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Assassin's Creed Valhalla made boss battles much more prevalent than they have been so far in the series, and one of the best places to see that is when fighting the Daughters of Lerion. These three sisters each wield powerful magic and fight with the ferocity of wild animals, and it will take both ample preparation and skill to win these fights.

The second of the sisters is Regan, and she wields magic just like her sister Goneril before her. Instead of poison, Regan conjures up fire to make her attacks even deadlier, so players will want to be prepared for that. Thankfully, there's a lot of useful skills in Assassin's Creed Valhalla that can make this fight easier.

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The most important thing players can do is reassign their skill points to unlock Brush With Death. This skill slows down time whenever the player dodges an attack at just the right time, and it's really the only way that Eivor will be able to get in and deal damage to Regan. There are also several skills that should be forgotten in favor of other ones.

For the most part, archery is useless as Regan will teleport out of the way if Eivor fires an arrow at her, so players should just stick with a light bow to hit weak spots during the slowed time and trigger a stun attack easily. Archery based skills and the one that lets players catch projectiles also won't be much help her. Instead, players want to focus on skills that help in one on one melee combat.

In terms of the actual fight, there are several techniques that players will have to watch out for. During the first phase of the fight, Regan will make use of two main attacks. The first is an unblockable leap that should be dodged at all costs, while the second is a predictable spin attack that is easy to parry. Baiting this spin attack is a great way to get some hits in on her. Aside from this, she also has a move where she kneels down and leaps towards Eivor, grabbing them and dealing heavy damage if it connects. With all of her attacks, players will want to avoid a fiery after image that strikes just after she does. She also can parry Eivor's attacks if the player gets too greedy, so be conservative with counterattacks against this difficult Assassin's Creed Valhalla boss.

After she reaches half health, Regan will cause an AoE explosion around her. From here on out, she'll create trails of fire as she moves that players will need to account for and will attack with more vigor. Ultimately, the same strategy still applies: bait and parry her spin attack or dodge her jump attack to trigger Brush With Death. Players will need to be patient and at times this fight may feel insurmountable, but it rewards them with a piece of Thor's Armor for their perseverance.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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