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Like those before it, Assassin's Creed Valhalla gives players many different romance options throughout their adventures. While some of these are rather quick, others are more drawn out endeavors, and can end up leading to some pretty interesting moments. To those that may want to experience this romance option themselves, be warned that there are light spoilers ahead.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla's romance options take a wide variety of forms, but the romance with Broder is arguably one of the funniest of them all thanks to the choice players have to make towards the end of the quest. At a certain point during the romance, players will be asked to choose between two names to call their new lover, and what they choose will determine how Broder reacts.

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In order to romance Broder, players must first complete the East Anglia alliance quest. Throughout the course of this adventure, they'll get to know two brothers, Broder and Brothir, both of whom don't seem too fond of Eivor at first.

AC Valhalla Brothir or Broder guide

Thankfully, over time one of the brothers begins to lighten up a bit, and actually ends up taking a liking to Eivor, sparking a chance for romance in Assassin's Creed Valhalla. During the wedding party at the end of the quest, players will be approached by this brother as he attempts to initiate a romance. Players of course have the option of whether or not they want to go through with it or not, but doing so leads to some interesting interactions between the two.

Assuming the player completed this Assassin's Creed Valhalla quest and accepted the brother's advances, Eivor has a choice to call their new lover either Broder or Brothir, seemingly getting the two brothers confused. Given the similarity of the two's names and their appearances, most players can't fault Eivor as they make the same mistake as well. The correct choice here is to call him Broder, as Brothir is actually his brother, but mischievous players may opt to call him by his brother's name instead. If the player chooses to refer to him as Brothir, Broder is shocked, realizing that Eivor must have thought he was actually his brother instead. The whole interaction is hilarious, though one has to feel kind of bad for Broder in all of this.

There's no repercussions for either choice, so players should go with whichever option sounds more entertaining to them. It seems equally likely that Eivor would have forgotten which brother they just slept with, so canonically speaking it seems like either answer would be fine as well.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Orlog Guide