra Subverts Expectations

While Alexios is an excellent hero, and arguably more historically accurate, Kassandra being the canon character gives the story an extra layer of depth.

Two examples of this are the Olympic Games, where Kassandra steps in to be the champion despite the original champion being male and women historically not being allowed to compete in the Olympics. Another is Leonidas stating in the prologue that he wished he had gone fishing with his son, then fishing with Kassandra in Fate of Atlantis. This subtle subversion of the expectation make the story more engaging.

8 He Is: Alexios Looks the Part

Alexios's appearance more closely matches those of the traditional Assassins Creed heroes. But, more importantly, he matches the profile of a Spartan hero who lived a rough life. He has visible scars across his body and face, along with his rough stubble and messy man-bun! It's small details like this that make him a better match for the story.

RELATED: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey: The 10 Most Important Choices You’ll Have To Make In The Game

Kassandra, on the other hand, looks youthful, has a neat plait, and less scarring. However, this is also a note of the unrealistic expectations we have for women's appearances, even in video games!

7 He Isn't: He Wouldn't Have Blended in Well Over Time

Kassandra being less rugged is a disadvantage for drawing you into the game, but, when it comes to being immortal and living for two and a half millennia, she would have had better luck.

Kassandra and Alexios both appear before Layla in Atlantis in the same conservative, modern suit. However, Kassandra pulls it off, and Alexios does not. Sure, than man-bun may have come back in fashion, but the suit doesn't fit Alexios's style or his rugged appearance. If Alexios has been walking around like that, there is no way he would have blended in!

6 He Is: Alexios's Queer Romances

Although all romance stories are optional to the player, it's made clear through their responses that both Alexios and Kassandra are canon bi-sexual. This isn't something that should be brushed aside, as having a canon queer protagonist is rare in video games.

Certain romances, most notably the Thaletas story, works so much better with Alexios. It presents a well written, heartwrenching male romance that is severely lacking in video games. It also adds more emotion to any ending you get with Thaletas, particularly if both he and Kyra survive!

5 He Isn't: Kassandra is a Strong Female Lead

While it is refreshing to see a well written queer male romance, Kassandra being a strong-headed, independent, queer female character isn't something that should go unnoticed. The majority of the Assassin's Creed heroes are male, as are the majority of game protagonists.

Given that the story is the same for Kassandra and Alexios, she is treated as his equal. No one doubts her abilities or her work. While her being the canon character does shove Alexios out of the limelight, she is the female lead we all need!

4 He Is: Alexios Has Good Chemistry With Side Characters

One of the things that makes Assassin's Creed Odyssey is it's amazing side characters. It has a great cast of characters, all of which relate to the Misthios in different ways.

Alexios clicks with these characters much better than Kassandra. Conversation between them feels more familiar and more playful. The dynamics between Phoibe, Alkibiades, Markos, and Sokrates flow more easily with Alexios. Kassandra's feels less friendly and gives more business than pleasure vibes. Alexios shows much more friendship and affection. The jibes, sarcasm, and wit feel more natural with Alexios.

3 He Isn't: Alexios Doesn't Talk Like a Hero

Kassandra's voiceacting often gets praised higher than Alexios's. Really, what it comes down to is what choices you plan on making and what you want from the character. The sarcasm, wit, and smack to other characters work much better with Alexios, but noble declarations of God-like ability come better from Kassandra.

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It's good that Alexios doesn't take himself so seriously, but, sometimes, it can take you out of the moment. Alexios sounds more playful, but Kassandra sounds more like someone who will go down in history.

2 He Is: Great Chemistry With Ikaros

Alexios coming across as more playful than Kassandra, and his better chemistry with side characters are the perfect ingredients for a good master-pet relationship.

The small interactions with Ikaros and Alexios are very sweet. If Alexios stays still long enough Ikaros lands on your arm, so you can pet and talk to him. The dialogue here is very cute! "Ew, your breath smells like a ,dead mouse!" Ikaros may be a gift from Zeus and the reason for the title "Eagle Bearer," but he is also a loyal, cute pet!

1 He Isn't: Alexios Doesn't Act His Age

The timeline for Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a small matter of debate among fans. The story appears to take place over a few years at most, but, based on historical events, it's about a nine-year journey.

So, while Alexios's playful voice and being a better match for the smack talk works at the beginning when the character is in his early twenties, as time goes on you'd think he'd mature a little more. Then again, someone with a life as tragic as Alexios's should look for fun wherever they can!

NEXT: Ranking All 11 Assassin's Creed Games