Using Unreal Engine 5, an Assassin's Creed fan has shared a concept of what the franchise might look like if set during World War 2. While a lot of people enjoy the Assassin's Creed games for a variety of reasons, many gamers are always excited to see which historical setting the franchise will explore next. Already, the Assassin's Creed games featuring Ezio explored Renaissance Italy, Assassin's Creed Odyssey let players sail around Ancient Greece, and Assassin's Creed Origins finally showed what an Ancient Egyptian game in the series would look like.

Alongside the historical settings already covered by the series, there are plenty of other locations and time periods fans would love for the games to explore. Some of these are coming in future titles, such as Assassin's Creed Red which finally brings the franchise to Feudal Japan. However, there also some themes that fans have been requesting for some time but haven't had a full Assassin's Creed game dedicated to them yet.

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One of the settings that Assassin's Creed fans would like to see is World War 2. While there currently aren't any announced plans from Ubisoft to make a World War 2 Assassin's Creed game, YouTuber TeaserPlay has shown what one could look like in a new video posted to their channel. Running at just under two minutes, the concept uses the power of Unreal Engine 5 to create a visually impressive version of German-occupied Paris.

Leaping from a rooftop, the video begins with an assassin as they quickly dispatch two Nazi guards before working their way towards the main target. After showing two stealth kills, the video then reveals more of the concept's environment before finishing with the primary target being eliminated. A lot of fans praised the TeaserPlay's concept in the comments, wishing for an official Assassin's Creed game set in World War 2. Technically, while there hasn't been a full game dedicated to the era, there were some elements of the war during certain missions in Assassin's Creed Unity. Considering how fans appreciated the World War 2 parts of Assassin's Creed Unity, it makes sense for Ubisoft to capitalize on that with a full WW2 game in the future.

Alongside creating the concept for an Unreal Engine 5 version of Assassin's Creed in World War 2, TeaserPlay has made a bunch of other videos showing what games would look like in the engine. Previously, the YouTuber has created a concept for what an Assassin's Creed in Japan would look like, and they've even shown off an Unreal Engine 5 remake of Assassin's Creed 2.

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