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Assassin's Creed Valhalla includes more than eighty weapons for players to craft and discover. There are might even be a few weapons that are yet to be discovered. So far, gamers have found a handful of weapons that are extremely rare or seemingly impossible to unlock. These "secret weapons" are coincidentally some of the best weapons in Valhalla.

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Instead of wandering aimlessly after the main storyline, players can use this guide to find each of the rare hidden weapons in the game. Listed below are all of the identified secret weapons in Valhalla, with a description of how gamers can get each one.

Updated on September 12, 2021 by Payton Lott: Players that have already finished the main England storyline in the game can pick up four different mythical weapons in Valhalla. Mythical weapons have special traits that make them unstoppable in-game. Each of these weapons was hidden by the developers, and gamers will have to complete particular tasks to unlock each mythic. Mythical weapons are powerful, but most people will want to collect them because of how incredible they look and feel. To acquire the four additional secret weapons in Valhalla, follow the sections below. This updated guide will also include detailed stats on all of the weapons, including damage, skill tree, critical, stun, and abilities. Not all secret weapons are created equal, but most will be far superior to those that can be unlocked organically.


assassins creed valhalla excalibur

The most famous sword of all time is found in Myrddin's cave in north Hamtunscire. To pull the sword from the rock, people must finish all of the Caverns of Trials. Each trial rewards one of the Treasures (Tablets) of Britain. There are three additional treasures that gamers will need to find. These are dropped by three zealots of England: Hrothgar, Heike, and Woden.

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With all eleven tablets, players can walk into the cave and make it past the dozens of obstacles to find the sword. There will be a dead end with a pool of water after the jump obstacles. Hop into the pool and follow the underwater tunnels to reach the final series of obstacles. In the room that houses Excalibur, place all eleven of the tablets in the pillars to pull the sword from the ground. The legendary Excalibur now belongs to Eivor.

  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Damage: 130
  • Speed: 42
  • Stun: 138
  • Critical: 88


Heavy final blows and critical hits with the sword blind all nearby enemies.

Noden's Arc Bow

Valhalla Secret Isu Bow

The mythical bow can be found north of Eurvicscire on the lake southeast from Brunton Turret on the edge of the map. It is the second lake to the east of Housesteads. On the lake, there is a small island. The bow is hidden in a rock right on the island. The shimmering pile of rocks can only be broken at sunset with Excalibur.

When it is close to sunset, players need to make sure to take several swings at the rock. There is only a very small window in which the pile will break apart. If they get the timing right, gamers will get the Nordens' Arc Bow.

  • Type: Bow
  • Damage: 114
  • Speed: 47
  • Stun: 127
  • Critical: 103


The bow does more damage the farther away a target is.

Gungnir Spear

assassins creed valhalla gungnir

Gungnir is a fan favorite weapon in Valhalla. To get it, players will need to travel all the way to Hordafylke in Norway. On the northeast end of the map there is a cave, which players will remember the cave from the end of the England storyline. At the fork in the cave, take a left to find the spear.

The only requirement to pick up Odin's spear is that Eivor must be with his/her brother, Sigurd. Simply grab the spear off of the wall to wield it. The spear's effect extends beyond the visible parts of the weapon, making it the longest melee weapon in Valhalla.

  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Damage: 99
  • Speed: 49
  • Stun: 104
  • Critical: 96


The spear's reach is extended by a force field.

Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer)

Eivor finds Thor's Hammer in Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Thor's Hammer is located between the Gungnir Spear and Hordafylke on the map. Players will find the hammer on the north border of the map in Norway. To pick up the sword, Eivor must be wearing all of the pieces of the Thor armor set. Thor armor pieces are rewarded for defeating all of the Daughters of Lerion. For the final piece, the cape, Eivor must defeat all of the Members of the Order and deliver the 15 medallions.

Only then can Eivor wield the magical hammer. Considering its mythical origins, it is no surprise that the hammer has a lightning effect that will sometimes stun enemies after a successful hit.

  • Type: One-Handed
  • Damage: 112
  • Speed: 44
  • Stun: 151
  • Critical: 87


Every hit has a chance to do stun damage to all enemies around.

  • Chance in normal hit: 33%
  • Chance on finisher: 100%

Gorgon Shield

Gorgon Shield Valhalla

Players will need to grind for hours to unlock the Gorgon Shield. To unlock it, people will need to find all of the Roman Artifacts in the game. There are a total of 52 artifacts scattered throughout the world. While the objective is slightly easier than the Swordfish below, it will take an inordinate amount of time nonetheless. The Gorgon shield has a chance to poison enemies after a parry, which will inflict ticks of poison damage over time. The exact frequency is unclear, but poisoning following a parry seems to be anywhere from 20-50%.

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The Gorgon shield is essentially the same as the Blodwulf shield from the campaign, with an added chance to poison enemies. The ability is awesome to have, but it might not be worth all of the extra effort. Gamers can just use their level two poison strike, which will poison enemies with every attack, and equip the Blodwulf shield.

While the Gorgon shield certainly looks cool, finding all of the artifacts will be tedious. Even if players know the exact location of every artifact, the travel time alone will be several hours of gameplay. Completionists are encouraged to get out there and find all the artifacts, but casual gamers probably do not have the time to travel to and from 52 different locations.

  • Type: Light Shield
  • Damage: 88
  • Speed: 54
  • Block: 110
  • Stun: 156
  • Critical: 80


Chance to poison your weapon on parry.


Fishing Valhalla

The Swordfish Great Sword is the most frustrating weapon to unlock in the game. First, players will need to build the fishing hut in their settlement. Next, they will need to do a lot of fishing. To unlock the sword, players will have to complete all of the fishing hut challenges in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Apparently, there are a few bugs with the fishing challenges in Valhalla, and it is unclear whether they have been addressed. The best strategy to get all of the fish is to use the bow instead of a fishing lure. The bow with Focus of Fournier will be much more efficient, as long as players hit their shots.

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Upon completing all of the challenges, players will have to complete one additional objective. After hours of fishing, gamers will be able to wield the powerful Swordfish. The great sword hits hard and has a high chance of stunning enemies. Fallen enemies are also set on fire by the Swordfish. The two-handed sword is a great weapon to use, but it looks a little goofy. There are better sword options in Valhalla, and players can use runes to recreate the fire effect. Unless someone wants the sword as a gimmick, the countless hours of fishing will not be worth the effort.

  • Type: Two-Handed
  • Damage: 144
  • Speed: 46
  • Stun: 150
  • Critical: 110


Heavy hits set fallen enemies on fire.

Magyar Hunting Bow

Hunting Valhalla

It should come as no surprise that the requirement to unlock this bow is to complete all of the hunting challenges. Players will first need to build the hunting hut and they can then begin completing the challenges. They will find that the hunting challenges are far easier to get through than the fishing objectives. Hopefully, players have already completed some of the delivery challenges by turning in items at the hut. The final challenges require killing legendary animals.

The Magyar Bow will stun any enemy that it hits in one of their weak points. After the first arrow is fired, players can take enemies down from range or melee them while stunned. Either way, the bow is an incredible asset when fighting high-level enemies in Valhalla.

Unlike the prior two weapons, the Magyar Hunting bow is definitely worth committing to a few hours of objective gameplay. The bow looks amazing and provides an ability that no other bow has in the game. Players that want to get the bow as fast as possible can turn the difficulty down and use Focus of Fournier to hit perfect shots. Quiver upgrades and arrow retrieval skills will help as well. On higher difficulties, gamers will want to have the Charged Shot skill to deal more damage per arrow. Bears and other large creatures can sustain a few charged arrows, however.

  • Type: Bow
  • Damage: 94
  • Speed: 47
  • Stun: 121
  • Critical: 101


Stun chance increases when hitting enemy weak points.

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