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One of the most unique weapons in the game, many players will be looking for the shortest route through Assassin's Creed Valhalla to get the best precision bow in the game— Petra's Arc. However, like many good things in life, there's a lot more that goes into it than first expected. From battle training for the final challenge to picking what gear will get you the best results, retrieving the bow becomes a daunting task for those who haven't decided on a plan of action. Obtaining this powerful weapon can prove a hard-fought battle, but it's worth the struggle.

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Luckily, locating it isn't particularly tough—but it does reside in one of the more difficult regions in England, making it important to complete other areas before diving headfirst into Suthsexe. It also requires a particularly tough foe to slay, the legendary Battle-Sow.

Being an open-world romp, Valhalla will tempt some players into the trap of heading directly to the prize. But while this may work for some veteran Vikings, this will surely end in disappointment for unfit challengers. However, this guide will help players prepare for the task at hand, allowing an easier, and more effective run in slaying the beast and scoring the awesome Petra's Arc.

Updated on December 31, 2021, by Stephen LaGioia: With so many fortifications to breach, and so many strong foes populating the vast lands of AC Valhalla—having a strong, solid bow is usually a good idea. This is especially true with Ubisoft's DLC add-ons like Siege of Paris and River Raids, which throw in even tougher enemy strongholds and opponents.

And while the studio has also released a slew of new weapons and armor since this piece, Petra's Arc still shines as a top-tier bow for Viking sharp-shooters. It thus seemed fitting to take aim and revisit this guide, filling in some details and updated information.

About The Petra's Arc Predator Bow

Valhalla Inventory

Anyone who likes to play the ranged game will likely be hunting for this weapon, which is among the best bows and perhaps one of the game's best weapons in general. Petra's Arc is a rare bow that can truly make an impact in late-game challenges and against beefier foes.

The bow is often compared to a sniper rifle, which isn't too far off the mark. Like those rifles, Predator Bows like these grant the player the most precise, steady aim to be found in the game with its first-person perspective and zoom mechanic. Unfortunately, this means The Arc's slow, cumbersome speed in reloading and aiming is also similar to a sniper rifle, but it's well worth it.

Petra's Arc also has a handy perk that often comes in handy when not in the thick of battle—increasing the chance for critical hits when health is near full. This combined with its long range allows players to inflict major damage effectively, and at a safe distance.

Base Stats













Rune Slots




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Where Is Aelfred's Battle Sow?

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Aelfred's Battle Sow paw print on map Suthexe

To slay this beast and get Petra's Arc, players first must find where the animal is lurking. The Battle-Sow resides in Tuicca's Farm in Suthsexe.

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This is southwest of Croindene, and to the east of Briggsworth island. It can be found within a small stone wall that surrounds a few bulls standing around. Get ready, because it'll likely be charging at Eivor quickly.

Tips For Slaying Aelfred's Battle Cattle

Legendary Animal Valhalla

Note: Taking on a legendary animal isn't restricted by level or story, making it possible for the under-skilled or underleveled to run headfirst into the fire. But however tempting it may be for bragging rights and getting a great weapon early on, taking a weak assassin in isn't recommended.

Additionally: Equipping gear that's potent yet light is usually a good idea. Find something mobile enough to stay away from the charging beast, while having enough protection to survive a big hit in case of emergency.

The aptly named Battle-Sow is a powerhouse with a bad temper, but it's easily avoidable for those who can navigate the entire battle area and utilize dodge and parries.

  • The first phase will be drawing the Sow into taking damage, hitting its weak points that appear on the side. This means dancing around quite a bit, as the bull can attack when the player is both in front and behind the beast.
  • The bull has a few primary attacks, which are a charge, headbutt, and kick.
  • Fire and Poison will be a safe bet to quickly wear it down, with ranged weapons being the preferred method for most people.
  • The second phase is when things get interesting. This triggers when the Sow reaches half health. At this point, the bull will call on smaller cattle to attack at the same time, creating some disruptions and chaos.
  • Try to lure the beast away from its herd when possible and hone in on the Sow.
    • Focusing on the target and taking down the Sow will call the others off and makes the fight much less chaotic to deal with.
  • Dodging to slow down time will give the players some time to focus and deal some heavy damage without worrying about the excess noise.
  • Players can utilize a sort of quasi slow motion by using their Focus of the Nornir ability, which is quite helpful against the speedy bull.
  • Miasma is also useful, as it creates a toxic cloud that triggers during an enemy death. This is ideal for gaggles of smaller foes like these cattle.

Once the bull is defeated, players will be rewarded with a hefty amount of XP, +1 Suthsexe Mystery, 85 Leather, and of course, the coveted Petra's Arc.

For more information on other Legendary Hunts, players can visit this handy detailed guide.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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