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As soon as players start the Sciropescire arc of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, they'll find themselves embroiled in a complex political web. Ceolbert from Ledecestrescire is set to become Ealdorman of the Sciropescire, but not until an ongoing war between the shire and Briton's king is resolved. Eivor goes along with Ceolbert to help with the negotiations, though the incumbent Ealdorman also insists that Ivarr come along.

Unsurprisingly, this ends up being a bad idea, with Ivarr stirring up more trouble than needed at the negotiations. In response to this, the Bishop standing in as Ealdorman gives Eivor a hefty sum of silver, valued at 650, and asks them to use it to smooth negotiations out. At this point, Assassin's Creed Valhalla players have to decide who to give it to.

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Players should talk to everyone in the room, but ultimately there are only four choices. The silver can either go to Ivarr in hopes of cooling his temper, King Rhodri's brother who promises to depose his older brother and leave Sciropescire in peace, King Rhodri's wife who implies that the money may help King Rhodri see more clearly, or King Rhodri's advisor who assures Eivor he could steer the king towards peace. Alternatively, Eivor can lie to the bishop and keep the silver.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla 650 Silver Gift

Ultimately, it doesn't matter who players give the money to, as Ivarr will lose his temper and kill the king's brother regardless. Since this is Eivor and Ceolbert's only real leverage at the peace talks, everything goes to Hel in a handbasket very quickly. With that in mind, the story will progress the same way regardless, but the player's choice will affect whether or not they walk away with any money.

Giving the money to either Ivarr or the advisor means it is lost forever. Even if players encounter those characters in the future, they can't loot the 650 silver from them. Giving the money to the king's wife will result in a special brooch being given to the player at the end of the quest line, but this is just a sell item that is worth much less than 650 silver. Finally, giving the money to the king's brother will allow players to loot it after he dies, so this result is the same as lying and keeping it.

Ultimately, players should either keep the money, give it to the brother, or give it to the King's wife, as these are the only ways that players will get anything out of a choice that otherwise doesn't matter. For those roleplaying Eivor accurately, it probably makes more sense to choose one of these options over giving it to Ivarr or the advisor anyway, as neither of these two seem very trustworthy.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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